This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1940 The whole line is blooming, making money!

Chapter 1940 The whole line is blooming, making money!
"Solo kill! Level [-] solo kill!"

Wanwan's tone couldn't contain her joy: "It has to be Brother Chengzi! It's too fast! A two-minute solo kill."

Zeyuan: "Impact was a bit careless. When he saw the captain put the bucket, he neither grabbed the bucket nor retreated earlier. Brother Chengzi immediately flashed his face after sealing the position with three consecutive buckets."

"Fuck!So easy to kill? "

"Why isn't Captain Abin's style of painting like this?" "

"Being Killed by Line With Ignition?"God defying Gwen! "

"Just now Captain Q couldn't hold down his blood volume for a long time, how did he flash up and kill Gwen with so much blood?" "

"The captain who plays the knife is like this, it is much higher than the captain who only knows Q"

"No one noticed Wanwan said Brother Cheng Zi is too fast (funny)"

"Brother Chengzi's style review was murdered! (dog head)"

"Find me every night!I definitely surpass Brother Chengzi's 2 minutes"

"I Can Last 4 Minutes!"Twice as big as Brother Chengzi (Proud)》

"unbelievable! "

Lin Cheng hit a solo kill in the second level, and the fans cheered enthusiastically.

Feeling the atmosphere of the scene through the earphones, Lin Cheng mischievously nodded towards the camera.

The director quickly gave a playback.

Originally, Gwen hit a set of damage in the second game and suppressed the captain's blood volume to less than half. Gwen, who has the advantage of ignition, does not seem to be at a disadvantage in the scene.

But it was Oki's choice of position that gave him the opportunity.

He chose to walk on the flanks to hide from the barrels, as if he believed that Lin Cheng would not hand over all the three barrels in his hand to fight and consume them.

That's the normal case.

It takes a long time to recharge the first-level barrels. When facing an opponent with ignition, the old captain will generally not use all three barrels in his hand. At least one should be kept in his hand for retreat when the opponent comes all in. .

With Gwendolan Shield going out, Damu thinks that even if this wave is blown up by the captain's barrel, it doesn't matter much.

But he didn't expect that Lin Cheng seized the opportunity given by his position to get a distance, and directly Q flashed up to brush the double fire knife.

When the first barrel exploded, the flashing captain's basic attack just made the fire knife. After the barrel was blown up, the opponent was slowed down, and the second fire knife completed the kill.

Wanwan: "Brother Chengzi is so confident in his operation! The Q flash basic attack just hit the double fire saber. Although the captain didn't ignite it, the killing line of the double fire saber really makes it difficult for the opponent to judge."

Zeyuan: "It's hard! Gwen's E skill just missed the CD, but if this wave of Chengzi brothers is not so decisive, Impact will not die."

To be honest, Lin Cheng's operation was a bit beyond Omu's understanding.

It doesn't matter how difficult it is, Damu should be able to play it himself.

But he never uses it on the field.

Because there is no guarantee of success.

The opponent is not a dummy on the training ground, and it is up to you to operate.

So Damu game never considers these unstable operations.


The old captain Oki has never made such a radical attempt to flash and use double fire knives in his entire career.

Even apart from Lin Cheng, almost no other players played like this.

Flash 5 minutes CD ah!
Even in competitions, card fire knives are not common.

Because everyone is a professional player, and the opponents are not stupid, unless the captain can stand up in advance and bury the bucket, otherwise who will give you the chance to step up and block the fire knife in front of you?
In fact, most of the top captains in the hearts of the audience have no scenes of playing with knives.

After all, besides Lin Cheng, who would play such fancy things on the field?
Lin Cheng can guarantee the success rate, but for others, stability is the most important thing. The captain is not a hero who should be operated in essence.

Therefore, Lin Cheng was not prepared for the sudden flash of trouble this time.

Being killed was extremely natural.

Looking at the darkened screen, the ten-year veteran can only sigh:
"Hey C! This is a young man!"

In the past, if Damu dared to play such high-risk operations when he had no advantage in SKT, he would be punished and criticized.

But after thinking about it, he was relieved again.

Now the coach of KT should not dare to scold Lin Cheng, right?

Times have changed!

After finishing the solo kill on the road, Lin Cheng still had two bottles of corruption potion, so he was not in a hurry to return to the city.

Cuzz pinged the opponent's lower half of the map.

"Nocturne is swiping down, does Lin Cheng have a chance to jump over the tower on the road?"

"You will lean over and try it later, I can push the thread."

When Gwen revived T and came back, his experience was obviously behind, so he could only wait for the captain to push forward.

When the barrel turned better again, Lin Cheng was not in a hurry to clear the line, and chose to stock up the line and push it slowly, looking for opportunities to consume it by the way.

Without waiting for the river crab to refresh, Cuzz's Wei appeared on the road at 3 minutes and 20 seconds.

The line of soldiers entered the tower, and Wei came out from the grass of the stone man.

"I'll carry it first! I have flash."

Cuzz's Wei began to charge up his Q skill to punch punches.

Lin Cheng also turned his back on Gwen in advance to force the position

At this time, the defense tower lights up TP.

"Galio is here! Withdraw?"

Although Cuzz is not as timid as he was in T1 before, he still hesitates at the critical moment. This wave feels that Galio has already earned TP, and he wants to retreat immediately.

"Can kill! Can kill! I'm done with the fire knife."

Lin Cheng's words dispelled Cuzz's idea of ​​retreating in time, and Wei's full fist punched Gwen hard.

The distance was too close, and Damu couldn't avoid the punch with his E skill.

Wei AE hit the third ring, and Gwen's blood volume dropped a lot.

The captain rushed to AQ and hurt.

"Lin Cheng's head is here for you, you can eat it!"

Gwen was left with blood, Cuzz made another punch and turned around to retreat.

When Lin Cheng took Gwen away, Wei flashed out of the tower.

Galio TP landed, and regardless of retreating the captain from the front, he went straight to the stone man grass to chase Wei who had just carried the defense tower twice.

Galio went out with shoes, and when the predator opened, he walked around the Golem bushes and activated Duran's shield to taunt Wei.

Lin Cheng came out of the tower from the other side and came around to respond, wanting to cooperate with Wei to fight against Galio.

It's a pity that Wei's blood volume is too low, and he was directly drowned by Galio's set of damage.

However, Galio was also crushed by Rookie in the middle of the road. After eating the captain's barrel, he slowed down and chose to flash over the wall and escape.

"Galio TP made a one-for-one exchange, but EG still lost money!"

"Gwen will lose a lot of experience without T, and Galio will lose a lot of lanes in this wave of mid lane."

At the same time, EG also started to attack the bottom lane.

Knowing that Nightmare is in the bottom half, the KT duo dare not exchange blood with their opponents in the bottom lane, especially Vulcan's aggressive attack in advance just forced Mr. Dai to purify.

The red side holds the right to push the line, just when the line of soldiers enters the tower, the nightmare leans over.

KT's blood volume in the bottom lane remains very good. It stands to reason that EG is not very good at this time.

But the top half suffered a loss, and EG was eager to make up for it in the bottom lane.

However, just as the three of them in the red square went to the field, the defense tower lit up TP.

This is support from cards.

The red side had no way out, and the three brothers all in a wave of skills and killed Xia who had not been purified.

But Renata's W rescued in time so that Mr. Dai's body was still being exported.

Xia Barb controlled the female tank carrying the tower, and the cards landed to cooperate with Renata to keep Aphelios.

The bottom lane played 1 for 2.

KT still earns.

Although Mr. Dai will lose experience, this wave of his corpse pulled out the barb and cooperated with the defensive tower not only to eat the head of the female tank, but also to make up several minions.

In the middle of the card, the pawn line is dealt with first, and then the T is dealt with. When you come down to pick up a head for nothing, you can eat the half-wave line.

Assisting with two assists is flattering.

Lin Cheng got the kill, and the opposing Gwen had collapsed.

Although there was only one assist on Cuzz, his act of helping to carry the tower and get the head in time has gained a lot of favor in front of the big daddy on the road.

At the same time, all the good guys in KT feel that they are very profitable.

made money!It's hard to make money!

(End of this chapter)

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