This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1946 The First Punch That Shocked Busan

As Wanwan said at the commentary stand, Lin Cheng really found a chance to return to the city after pushing the line into the tower at level five.

Taking the lead and going back to the city once is doomed that Gwen can eat back and push the line to stabilize to six.

Everything is planned.

However, plans often fail to keep up with changes.

This change is not necessarily a bad thing.

"Rookie is playing hard! But it feels like jojo is selling!"

Just when Gwen on the top lane pushed the line back and was about to return to the city, the prince in the middle just caught the enchantress who was aggressively changing blood from the flank, and with the stable control of the card, he disabled the enchantress.

Rookie chose to cross W and pull up the river.

The half-blood card went up the river to pursue alone, and the prince chose to guard the imprint of the enchantress W for the first time.

The Jojo rune points out walking on water, and it is no problem to make a choice of pursuit when he has a flash, because the next time the yellow card is cut, the enchantress W must not turn around.

Just when the cards started to be cut again, the enchantress crossed the grass in the middle of the river and approached the corner wall at the bottom of the dragon pit.

The enchantress flashed.

Card didn't think much about it, and cut out a yellow card and flashed against the wall in two steps.

However, jojo flashed to the red square wild area but saw no one.

At this time, Rookie's demon girl hurriedly fled from the grass in the river to the opponent's wild area.

Zeyuan: "Jojo was cheated! Rookie played black under the lights, pretending to flash over the wall but he flashed back to the grass."

Wanwan: "Very spiritual! As long as I don't dodge to the wall, I will never hit the wall!"

Flashing to nothing, jojo had already realized something, and the card immediately knocked out the divination flower on the back of the red BUFF from above.

The enchantress who ran to the blue square wild area was photographed.

The prince had already approached the wild area in advance when the witch's W mark disappeared. He had to turn back after playing the divination flower card, but suddenly found the red Fang Yesuke approaching from the middle route.

Jojo chose to reverse and go deep into the red field.

Turning over the flashing card and walking towards the river will definitely be stopped by Wei and Nami, but running along the red square field towards the opponent's triangle grass will not work either.

The top line was sent to the blue square tower, and the captain frantically pinged the signal, signaling that Gwen might have already arrived.

Can't retreat, can't lean on the road, jojo can only try to find opportunities to send the tower.

But, the blue party didn't see that Lin Cheng had already completed his return journey at this time.

Gwen was about to return to the line, but when he went out, he happened to encounter the card that was driven to the high ground by his teammates and wanted to send the tower.

"Oh! Is there such a good thing?"

Lin Cheng laughed at the card's head.

"First Blood!"

On the other hand, the enchantress who was running in the opposite direction was too flexible. Rookie relied on W to trick the prince into passing the wall with EQ in the wild, and then easily escaped with the second stage of W!

Zeyuan: "Thank you for the gift of nature! This is probably the easiest blood that Brother Chengzi got. It was so refreshing to deliver it to his mouth when he was on the road!"

Wanwan: "Rookie's reverse flash is so spiritual! Brother Chengzi has played like this before, have they exchanged experience?"

"Ha ha!I also seem to remember Brother Cheng showing off like this"

"Every night is like a treasure! "

"This wave of God is chasing and feeding people's heads, brother Chengzi is full of luck"

"Already beaten to the point of deliriousness, can the prince wild catch up with the enchantress? "

"Song Yi enters the sky!" "

"I was still waiting for him to flash into the wall, but the broiler got smart and flashed into the grass"

"From now on, Rookie by the wall can believe it (dog head)"

This wave of anger picked a head, Lin Cheng went online and took advantage of the security line to level six.

Damu was more stable than Abin, and the captain stood very far back, so he didn't give Gwen Shengliu a chance to fight and kill directly.

However, Gwen, who was promoted to sixth, was stuck in front of the first tower, and the captain could not return to the city at this time.

Oki called the jungler to come and untie the thread.

As an old jungler, Cuzz also realized that the opponent's prince might go to untie the line, and prepared to circle up from the river to squat back.

The prince showed up first and came out to help push.

"Wenyouzan, hurry up! I'm on it."

When Wei approached from the river below the triangular grass, Gwen directly went up to cut against the two people.

The blue side immediately chose to fight back.

Lin Cheng was ferocious yet delicate, he stepped up and made a big move first, leaving E to avoid the prince's close-range EQ.

The prince's EQ was gone, and Wei just showed up in the river.

The two EG brothers knew the bad thing immediately.

The prince who was close to his face got Gwen's full layer of Q and cut it with a quick knife, and was hit by the second set of needles.

The prince directly lost half of his blood.

Lin Cheng started sprinting and was about to cut to the end.

Wei has already started accumulating power below, so he can punch punches with a strong Q.

Inspire resolutely dodges and pulls away.

However, because his EQ was empty and his position was too far forward, the prince chose to dodge to the red defense tower in the opposite direction when he was surrounded by Wei, and then retreated around the grass in the river to the triangle grass.

The captain made a big move to cover.

"I'll come, I'll come! The other side is dead."

Brother Cuzz sticks to the wall and shoots with a fully charged Q.

The elder sister of Picheng sank her head and lowered her waist, the light flashed on her fist.

A burst drink.

Then, he hit a wall.

The wall of red square triangle grass is too thick, and Cuzz tried to get stuck on the wall and passed the most side corner and failed.

"It's okay, it's okay! He can't run away."

Brother Cuzz immediately changed direction, from the river to the triangle grass.

Anyway, it's his wild area over there, so can he run away?

Lin Cheng didn't want to use the captain's big move to chase the prince because he had handed over the bucket of Captain W to avoid it before, so Suo Gewen turned around and sprinted to keep the captain in front.

Seeing Gwen pressing forward from the line, the prince, who had already leaned against the triangle grass, caught Wei and immediately turned his head back.

He circled back from the intersection of KT's wild area again.

Brother Cuzz turned back from the river again.

Ahead, Lin Cheng's Gwen had already forcibly cut out the captain's flash with three paragraphs of R.

Looking back, Wei Zhuman's Q skill hit the wall again.

It was almost the same position as before.

"what are you doing?"

Lin Cheng couldn't complain, so he turned around and followed to block the prince.

The prince turned his head and ran around the corner wall towards the red triangle grass.

"You chase from there!"

The two intercepted from both sides of the corner wall respectively, and the prince leaned against the triangular grass EQ and went down the wall first.

Lin Cheng: "Hurry up! I'm too lazy to go."

Cuzz: "It's okay! He can't run away."

While speaking, Wei charged up her Q skill again.

The bewitching girl in the middle road has already been wrapped outside the dragon pit, and the prince is already a dead man.

As a result, Wei's Q, which was charging in the triangle grass, hit the wall again.

Fortunately, Rookie is very reliable, and the demon girl has no time for one skill, so she took the head of the prince.

Cuzz made a weeping expression on the spot.

The pop-up screen is full of question marks.

"? ? ? "

"God Against Chu Yuxun!Is this an operation that humans can type out? "

"Authentic Peasant Woman Three Punches!" "

"Bo Wei didn't touch anyone the whole time, and didn't even get an assist (funny)"

"It's the right taste!This is Brother Cuzz》

"It's hard to imagine, this Wei is the strongest jungler in Chengzi's mouth"

"Give the audience a little ICU shock! "

"The First Punch That Shocked Busan! "

Refer to the big O three punches, but I remember that Cuzz brother also hit the wall with a double Q in a corner where no one paid attention last year

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