This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1948 Teammate Breakup N0

Zeyuan: "In this way, we would like to congratulate KT3:0 sweep and advance, becoming the first team to win the ticket to the MSI finals. They will compete with the winner between RNG and G2 tomorrow for the final championship."

Wanwan: "Congratulations to KT! The gap between the two sides today seems to be bigger than what we predicted before the game. In just ten minutes, the economic gap has exceeded [-]. EG has been beaten all the way."

Zeyuan: "I can only say it's broken! KT is fully charged with EG today. If RNG really makes it to the finals, it seems that it will be more difficult to get revenge."

Wan Wan: "Well~~~ Don't worry too much, I think RNG should pay more attention to it first, let's talk about it after G2 tomorrow."

"That's right! Although we are all optimistic that RNG will easily pass the test tomorrow, but after all, the know everything."

Zeyuan said in a low tone, "Sometimes the opponent you think is easy to fight may not be really easy to fight, and the good draw you think you have drawn may not necessarily be really good."

"here we go!It's started again! "

"Little Heizi Can't Hold It Again!Connotation S8, right? "

"One thing to say, I really thought it was a good draw when I got G2"

"If you ask is it good to sign?Please see Xiaohu Erduanxiao·jpg》

"Both of these commentators are RNG black fans, the identification is complete"

"Still using identification? Every time RNG loses a game, do you know how hard it is for the colonel not to laugh on stage? "

on site.

Their home team won easily, and the KT fans in the audience were very happy.

But not too excited.

After all, EG was beaten violently from the beginning to the end, and he had already made enough psychological preparations.

The KT players took off their earphones and stood up together, making a 3:0 gesture in unison.

The on-site director immediately pointed the camera at the front row of the auditorium.

Chi Shengxi waved a blue and white inflatable stick with both hands with a smile on his face. He wore a mask and showed delicate eyebrows and eyes, his eyes were so happy that they were narrowed into slits.

Then she remembered something, and hurriedly handed the inflatable stick to Xiaomin, and flashed the phone screen.

It says: Get off work!Long live!
The fans burst into laughter.

Cheers and whistles were mixed together, and many people were shouting 'long live off work'.

"Too real!Hahaha"

"Get off work after touching the fish, the happiness visible to the naked eye"

"Social animals are like this (funny)"

"The head of the pool is so beautiful!Xiao Ming is also pretty! (Love)》

"Two Beauties, Who Should I Pick?" "

"Wake up!If you want to pick, it's Cheng Zige's pick! "

"I won't pick, I'll pick up the rest of Brother Chengzi (Insidious)"

Lin Cheng took the lead and bumped fists with the EG players.

Da Mu couldn't see much loss, he bowed and fist bumped Lin Cheng politely.

But Jojo was still laughing when he bumped fists with Lin Cheng.

It seemed that he was much happier than Lin Cheng.

They are off work too, why can't they laugh?
Just by looking at his expression, others might think that Lin Cheng was the one who was eliminated.

After punching, the entire KT team stood in front of the stage and thanked the audience.

The fans at the scene once again broke out with enthusiasm and cheered for the players.

"Dapter! Duck Duck!"

"Cheng! This way! This way!"

"Hey Salang!"

The audience was so enthusiastic, there was a blond lady with a western face who stood up and held a sign and kept calling for Lin Cheng's ID. The content on it was very bold:

Cheng! Date me!I wore open crotch black silk today!

Are all Europeans and Americans so unrestrained?
Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment, to the extent that he would feel embarrassed just looking at it.

The young lady was very excited, and the audience around booed.

Lin Cheng tried his best to keep smiling, waved his hand politely, and then quickly looked away to show his innocence.

The teammates held back their laughter.

Seeing someone in the front row of the auditorium gesturing towards him representing the crown, Lin Cheng also raised his hand to show that gesture in response.

Just to divert attention, so that the audience will not find out that he is an old pervert who is very interested in open crotch black silk.

He even shouted slogans on stage.

"Tara go!"

The teammates seemed to feel that Lin Cheng's behavior was embarrassing, and the four of them quietly took a step aside.

As a result, Lin Cheng turned his head, "You guys also come together."

"Ha ha!"

"How embarrassing! Don't."

"Go down quickly, don't dawdle."

Lin Cheng squinted his eyes, "Think about it carefully, do you want to give this face?"


Then, the four teammates reluctantly learned from Lin Cheng.

The scene starts with more spectators than gestures.

The bullet screen is very messy.

"KT の Limited!Crown girl group officially debut! "

"With the brother in the lounge, it happens to be a group of six!"Love it! "

"Brother Chengzi is the youngest, corresponding to Ji Yeon! "

Chi Shengxi and Xiaomin were already insanely happy in the audience.

"I bet! Lin Cheng must have threatened them."

Hearing Ji Shengxi's words, Hyomin thought of her youngest.

Zhiyan's naivety is also a bully in the team. She often bullies her sisters, and her bad behavior is comparable to that of Lin Cheng.

No wonder the two get along so well, it's true that they see each other right.

After thanking the audience, the KT players returned to the waiting room and waited for a while. Lin Cheng accepted the interview in Chinese.

The host of the interview is still Yu Shuang.

After greeting the audience, the interview officially began.

Yu Shuang: "Congratulations to KT for successfully advancing to the finals. This is the second consecutive year for you to enter the MSI finals. How do you feel now?"

Lin Cheng: "Very happy."

Yu Shuang: "Is it so plain? It doesn't look happy at all."

Lin Cheng squeezed out a false smile, "I'm really happy, I swear!"

Thanks to Lin Cheng's good image, even with such a fake smile, all the bullet screens praised him for being handsome.

At most, ask him if he has been threatened.

There are also gay men who want to be fucked.

Yu Shuang: "Today, the KT team's state is really good, but we all know that due to some objective factors, KT didn't play many training games in this MSI. Why can you adjust your state so quickly?"

Lin Cheng explained: "In fact, our training volume has caught up after the match, and there is no lack of preparation. Today's performance is so good because of the excellent performance of our teammates."

"Wow! Very humble."

Yu Shuang teased: "They are all praising their teammates, why don't you praise yourself?"

Lin Cheng raised the microphone: "There is nothing to brag about. We only need to play the lower limit to win today's game, and I am not the one who decides the team's lower limit."

Yu Shuang: "Then who decides the lower limit?"

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "Let's play [-]-[-] for four of them! Whoever gets sick today will be the lower limit of the team."

After finishing speaking, Lin Cheng shrugged and added: "Anyway, they come in turns! I'm used to it."

"Ha ha!Black teammates again! "

"As we all know, the lower limit refers to the shortest board of the barrel. Brother Chengzi means that except for him, all the boards are short boards"

"Teammate Break N.0 Begins"

"This N.0 is very spiritual, I don't know how many times I broke up"

"Four old men take turns doing it, Brother Chengzi is really used to it (funny)"

"Today's lower limit is Brother Cuzz, the third Wei show is too effective"

"It's not terrible for one person to decide the lower limit, but the terrible thing is that all the old guys are rushing to set the lower limit"

"Cuzz the peasant woman punches three times, Rookie smashes against the wall, Mr. Dai takes off at any time, and Beryl rushes to send him off with the heart of Yuan Shen. If all these elements are gathered, the scene will not dare to be imagined"

"RNG opportunity is coming! "

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