This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1947 Flat push!Misunderstanding resolved

Zeyuan: "The prince wants to help the captain push the line, but Brother Cheng comes up to fight! Gwen's big move is very effective...Wei is here! Ready for Q flash, this wave of Q flash must at least kill... hey ! Hit the wall."

"But it's okay! The prince got stuck, and King Qin began to circle the pillar. Brother Chengzi wanted to keep the captain first... Hey! Wei hit the wall again!"

Wan Wan: "Ah!!! What are you doing Cuzz?"

Ze Yuan: "It's okay! The prince is still going to die, and the enchantress is here too... Hey! Another mistake! What are you doing here? Can you hit this wall?"

When the director played back, he deliberately gave Wei a close-up.

Brother Cuzz's anti-squatting timing is very vicious. It should have been the rhythm of EG Ueno's explosion, but his three punches with one wave of food brought a crooked style of painting.

Arrested throughout the operation.

Zeyuan: "Fortunately, Rookie's wave came in time, otherwise Brother Cheng's mentality would collapse! Brother Cheng would have a double kill with 2 hit and [-] chances, but as a result, there were too many people and too many ideas, and almost none of them were left behind. .”

Wanwan: "This wave of cuzz has the taste of a factory director. They appeared at the right place at the right time, and then played the most abstract operation."

"Ha ha!Every night is also a little sunspot! "

"Your account is not spicy! "

"It really is!This wave of factory smell is too strong!Consciousness is full, operation stretches hips"

"Ask, is Cuzz a fan of the director? "

"Cuzz doesn't know, but Wanwan and Brother Chengzi must be"

"Wanwan and Brother Chengzi both said they are fans of the factory manager (funny)"

"Good guy!Husband and wife gang committed crimes to persecute the factory manager! (dog head)"

The arrests are not over yet.

After replaying Cuzz's operations in detail, the director showed KT's players again.

Seeing Cuzz hitting the wall for the third time, Lin Cheng was stunned.

"Wen Youzan, if you don't want to help me GANK, just say so."

Cuzz refused to accept: "You just said you killed it or not?"

Lin Cheng looked sideways at the grapefruit thief.

Hesitant to speak.

He didn't say anything, but he seemed to say everything.

Wanwan held back her laughter and acted as an instant translator, and the barrage exploded.

"Hahaha!Brother Orange, this little expression is too funny"

"Grapefruit Thief: Did you say you killed it or not?" (Confident and confident)》

"Brother Chengzi: I need to find a chance to beat him up·jpg"

Generally speaking, KT still made a lot of money in the top lane. The prince died once at this time, and the rhythm was very bad, and the cards in the middle lane couldn't find a chance to start the rhythm.

In 7 minutes, the score was still 2:0.

But soon the two old guys in the bottom lane of KT exerted their strength.

The card was released and forced to fly down to catch people, but jojo's flying position was too aggressive.

Originally, KT played suppression in the bottom lane, and Karma and Nvqiang didn't have the ability to cooperate with their teammates. When the card's ultimate move landed, it was suppressed by Nami's blisters.

Lucian E little point W little point Q little point.

The duo's strong attack + electrocution is triggered, and the card is directly killed.

"Jojo is hot! You can fly in this position? Your support is Karma, not Titan. It's not very good to fly like this."

The cards were given for nothing, and Cuzz easily controlled the first dragon.

At 8 and a half minutes, Wei used his big move in the middle to cooperate with Yao Ji to catch the dead card, and then went to move the vanguard.

EG did not choose to give up the vanguard when the mid laner was killed, and transferred a duo to the upper half.

Lin Cheng's Gwen sent the pawn line stuck in front of the opponent's tower into the tower, turned around and prepared to go to the river to meet up with his teammates.

At this time, the river personnel fought ahead of time.

Brother Cuzz suddenly gave up the vanguard who was halfway through the fight, and wanted to go first to attack the prince.

The common problem of LCK teams is that they are cowardly when they play in groups. When large-scale collisions occur, they will often try and drag each other for a long time. They must find what they think is an excellent opportunity before making a move.

It is even very common in the LCK that ten people drag and try for a long time, but nothing happens in the end.

This style is very stable, but how can there be so many great opportunities in Wei Nuo Nuo?
This is also the biggest reason why the strong teams in the LCK can beat the weak teams.

Weak teams are also cowardly and dare not fight aggressively. It is extremely rare for the weak to win against the strong in the LCK.

Only KT's style is not like this.

KT will not hesitate when deciding to play, and Lin Cheng often rushes to his teammates.

They have developed that invincible momentum.

No matter what the lineup is, no matter whether they have disadvantages or not, they always feel that as long as they drive and fight hard, they will not lose.

Even if the old men lost the operation, they firmly believed that Lin Cheng could come back.

It's a confidence!
In the team, there is the self-confidence of Tongtian Daddy.

Because of the habit of style, now even Cuzz can't stand it.

This guy used to be very cowardly in T1, but no one thinks he is cowardly in KT.

Of course, there are times when Yong is used to it.

Like this wave.

It seems that KT played more frontal than less, but Wei's big move CD and they didn't have a direct way to force it. Brother Cuzz gave up Vanguard Q and went to open Prince, but was pulled by Karma's shield.

When the river falls, the captain's long move cuts off the back row, and Wei gets out of touch by himself.

Brother Cuzz calmed down and took over immediately.

"Ah! Mine! It shouldn't be on."

"You don't want Pioneer, do you?"

"It's okay! You can fight! I've arrived, this wave can be fought, but the opponent can't deal with Gwen."

Once the jungler dies, under normal circumstances KT's pioneer is not easy to compete.

The opponent's card has been resurrected and rushed back.

However, Lin Cheng judged that the follow-up team battle could be fought.

After losing Wei, they don't have a good way to keep people, but it happens that Pioneer is the reason why the opponent stays.

Sure enough, EG wanted to take over Pioneer in the river because of the large number of people.

Lin Cheng and his teammates separated to force positions.

The captain hadn't reached the front at the first time, and EG people didn't dare to drive Gwen with W.

On the other side, Yao Ji and Lucian are too flexible, and EG's people can't drive.

The two sides pulled around the pioneer in the river.

Just when the captain arrived, Rookie's enchantress found a chance to chain the female gun.

Lin Cheng pushed forward.

KT took the initiative to start a 4v5 team battle.

Zeyuan: "Wow! Do you still want to fight? KT really played with confidence! They took the initiative to take on 4v5 teamfights."

Wanwan: "Look at Brother Chengzi! This Bogwen is the key."

War broke out.

There is no qualitative gap in equipment between the two sides in this wave, and there is no situation where myths are broken up, but the difference in teamwork is reflected.

Lin Cheng entered the arena and opened up to directly disturb the back row of EG. The double C turned into a thief and output crazily under Miss Gwen's skirt.

As soon as W was entangled, EG's back row had nothing to do with Gwen.

The long hands did not dare to enter Gwen's circle, and the prince made a target in Gwen's face by himself.

EG's people were all running in the face of Gwen.

But running won't solve the problem.

Gwen rode face, pin shower burst.

The blood bars of the four people on the field collapsed wildly.

EG's double C died suddenly without doing any damage at all, and the card's yellow card was topped off by Gwen W.

Enchantress and Lucian chased and stayed, and EG was knocked out and wiped out.

They didn't even replace one of them.

"Isn't it? This is a 4v5 teamfight! KT defeated EG with few players."

Zeyuan couldn't believe it: "This wave of Chengzi brothers played very well, but EG is too cowardly, right? Gwen hasn't even released the mythical outfit yet, and everyone is running after rushing in?"

Wan Wan: "It's true that they are really difficult to deal with Gwen. The W is so entangled that the back row can't output at all, and I feel that EG is a little scared of being beaten! Just seeing Brother Cheng's ID is full of pressure."

The audience is already fried.

"Fuck! Is it too lucrative for EG to force the team? "

"A Gwen rushes in and runs, it's outrageous"

"Is this the deterrent power of Brother Chengzi?" "

"Let's fake it!It's too abstract. "

"North American teams are like this, very cowardly"

"Who still remembers the scene where TSM Lilia slept five but no one dared to follow?more abstract

The rhythm brought about by this wave of group destruction is too great, and the remaining blood vanguard prince has not yet been destroyed. After being taken over by KT, he directly grouped up and pulled out the outer tower in the middle.

The two side routes are excellent, and after unplugging the first tower in the middle, KT's classic operation began again.

Push the line to make vision, oppress the wild area, turn the line and pull the tower.

KT expanded its economic advantage step by step according to its own game style, and the painting style began to overlap with the previous two games.

However, EG has been making mistakes in the first two rounds, and this round is slightly better.

They generally do not make mistakes, only key mistakes.

Cuzz's peasant women's three punches did not affect the situation anyway, and the EG people made various mistakes just before the resource group.

Either there are fewer people first, or the team battle coordination is fragmented.

Even without Lin Cheng's Gwen dominating the battlefield, EG had almost no resistance and was knocked down by KT Ping in 22 minutes.

"It's over!"

"22 minutes! It really took an hour to add up the three games!"

"We misunderstood jojo. His gesture really didn't mean a 3:1 reversal. He just told the audience to buy a high-speed rail ticket an hour later."

Sorry for the late update!

I took the time to take a look at the T1 game, it was really top-notch.

The bottom one of the LCK crazily took T1 to score points, and T1 alone made the competition for the bottom one position unprecedentedly fierce.

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