This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1944 What champion skin do you have?

"It's 2:0! KT won two cities in a row to enter the match point."

Seeing that the EG players were still laughing, Zeyuan didn't hold back a little bit, "The big North American brothers are really optimistic, can you still laugh at this? Is there a hidden ultimate strategy?"

Just in time, in the camera, Jojo got up and put one hand in his pocket.

Ze Yuan: "At this time, he should not take out a note from his pocket? Tactical kit? Secret weapon?"

But jojo didn't mean to pull out his hand.

Wan Wan thought about it: "Is it possible that he has a plane ticket in his pocket?"

"Ha ha!Wan Wan deserves to be you! "

"Tibetan Tactics?Hidden tickets! "

"Brother Ka was also laughing in the life and death situation, which made me think they had some secret tactics"

"People are laughing because the holiday is coming soon, only fans are still looking forward to the secret tactics (dog head)"

"Regardless of whether EG has hidden tactics or not, to be honest, according to their state in the first two games today, any tactics will not work if they don't adjust."

Zeyuan joked: "It can be said that EG has already set foot on the flight back to North America, and the result of the next game may be the signal for the flight to take off."


Wanwan's tone was treacherous, "Shouldn't you swim back after being beaten up like this? Can you still fly?"

Zeyuan: "No problem! The LCS fans who have broken their defenses should already be helping the EG players plan their swimming routes. It happens that Busan is close to the sea. After playing EG, swim directly along the Pacific Ocean and return to the United States."

Wan Wan: "Crossing the Pacific Ocean is very dangerous. Airplanes flying from South Korea to the United States usually go around the Arctic Ocean and cross the Bering Strait to the United States. EG can consider this route."

"Yes! A detour across the Arctic Ocean is just to cool down! Some people seem to be forcing a smile, but they can't restrain the red temperature."

As soon as Zeyuan finished speaking, Danny in the camera couldn't help but smile.

Look a little reluctant.

The barrage exploded.

"Ha ha!Really red and warm!Difficult to stretch

"The cooling effect of bathing in the Arctic Ocean should be very good, right?" (dog head)"

"Big guts!Who is the connotation?Watch out for God's punishment! "

"These two explanations are too good!Outlaw Madman + Onmyoji"

"How come it's 2:0 just after starting the live broadcast?Who can say what happened? "

"Saving the flow: KT fried the fish for the first time, fried the fish itself for the second time, looking forward to turning the fish over in the pot for the third time"

"Turn over?The North American Shockwave is in a hurry to go to the Arctic Ocean to cool down》

After the director's camera shot was given to EG's Shockwavers, it was then given to KT's players.

Lin Cheng took the lead, and all the idiots in KT made a 2:0 gesture.

Sister Shengxi's instructions have been more than half completed!
The audience burst into laughter.

Chi Shengxi happily patted the inflatable stick in his hand, responding to the interaction of the team members on the stage.

Hyomin also smiled and applauded beside her.

After a short break, the contestants from both sides sat on the competition seats again.

The KT players are very relaxed and laughing in front of the camera.

When the camera turned around, all EG members who were happy after the game just now became serious when they sat on the competition bench, as if they were about to go to the execution ground.

After all, it was a smile of relief after being abused before, but now that he is about to be abused again, it is normal not to be able to smile.

Danny lowered his head and rubbed his forehead.

"Ouch! My head hurts from the beating, classic rubbing my forehead."

Zeyuan: "Many classic sports events will have this scene. O'Neal often does this action before free throws. Generally, his mentality is already more anxious."

Wanwan: "It's okay! Thinking about happy things can relieve anxiety, such as... the holiday is coming soon!"

Unable to hold back one, Zeyuan laughed out loud on the stage.

After the on-site referee confirmed, the third game BP officially started.

EG chooses BAN first in the blue side.

The previous BP strategy has been proven to be unworkable, and the green steel shadow was released, but Jojo in the middle lane was gank crazily. It seems that Lin Cheng's Qinggang shadow really can't be played.

EG chose to give the top three BANs to Daomei, Qinggangying, and Fox.

On the red side, KT pressed Monkey, Nightmare, and Zoe.

The blue side grabs the cards.

Zeyuan: "I found it wrong! KT likes to grab cards this time at MSI, and the opponents often have no way to deal with them due to the limited BAN space. This time EG chose to grab the cards themselves."

Wanwan: "But in fact, the card hero can't bring out Rookie's carry ability. He only uses cards to cooperate with his teammates. I think limiting cards is not the key to defeating KT."

Seeing the opponent snatch the card, Rookie breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great! I'm going to throw up on Drizzt playing this game."

Lin Cheng frowned, "Coach! Lao Song is turning a corner to express his dissatisfaction with you. Do you understand what he means?"

Rookie argued: "Don't talk nonsense! I just don't like playing cards."

"Ha ha!"

Amidst the jokes, KT's first two heroes locked Gwen + Lucian respectively.

The blue side thought for a while, and revealed the captain + prince.

"We still have to take the captain!"

Zeyuan sighed: "The most uncomfortable thing now is Impact! No one wants to be taught forehand and backhand, but in this version, Gwen and Captain are the two top laners with the highest priority. It is impossible not to take it."

Wan Wan's tone was flying: "Come learn from Gwen who doesn't know how to beat the captain! Brother Chengzi taught the captain how to beat Gwen just now, and this will teach you Gwen how to beat the captain."

Red Fang locked Nami on the third floor.

The second round of BAN people.

KT banned Kalista + Kai'Sa on the red side.

EG banned Xin Zhao + Blind Sin on the blue side.

"Don't you ban Wei? Cuzz has already won two Wei in a row!"

Zeyuan questioned: "For Xin Zhao, it can be said that the double-circle team fight is too fierce, but I didn't expect EG to give the BAN position to the blind monk rather than Wei."

Wanwan: "Maybe it's because Wei alone isn't considered great. EG has already paid for a BAN slot for Fox, so it's not worthwhile to BAN Wei alone."

At the beginning of the selection, the fourth floor of the red square locks Wei without saying a word.

The fourth and fifth floors of the blue square took out the combination of female gun + Karma.

"Huh? Female gun?"

Ze Yuan teased: "The last dance in North America, right? In a country where guns are legal, it seems right that the hero in underwear is a gun player."

Wanwan: "But this female spear is so difficult to use! Although there is a prince's big move to cooperate with, but the opposite Gwen + Wei + Lu Xi'an, it may be difficult to sweep the female spear very well."

The last move of the red side is still under discussion.

The coach suggested Silas.

This version of Silas has good strength, and it can also be supported by cards, which is a more reasonable choice.

But Rookie thought about it, and finally asked Brother Yuanshen to help lock the enchantress.

Both teams are confirmed.

Blue side EG:

Hit the Road: Impact (Ocean's Plague, Plank)
Jungle: Inspired (Prince of Demacia, Jarvan IV)

Mid Lane: Jojoyun (Cardmaster, Drizzt)
Bot Lane: Danny (Bounty Hunter, Miss Fortune)

Support: Vulcan (Apocalypse, Karma)
Red square KT:

Top Road: Cheng (Lingluo Doll, Gwen)

Jungler: Cuzz (Picheng law enforcement officer, Wei)
Mid Lane: Rookie (LeBlanc, LeBlanc)
Bot Lane: Deft (Lancer, Lucian)
Auxiliary: Beryl (Calling Chao Yuji, Nami)

The game enters loading.

Rookie pointed at his screen and turned his head to the side, "Look, Lin Cheng! I have skin!"

What he chose was his own IG champion skin.

Lin Cheng glanced at the screen: "How rare? I have two."

Mr. Dai made up the knife: "But you can't choose, and it's useless to have twenty."

Lin Cheng pouted.

Brother Cuzz snickered beside him.

Lin Cheng glanced at him unhappily, "What are you laughing at? The three of us with skin are talking! What champion skin do you have?"

Cuzz: "..."

I am a dog with this gank on the road! (end of this chapter)

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