This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1943 All staff are chicken blood!North American Laobi pushed to the brink

Chapter 1943 All staff are chicken blood!North American Laobi pushed to the brink

After a short break between rounds, the second round of BP officially began.

If EG switches to the blue side, BAN first chooses first.

This time EG changed the thinking of BP. They gave the three BAN positions to Daomei, Gwen and Captain in the first round of the blue side.

Obviously, EG dare not give it to Lin Cheng, and Gwen + Captain, who has a strong version, also dare not let it go.

They didn't even dare to make the choice of taking one by themselves.

The last fight proved that Damu Gwen couldn't beat Lin Cheng's captain.

Do you still dare to use the captain to beat Gwen for him?

Although the blue team has the advantage of being the first to take the lead, one of BAN Gwen and the captain can grab the other by himself, but the blue team is bound to face the situation of being countered by Lin Cheng when they play the top order on the first floor.

It's tricky no matter what.

There was really no other way, EG chose to cancel the top laners of both versions, and released Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow,

In this way, at any rate, Damu's backhand can decide what to use to face Qing Gangying.

Seeing the BAN of his opponent, Lin Cheng in the camera showed a smile.

The KT fans at the scene were extremely excited.

It is a rare opportunity for fans to witness Lin Cheng's signature performance live.

The KT fans in the Korean streaming barrage are already popping champagne.

"Dare to let Camille go? EG is afraid that his base will explode too slowly, right? "

"Predictable Killing"

"no way!Facing KT's BP is really difficult."

"I don't dare to put the order on the version, and I don't dare to put the signboard, but there are still not enough BAN slots! "

"Smile!"horrible! "

The top three BANs of the red side KT are Enchantress + Nightmare + Monkey.

At the beginning of the selection, the blue side EG grabbed Lucian.

The Chinese barrage is very lively.

As we all know, the hero Lucian has played very well in the hands of God.

Danny, dubbed the North American Shockwave by the Chinese audience, doesn't know how good Lucian is?
The red side responded quickly and directly locked the card + Qinggangying.

The classic dual card dual belt system is completed.

The second and third floors of the blue square locked Nami+Fox.

KT took Calista on the third floor.

Wanwan: "Calista! Is this going to be a bot lane confrontation? In this version, it takes a lot of courage to confront Luna in the bot lane."

Zeyuan: "What do you mean? I really think I am the No. [-] AD AD in North America is Shockwave? Mr. Dai is marked after the first round, right?"

The second round of BAN people.

The red target double-clicks the blind monk + Poppy for the jungler.

The blue side EG is the classic partner of Kalista who banned the two Titans + female tanks.

Start picking.

Wei came out first on the fourth floor of the red square KT.

EG offered a solid Ueno of Aoun + Prince.

KT's last move showed Renata's support again.

Zeyuan: "Wow! Kalista + Renata! This combination has become quite popular in Korean servers recently, but no team has shown up in this MSI yet."

Wanwan: "It's very targeted! This combination has a high laning strength and can protect each other, and the team battle functionality is also full. The disadvantage is that it can't match Luna in the mid-term."

Lineup selection.

KT: Qinggangying, Wei, Kaka, Calista, Renata
EG: Ornn, Prince, Fox, Lucian, Nami

It's not too familiar with Qinggangying playing Aoun Lincheng on the road. He took the initiative to suppress as soon as the game came up.

However, in the early stage, Aoun is a hero with high strength, and Damu is less cowardly. He is determined to mix with Lin Cheng, and he doesn't have much idea about him for the time being.

Instead, disputes broke out early on.

EG jungler Inspired was obviously much more active when he got the prince, and found out that the bottom lane was being suppressed and went to help solve a wave of lines early.

But not long after the prince left, a fight broke out in the next lane.

Just now the prince came to beat Calista with a little blood, and Luna's strong EG duo who had been promoted to the third level was useless, and they directly fought with the two KT brothers.

The combination of Kalista + Renata doesn't look good at first glance, because Kalista's traditional partners are basically hard assistants like Japanese female titans.

But Renata is a bit special.

This hero is not as intuitive as the Titan, but it can provide Kalista with a stable output time when combined online.

And Kalista happens to be another hero whose output becomes stronger the longer it lasts.

With Renata's W, Kalista doesn't have to pull out her spear in advance because of her blood volume, so she is not afraid of miscalculating the kill line.

The two EG brothers attacked first, and Luciana's set of explosions combined with Nami's electrocution ignition did push Calista's blood to the bottom.

But Mr. Dai played too confidently, and Kalista kept slipping output with Renata's timely rescue.

Lucian's burst output was not high after the fight, and the flash failed to pull away after emptying Kalista's health bar. After being chased by Kalista, he plucked his hair twice to complete the kill.

Calista was revived on the spot.

Nami also tried to run away, but Beryl Renata flashed Q to keep her.

Kalista scored a double kill.

This is where the Luna team has a headache when facing Kalie in line.

Luna is playing an explosive combination, and there is a gap for continuous output, and Renata's W will make Luna not lose the first time, giving Kalista a chance to continue stacking spears.

EG's bottom lane was double-killed after taking care of a wave in the jungle, and it has been declared to be split.

On the top lane, Lin Cheng also started to exert his strength. The jungler Wei came to help destroy Aoun's flash, and Qing Gangying completely blocked Aoun under the tower to eat the line.

Five and a half minutes later, Lin Cheng's Qing Gang Ying swam to the middle lane by taking advantage of the push line.

"Here it comes! Brother Cheng's Qinggangying classic gank in the middle! Before it was the card's turn to help grab the edge, Qinggangying ran to grab it first."

The pawn line happened to be stuck in the uncomfortable position of the fox. Qinggang Ying went around the flank and kicked the fox in the second section E, and the card was followed by a yellow card.

The half-blooded fox didn't give in, and Qing Gangying took his head.

Lin Cheng wandered in the first wave, and soon Rookie reciprocated.

It was found that Ornn's blood volume was very low by Qinggang Ying, and the first big move of the card flew up to cooperate with the tower jump at six and a half minutes of the card.

The moment the card landed, Lin Cheng's Qinggang Ying carried the tower first.

After Aoun received a yellow card, he was left with blood and told the sheep to fight back.

But Lin Cheng was too thin, he used the hook lock to top off Ornn's face-to-face E skill and knocked him into the air, and then used his big move to hide from Ornn's sheep to reset the hatred of the defensive tower.

Since Lin Cheng and Rookie were standing in two directions, Aoun directly hit the air with his big move.

Qing Gangying landed on the second stage Q to complete the counter-kill.

KT tempo has taken off.

Due to the huge advantage in the bottom lane, the first dragon was controlled by Cuzz in 7 minutes.

Then relying on the bottom lane to change lanes, KT easily won the first pioneer again.

In more than 9 minutes, Lin Cheng attacked the middle again.

Although the fox's three-stage ult is flexible enough, Qing Gangying's ult doesn't care about those bells and whistles.

Under Hex's ultimatum, no matter how flexible you are, you have to turn in circles for me.

The fox was killed again, the blue team's middle tower lost its defense, Cuzz brother released the vanguard and successfully broke the tower.

After unplugging the first tower, KT's operation machine is already running.

KT's coordinated attack was like mercury pouring down the ground, and the director couldn't cut it.

Qinggangying's hook locks are everywhere.

The fate of the card is bad news for EG.

Vi's iron fist locks whoever is pregnant.

In 14 minutes, the score was 9:0. KT unplugged three full-plated outer towers, leading the economy by nearly [-].

It has become a man-machine bureau.

However, in the second pioneer competition, KT is still very cautious.

Because during this period of time, the whole team only has Renata's ultimate move, and even though the equipment is clearly ahead, KT is also afraid of being driven by Aoun in the river.

The rivers on both sides continued to pull.

Wei was playing the vanguard, and KT didn't rush because of the advantage.

Let's talk about the vanguard.

In the end, after a while of tugging, it was Beryl who made the first move.

Just now, Lucian baptized Calista with a few shots of the holy gun, and Beryl watched from the side and did not respond.

Then Lucian wanted to knock Renata's real eyes off the wall.

Brother Yuanshen couldn't bear it now.

You can hit my AD, but you can't block my real eyes!

Renata's hostile takeover forced the position, and Lin Cheng Qinggangying directly hooked the lock first.

Lin Cheng E flashed to control Lu Xian, and his teammates rushed forward.

Although Aoun called the sheep to fight back in time, Lucian was still caught in the second.

Then EG's lineup didn't hurt at all.

The fox was scraping beside him for a long time, but Qing Gangying backhanded him off.

EG was knocked out and wiped out.

The economic gap is officially broken.

Without giving the opponent a chance, he brought the second-generation pioneer KT and hit the opponent's high ground in 18 minutes.

"Go back and make up for Xiaolong?"

"No, no, no! You can fight!"

"Sister Shengxi said 3:0 off work! Don't delay too long."

"Come with me!"

Due to his good condition and the team's lead of three stopwatches, Lin Cheng's Qing Gangying directly entered the field against the front tooth tower and forced Lu Xian away.

Renata's hostile takeover made the opponent run away immediately, and there was no way to fight back.

But KT has already overflowed the damage, and the period of time for the opponent to adjust his position is enough for KT to make the opponent explode.

EG was beaten out of the group again.

KT took advantage of the trend to win before Dalong went to work.

The time is fixed at 19 minutes and 33 seconds.

2:0! KT entered the match point.

North American Laobi was pushed to the edge of a cliff.

"Fuck!too fast! 19 minutes"

"Jojobi's gesture is about to come true, three games don't take an hour"

"Too much!I don't know what else jojo has to say"

"It took nearly 20 minutes like this, and 1557 looked faster and faster! "

After the game, the director immediately showed the screen to the EG player seats.

The EG players are not at all depressed.

The North American Shockwaves who were behind 0:2 were still laughing, even Danny was laughing, KT fans were a little confused seeing this scene.

They can still laugh?
Could it be that there are some secret tactics hidden that are useless?
(End of this chapter)

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