This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1942 Seems to have discovered something extraordinary

Chapter 1942 Seems to have discovered something extraordinary

"Congratulations to KT! We won the first game and temporarily lead 1:0."

Zeyuan sighed: "All KT members are in good condition today! It was a crushing round of Zero Dragon Tower, and EG didn't find any room to fight back throughout the game."

Wan Wan: "Yes! KT has been snowballing since Brother Cheng's solo kill in 2 minutes. They originally selected Renata to counter the opponent's charge in a team fight, but they found out that the advantage was too great. There's no need to put on a defensive stance."

"In the entire game, Renata didn't use her big move to fight a backhand once in a team battle, which shows how smooth KT's situation is."

"Too cruel! KT didn't even give Yankees face in Busan, did they? "

"North American Shockwave 0-8"

"RNG Danger! "

"Brother Chengzi, the captain, and Abin are two species"

"Has Abin Learned?"It is recommended to study this game video repeatedly"

"unnecessary!With the one-on-one guidance of the Holy Gun, Abin’s captain will surely improve by leaps and bounds"

"Wait for my Bingo final, the captain will have a wave of golden rain!" "

Taking off the earphones, the cheers of the audience flooded into the ears.

Lin Cheng gave Cuzz a high five with a relaxed expression.

"Well played, praise, literary friend!"

Affirmation from team bully · jpg
The grapefruit thief smiled shyly.

Although the stats of Cuzz brother in this round are not KT's best, but his role is obvious. The rhythm of the card and the card took off in the early stage, and the team battle is even more powerful.

"Keep going! Are you the number one jungler in the world?"

Rookie, who took off his earphones and was about to get up, happened to hear Lin Cheng's words, and couldn't help laughing: "I watched the documentary of the previous club, and Lin Cheng also said this to Peanut."

"Who is Peanut? I'm so unfamiliar!"

Lin Cheng was serious: "The number one jungler in the world, I only recognize grapefruit thieves!"

"Ha ha!"

Rookie didn't hold back, and Brother Cuzz still smiled harmlessly.

To be honest, Canyon was the jungler Lin Cheng was most looking forward to during the transfer period last year, and Cuzz was just a substitute.

Lin Cheng actually didn't have too high expectations for Cuzz.

Because he debuted in 20 years, what he saw was the struggling performance of Grapefruit Thief in T1.

Cuzz is not a stable player in the first place. In a club like T1, he is always picked on by a magnifying glass. Whenever he makes a mistake, it will immediately attract crazy damage from the miscellaneous players.

Cuzz, who was originally poor in psychological endurance, was sprayed more easily and deformed, and did not dare to take the responsibility of starting a group, and the vicious circle intensified step by step.

Headless in the wild, cowardly at the edge of team battles, crazy and sick in the later stage... Due to his own reasons and external pressure, Cuzz has become the worst jungler in T1 history.

Even worse than the original Xiao Hei!Kill directly!

Lin Cheng knew that Cuzz must have strength, but he was not sure at the beginning whether a different environment could make him behave normally.

As a result, I never expected that Cuzz, who transferred to KT, performed so well this year.

The teammates have changed a lot, and the pressure of public opinion is less. Although Brother Cuzz will still get sick, he has definitely shown the level of a top jungler this year.

It can only be said that the impact of the environment on people cannot be ignored.

The atmosphere at the scene was very active. Seeing the relaxed look of the KT players on the big screen, the fans were also happily waving support objects to create movement.

At this time, the director showed the camera to the front row of the audience.

Xiaomin was talking to Ji Shengxi wearing a mask, when she realized that she was on camera, she quickly smiled and waved hello.

Chi Shengxi also waved the blue and white inflatable stick in his hand.

"Xiao Ming!I rely on!Really Xiaoming"

"Hyomin is here! ! ! "

"Where's the cub?I want to see the cubs

"No wonder Brother Chengzi made that gesture at the beginning, Tara's sister really came"

"Brother Cheng Zi attacked Xiao Ming? (funny)"

"Thousands of miles from Seoul to Busan to support?Xiaomin is giving it for nothing? "

"Don't be embarrassing!Hyomin's wife is from Busan, she just stopped by to support her, she has me in her heart (wearing sunglasses)》

"Take off your sunglasses, stop pretending!" "

"(Big Cry) (Big Cry)"

"The one next to me is Miss Operations!looks great"

"Pool Room Chief Sai Gao! "

Realizing that the audience suddenly became enthusiastic, Lin Cheng turned his head and saw Xiaomin and Ji Shengxi on the big screen behind him.

Lin Cheng was about to wave, when Chi Shengxi smiled and raised his phone.

The director gave a close-up with scrolling subtitles:
come on! 3:0 won!My sister wants to get off work early!

The audience burst into laughter.

Lin Cheng and his teammates didn't hold back, and made OK gestures towards the screen.

Sister Shengxi's instructions have been received.

"Hahaha!Sister Shengxi is so cute! "

"Social animals are like this, go to work and fish and look forward to get off work"

"All KT members are better than OK, 2333"

"It's over!Director Ike said, EG will continue to be beaten up"

"Chief Ike looks so lustful wearing a mask!I can't help it anymore (face is hot) (face is hot) (face is hot)"

"unbelievable! "

On the other side, the EG players took off their headphones and were about to leave in a hurry, but they walked around to the front of the stage and saw this scene.

3:0 off work?

Too much!

Jojo refused to accept it, and on the spot, he showed three fingers with his left hand and raised an index finger with his right hand.

It means that EG will reverse 3:1.

As a result, he was pushed away from the stage by Inspired behind him before he could finish pretending to be aggressive.

Danny, North American Shockwave, was still in a red-hot state. He fell at the end of the team without saying a word, and walked away with chest and shoulders shrugged.

"Ha ha!Teammates can't stand it"

"Jungle: Don't be so ashamed, let's go!" "

"North America is really interesting, the face is swollen from the beating, but the mouth is still stubborn"

"3:1?Who is 1? If EG wins, it is considered a success"

"Don't be embarrassing! jojo means that they lost three games in a row and only took one hour"

"Reasonable, 23333"

The live audience is not a white flower.

Seeing that the talented North American mid laner who made harsh remarks in the promotional video was still outputting before leaving, KT fans made a gesture of 3:0.

That is to say, jojo runs so fast that the KT fans at the scene can't wait to beat the gongs and drums to show their faces.

The director also knows the ratings very well. After filming the audience's reaction, he gave a close-up of Xiaomin's embarrassing face.

Hyomin could only politely wave hello to the camera again.

Lin Cheng thought for a while, then raised his hands again, making the crown-like gesture of his sisters.

"Tara go!"

The scene was boiling again, and many fans followed Lin Cheng to learn.

Chi Shengxi showed his more standard movements.

Xiaomin applauded lightly, a little wanting to laugh.

This is Lin Cheng taking the initiative to interact with his sister by making hand gestures, and Zhi Yan doesn't know what kind of reaction she is?
After delaying for a while, seeing that his teammates had left, Lin Cheng quickly turned around and followed into the stage passage.

The audience at the scene are still booing.

They were laughing and making noise, and they were still making gestures they learned from Lin Cheng.

Xiaomin never expected that after so many years, so many people would still be able to see the crown gesture.

She was a little lost.

I remembered the past.

If only time could be turned back!

But... Lin Cheng seemed to be still in elementary school when the sisters debuted, right?

It seems that something extraordinary has been discovered.

(End of this chapter)

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