This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1941 Crushed!artillery roar

Chapter 1941 Crushed!artillery roar

Zeyuan: "Wow! The tempo of EG's wave is a bit explosive! It's too forceful to cooperate with teammates to jump the tower before the sixth level of Nightmare! The three lanes are all at a loss. Why do you feel that the situation exploded in only 4 minutes?"

Wanwan: "Rookie is really comfortable. All the soldiers are earning kills. When the cards reach six, the pressure on the opponent may be great. The key is that Brother Chengzi will not be able to stop him on the road."

Compared with other LCS teams, EG's style of play is relatively more active, and Jojo's Galio doesn't want to waste money with cards in the early stage.

Before 5 minutes came, Galio was trying to look for another chance.

After Aphelios brushed out the blue knife, he still had more say in the pawn line, and Galio let out a wave from the blue field to look for opportunities.

As a result, Galio didn't find a chance to go below, and was exposed to the vision of the blue square triangle grass.

So, when Galio returned to the line, Cuzz, who was bypassed, squatted on the back of his red BUFF grass.

The middle card disappears.

Galio was forced to flee in the opposite direction, wanting to go to the wild area to order fruit and go down to the Dragon Pit.

As a result, Beryl had already approached, and Renata flashed and clicked off the exploding cones.

Galio, who hadn't flashed, fled for thousands of miles, and fled in embarrassment towards the blue square lower road highland.

The KT double Cs that had been bagged immediately went back to eat the line, and let the jungler hold the head firmly.

In this way, the only result of jojo's running for a long time is that he didn't give the head to Xia or Kaka. After delaying for so long, he lost his pawn line again in the middle.

Galio was shopping in the KT wild area in just over 4 minutes, and it took him 6 minutes to get back to the lane after being resurrected after being killed for half a day. He only made up 24 knives.

"Oops! Galio seems to be working hard to find a rhythm, but after walking around for a while, he didn't do anything and blown himself up..."

As soon as the voice of the commentator fell, the card made its first big move.

The EG duo was given the position, and was left behind by the card's big move to complete the retention.

Cuzz's Wei just came from the river.

KT completed four packs and two in the lower half.

It should be said that it is five guarantees and two, because Lin Cheng also supported a big move.

The score was 6:2, Nightmare hadn't reached level 6, and the situation was almost over.

On the road, Lin Cheng has been putting pressure on Gwen, and Damu's development has been suppressed miserably.

Gwen managed to get to level six, and her big move ignited a wave of All in trying to kill.

It is really unreasonable for Gwen to have a big move at level [-]. When the equipment is obviously behind, the captain's blood volume will not be much if he shoots two needles in the face.

But after all, Lin Cheng has been suppressing, and Gwen ate the captain's barrel + fire knife when [-]% of his health came up.

It's also thanks to Lin Cheng's ult just now to help keep his teammates in the lower half. In this wave of captains, Gwen will be solo killed if he uses his ult.

Zeyuan: "Ouch! Gwen leads the big move and Ignite comes up with two moves and then turns around and runs away. This picture is enough to show how disadvantaged Gwen is in the lane."

Wan Wan: "That's right! Just like what Chengzi said, after the sixth level of the normal laning, as long as Gwen comes up to the Jiaotong University, the captain must dodge. The situation that Gwen can't beat can only be because the previous laning is out. Big problem."

In the top lane, Damu was crushed by Lin Cheng and lost his temper. In the middle lane, jojo Galio was blown up by himself while shopping, and in the bottom lane, North American Shockwave Danny was targeted for two waves.

When the third line of EG collapsed, Nightmare was still waiting for the sixth, and the first dragon was naturally easily taken down by the grapefruit thief.

In 8 minutes, Canyon Pioneer refreshed.

The disadvantage on the field is too great, EG did not try to come to catch the vanguard, but instead took advantage of the blue square to move the vanguard and try to do things in the opposite half.

At this time, the KT duo was almost six, the last chance to move.

EG is very firm.

However, the two old guys in the bottom lane of KT have operated this wave.

Nightmare forcibly turns off the lights and takes Galio over the tower.

But the female tank's initiative E was interrupted by Renata Q's iron fist in the air, and the female tank who was carrying the tower at the first time was dragged off, unable to give control to Xia.

Nightmare flew with fear on his face, and cooperated with Aphelios to output Xia.

Renata's E skill broke the shield of the nightmare, and the second-stage Q put the female tank inward.

Xayah barbs both Nightmare and the female tank before being terrified.

Although Galio's ultimate move, EQ, cooperated with Aphelios to quickly clear Xia's health bar, but Renata's W rescued Xia in time to keep Xia from falling.

The female tank was killed in turn, and Xayah was revived on the spot.

Galio kept W, and the red side wanted to kill Xayah again.

However, Mr. Dai still holds Purify in his hand.

After solving the taunt in seconds, Xia took a step back, and could no longer follow up with the top of the tower when her EG skills were fully turned in.

Mr. Dai immediately turned his head and output.

The second nightmare who carried the tower also failed to escape.

Mr. Dai scored a double play.

Zeyuan: "Beryl~~~~ This wave of KT bot lane is also operating, and EG Siyue Er was counter-killed by two! This mentality is going to collapse!"

Wan Wan: "Galio in the middle lane is about to lose the line again, jojo people are going to faint, I tried very hard to help my teammates, but no matter how I helped, they all exploded."

After this wave of EG's clumsy imitation of KT just four and two, the score on the field came to 8:2.

Because Galio was shopping and running around, EG's defensive HP in the middle lane itself was very low. Cuzz released the vanguard and successfully completed the tower destruction in more than 9 minutes.

On the road, Lin Cheng also quickly took a single tower.

After all, he brought explosives, and the dominant captain had a strong suppression ability in front of the tower. After being beaten home in a row, Omu could only abandon one tower.

After destroying the opponent's middle tower, KT's operation rhythm couldn't be smoother.

In 10 minutes, Cuzz's big move was to lock Aphelios to death, and then turned around to take down the dragon.

Danny had just been resurrected and went online, and was caught again after walking past his second tower.

The vision advantage brought by the middle tower made Beryl go around in advance to make a line eye, and found that Aphelios was approaching, and Cuzz, who was just about to counter the toad, hit Aphelios with Q on the partition wall.

The cards fly big.

Danny died again.

What's more amazing, Aphelios resurrected again and leaned against the wall to go online, but Wei got out from the side again when he was about to reach the first tower on the bottom road of his house.

Aphelios backed away quickly.

The captain made a big move to keep people behind.

Aphelios died again.

For more than three minutes, Danny was either counting the seconds in the spring water or on the way to the resurrection. He never ate the thread at all.

In the lens, the North American shock wave is red and warm visible to the naked eye.

It's not that EG doesn't want to get something back, but the disadvantage is too great.

In 14 minutes, no one from the red team got out of the mythical outfit.

KT has all the staff in costumes, and Lin Cheng has even sucked up the blue sword + collector, who dares to mess with it?

The captain had oranges, and Nightmare wouldn't dare to fly them in the face no matter what, otherwise Lin Cheng's equipment would be a bucket and then a knife would almost trigger the collector.

It is worth noting that the captains of this MSI are all equipped with half-meat style, and only Lin Cheng chose to wear armor.

In fact, the armor-piercing captain has much higher damage than any other genre, but the fault tolerance rate is too low, and Lin Cheng would not have done so if the advantage was not too great.

The benefits are also obvious. In 16 minutes, Xiaolong Tuan, Lin Cheng went down to the opposite double C with a three-barrel barrel and evaporated directly.

The snowball got bigger and bigger, and after this wave of little dragons, KT's economy led by more than [-].

The game turned into a cool game, but Lin Cheng still played steadily.

Essentially, his build is a little squishy, ​​trying not to wander around out of sight.

EG couldn't gather many people to target the captain. After being tortured for a long time, he finally forced Galio to take Nightmare to grab the edge at 21 minutes.

This is a wave of three guarantees.

However, Lin Cheng's damage was too high.

Gwen only had time to use a big move before being given a second by the captain with a fire knife and a gunpowder barrel.

Zeyuan: "EG wants to catch the edge! You can't let the captain lead the line anymore, but what if you catch the big dragon three times? Frontal KT wants to move the big dragon, don't care! Take the captain's bounty first and then talk... · Hey! Gwen was killed! What kind of damage is this?"

Wanwan said loudly, "Brother Chengzi can operate! He seems to be killing them all!"

Galio has too much control, and the captain is dangerous without armor, no matter how luxurious the equipment is.

But Lin Cheng reacted quickly, and before Galio's ultimate move hit the ground, he decisively flashed to pull out the range of the hero's debut, and also broke the nightmare fear.

Galio landed E+W to control, Lin Cheng W released the control and counterattacked.

For the first time in the audience, the captain gave his big move to his feet.

Artillery roared.

Successfully hitting two consecutive barrels face to face, Lin Cheng took three kills in the sky full of guns.

"Brother Chengzi! It's really over! He's so handsome!"

Lin Cheng played 1 against 3 and counter-killed 3, and his teammates in the other half took advantage of the opportunity to take down the big dragon.

The lead is enormous.

Lin Cheng has a four-piece suit, and Gwen, who is facing him, only has one and a half.

Complete crushing!
Without any surprises, KT easily ended the game at 23 minutes.

 God fell!

(End of this chapter)

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