This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1950 Will you be moved?

Lin Cheng is a typical guy who climbs up when given a pole, Xiao Min made his reaction amused.

"Okay! Look at your performance, if you behave well, sister may not be considered."

"Seriously! Don't fool me."

On the contrary, Lin Cheng didn't believe it anymore, it's not like he couldn't hear the joke.

Xiao Min glanced at him with squinted eyes, "Drive fast! Don't dawdle."


Lin Cheng pouted, and then restarted the car.

But what does Hyomin being angry mean?
It must be a joke, right?

I almost took it seriously.

Lin Cheng secretly glanced at her.

Hyomin seemed to be smirking.


been played.

After driving for 10 minutes, the two arrived at their destination.

Lin Cheng originally thought that Xiao Min would take him to experience the authentic cuisine of Busan, but the alcoholic sister chose an Italian restaurant.

The restaurant is located on a small island next to Songjeong Port in East Busan. It looks like a European architectural style in appearance, and the interior decoration is simple and bright. Xiaomin took Lin Cheng directly to the terrace on the second floor.

"How is it here?"

"I don't know the taste yet, but the environment looks good."

The open terrace on the second floor of the restaurant faces the sea and the jungle. You can see the lighthouse and the bridge shrouded in lights in the distance. The wind blows a different kind of comfort.

Of course, the scenery in this kind of place is good, and the typhoon is the first to suffer.

The terrace has a large area, with several dining tables neatly arranged, a swing surrounded by green vines on the outside, and a small bookshelf with some magazines and books on it.

Hyomin sat down and looked through the menu.

Lin Cheng casually took a beauty magazine from the nearby bookshelf, stretched out his hand and spread the magazine to cover the menu in Xiao Min's hand, making a camera pose with both hands and jokingly: "It's very artistic! It matches Xiao Min Nu that well."

Hyomin smiled and threw the magazine aside.

"What to eat?"

“Sichuan dan dan noodles!”


Xiao Min gave him an annoyed look, "The chef here is Italian, so he doesn't know how to make Sichuan Dandan noodles."

"Then I want pineapple pizza."

"Ah! Don't deliberately find fault."

Only then did Lin Cheng get serious, and carefully consulted the menu with the alcoholic sister.

The menu has a standard Italian restaurant style, without even a picture, but the cooking method of each dish is roughly marked in English, which is very user-friendly so that customers can imagine the taste of each dish in advance.

After the two ordered the meal, the waiter quickly delivered the pre-dinner champagne.

"Nu Na, can I not drink?"

"Drink less."

Xiao Min raised his wine glass, but Lin Cheng could only follow the example of kindness.

He took a sip and didn't drink much.

The first appetizer was a dark lump of molecular cuisine with a complex taste. I don’t know what it was made of sauce, with a strong hazelnut flavor, but it was quite delicious.

It's a pity that it's gone in one bite, and it's too late to recollect.

The second appetizer is caviar. The crystal clear caviar is placed in a thin crust of baked bread and filled with cream, which looks very tempting.

At the same time the waiter served another aperitif.

"This is German liqueur. If it is paired with caviar, it will make the taste of caviar more layered."

Anyway, Lin Cheng didn't taste the layers of caviar, and it was gone in one bite, and he even paired it with a special wine. He just thought it would be troublesome for Italians to be full.

Xiao Min did not swallow the jujube like Lin Cheng, but sipped the caviar carefully.

"Nana! Here, cream."

Lin Cheng pointed to the corner of his mouth, signaling Xiao Min.

She lowered her eyes and stuck out her tongue to slowly lick the cream from the corner of her mouth.

Lin Cheng was stunned as the tip of his pink tongue scraped over the red lips and took away the white cream.

What's the matter with a little astringency?

Just meeting Xiao Min's eyes, Lin Cheng turned his head away guiltily.

At this time, he couldn't sit still when he saw the waiter opening red wine beside him.

"Let's stop drinking later, shall we? We still have to drive."

"It's okay! The restaurant can help with driving, and the main course should be paired with red wine."

Lin Cheng lowered his voice, "You know I can't drink, there are too many people here... I'll be ashamed if I drink any more."

"Don't worry! My sister doesn't think you are ashamed."

Xiao Min gave him a reassuring look: "Even if you run naked later, I won't pretend that I don't know you."

Lin Cheng stared at the dead fish eyes and stopped talking.

Xiao Min held back her smile, "Okay! I'll let you off this time, sister will drink by herself."

After the appetizers were served, the waiter began to serve the main courses.

I have to say that Xiaomin eats very elegantly. When eating pasta, she will carefully roll up the pasta with a fork and put it in her mouth to chew in small bites without making a sound of noodle.

Lin Cheng seemed a little casual, and didn't care about dining etiquette at all.

Of course, he doesn't deliberately appear to be rude and uninhibited.

"Lin Cheng."


Lin Cheng raised his head and met Xiao Min's eyes.

The alcoholic sister lowered her eyes and was silent for a while.

Lin Cheng was puzzled.

"How do you feel about Busan?"

"It's okay, the weather is good, and the rest seems to be not much different from Seoul."

Lin Cheng felt that she still had something to say, but Xiao Min just took a sip of red wine.

He was a little puzzled, "Then what do you want to say?"

"It's nothing... let's talk about you and Jiyan."

"Still talking? Don't you all know?"

"Tell me again, pick something you haven't heard before."


Lin Cheng thought carefully about getting along with Hanhan, "The first time we met was because of Xuehua, you know it, and the second time..."

The memory was not very clear, Lin Cheng said whatever came to his mind, and the information was a bit messy.

Hyo Min was drinking, slowly eating the food on his plate.

He doesn't seem to be listening very carefully, but occasionally he will ask questions.

"Close contact? I'm not embarrassed..."

Lin Cheng glanced at the alcoholic sister strangely, and said carefully: "That time when I went to eat with was the unmanned restaurant that my sisters also went to. Zhiyan took off her shoes under the table and buried me Rubbing on the legs."

"It's funny when I think about it now, she was teasing me in black silk."

"I scratched the soles of her feet, hahaha!"

Thinking of Hanhan's appearance when he teased him, Lin Cheng was very happy.

Xiao Min raised her head and stared straight at him.

"Is that right?"


Lin Cheng was taken aback for a moment, and then became a little unhappy.

"Xiaomin is angry! Why are you kicking me?"

Under the table, her long legs wrapped in jeans stretched out, and her toes touched Lin Cheng's calf.

But she can wear sneakers on her feet!
It looked like it was kicking Lin Cheng's calf.


Xiao Min made a dazed look, and said with a smile: "Sister forgot, why don't I take off my shoes and start over?"

Lin Cheng rolled his eyes, "Just tell me if you're dissatisfied with me, there's no need to beat around the bush."

"Where is it?"

The corner of Xiao Min's mouth raised, "If it was said that my sister really wanted to tease you, would you be moved?" (End of this chapter)

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