This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1951 I Said I Didn't Do It On Purpose, Do You Believe It?

"Really? Of course I will be moved! Didn't I say that I like all my sisters?"

With the lessons learned from the past, Lin Cheng only took the alcoholic sister as a joke.

Of course, his answer is not perfunctory.

Isn't it strange not to be moved?

He is an old pervert!

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, Xiao Min smiled.

She thought for a while, without saying anything, and gracefully picked up the red wine glass.

Drinking alone is probably because the atmosphere is not enough, Xiao Min didn't drink much, but her cheeks were slightly red.

It was almost nine o'clock in the evening after dinner, Lin Cheng drove Xiaomin back to the hotel.

"Nu Na, I'm going back first, and tomorrow we'll pick up Ji Yan and the others."

"Don't go."

Xiao Min shook the red wine bottle in her hand, "Have a drink with my sister."

The red wine was served in the restaurant, sober up, Xiaomin only drank a small half, and brought back the rest of the wine. She even said that the restaurant wine was good and brought an extra bottle.

"Do you really want to drink?"

"Agreed! Deceiving people with corns."


It's not enough to just drink red wine, and it happened that dinner was half full, so the two went to a nearby store to pick up a lot of snacks and came back.

Even the share of Jiyeon and the others coming tomorrow is ready.

The two sat cross-legged on the floor near the balcony in the living room.



Lin Cheng took a sip and thought about it carefully.

I don't know why the alcoholic sister likes this taste.

Xiao Min turned on the TV and found a variety show.

The two drank while watching TV.

Although Lin Cheng drank slowly, he gradually felt a little dizzy.

The alcoholic sister blushed and looked slightly drunk.


Xiao Min poked Lin Cheng's arm.


"Sister is so boring, play with me."

"Aren't I drinking with you?"

"I want to play a game."

Xiao Min pointed to the bag on the table, "Take out the board game, let's play a game."

"It's done!"

When they bought snacks just now, they also brought back two sets of board game props. They were planning to wait for Zhiyan and the others to come and play together.

Lin Cheng found out the building block challenge, lay down on the ground and built a building block tower piece by piece.

"If you are angry, you can help too! This is so difficult."

Xiao Min sat beside her and took a leisurely sip of her wine, "No! Do it yourself."


Lin Cheng could only lay down on the floor and carefully tidy up.

"Don't raise your butt so high."

"You don't even help! Do you think my butt is too high?"

Lin Cheng snorted and pushed his butt higher on purpose.

He even had to twitch.

Xiaomin looked at her pouting buttocks and thought for a while, then suddenly the corners of her mouth raised.

She put down her wine glass and quietly moved behind Lin Cheng.

Put your hands together, with your index fingers extended.

Profound meaning!Millennium kill!


With Lin Cheng's exclamation, the half-built building blocks scattered all over the floor.


Lin Cheng covered his butt in horror, "Hey C! What are you doing, Park Hyo Min? Where are you poking?"

The pain is not painful, but it is very humiliating.

Xiao Min chuckled, "Ann! My sister's nails don't grow... Who told you that your butt is so high? My sister suddenly wants to do this for some reason."

"You are too much!"

Lin Cheng was angry, "How can a beautiful and temperamental girl do such an obscene gesture?"

The drunkard elder sister apologized without sincerity: "Okay! My sister knows that I made a mistake, so hurry up and do your work."

"Really! This kind of behavior is very obscene, you know? It has nothing to do with men and women..."

Lin Cheng looked at her again and again, and in the middle of complaining, he suddenly remembered that he had also used the Millennium Kill to deal with his teammates, so he quickly changed his words: "Except for me, of course, Brother Cheng will not be wretched when doing this kind of action."

Xiao Min's giggling laughter was a bit harsh.

Lin Cheng turned around and continued building blocks.

But this guy pressed his butt down, and his posture was far less coquettish than before.

It seems to be guarding against something.

Hyomin laughed even louder.

Lin Cheng gritted his teeth angrily.

You wait!Brother Cheng will take revenge.

This sister is good at everything, and he has always been impressed by being cheerful, generous and easy to get close to, and has a sexy figure, but she just jokes occasionally.

But this is the first time for Millennium Killing.

Probably because Millennium Killed sobered up, Lin Cheng's efficiency was astonishing, and he quickly built the building block tower.

"OK! Who will come first?"

"Sister comes first."

The two sat around, with tall columnar building blocks built by Lin Cheng in the middle.

Xiao Min's red cheeks moved closer to take a closer look, and then slowly pulled out a block in the middle.

The building block is not collapsed, Xiaomin showed the inside of the building block.

blue, cat.

That means, she has to answer a question about cats.

There is nothing to talk about on this topic, Lin Cheng asked casually: "Xiaomin Nuna, what breed of cat do you like best?"

"I like all cute cats, and the snowflake one is the best."

Then it was Lin Cheng's turn to draw the second building block.

He successfully pulled out the building block without collapsing. The inside of the building block is red with a pattern of an arm on it.

This also meant that Lin Cheng had to rely on his arms to complete a task.

Hyomin thought for a while, "Just do five push-ups...wouldn't that be too much, can you?"

Lin Cheng immediately refused to accept it, "What kind of joke are you talking about? Stop looking down on people? Let alone five, I can do five hundred."

Xiao Min: "Then make five hundred."

Lin Cheng: "..."

Seeing Lin Cheng's empty face, the alcoholic sister laughed out loud, "Haha! Just kidding, five will be enough."

Only then did Lin Cheng get down on his stomach and honestly did five standard push-ups.

"Wow! What a great figure."

Xiao Min took the opportunity to poke Lin Cheng's arm, "The muscles look good, do you want to go to the gym with my sister next time?"

Lin Cheng ignored her, "It's your turn."

It was Xiaomin's turn again, and she pulled out the third building block.

Blue, secret.

This topic is a bit interesting, Lin Cheng thought about it for a while, and suddenly remembered something.

"By the way! Nu, you said this afternoon that you have a secret about me, right? That secret can still threaten you?"

Hyomin: "..."

Lin Cheng: "Why don't you speak?"

The red-cheeked alcoholic sister bit her lip, and secretly glanced at Lin Cheng, with a troubled look on her face.

There is a play!

Lin Cheng felt that he had discovered the big one.

As a result, Xiao Min hesitated for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up.


Then she stopped talking.

"Huh? And then."

Xiao Min turned her head away, her cheeks were still very red, "I was right! You asked yourself if there was a secret, and you didn't ask what the secret was?"

Lin Cheng was dumbfounded, "...are you kidding me?"

Xiao Min chuckled, "Who told you to ask such a question, unless you get this building block next time, Elder Sister won't tell you."

Lin Cheng sighed.

Seeing that the big secret was about to be unearthed, he didn't guard against her.

However, Hyo Min is angry, what secrets could be about me?

In fact, each blue building block is unique, at least in this game, it is impossible for anyone to draw this building block with 'secret' written on it.

However, the red building blocks are repeated, after all, there are only so many parts of the human body.

"Hurry up! It's your turn."

Lin Cheng continued to draw blocks.

Still not collapsed.

It's still red, with a lip pattern drawn on it.

"About the punishment of the mouth, let me think about it."

Xiao Min thought for a second, opened the box of cream cake, scooped up a little cream with a spoon and spread it on the back of her hand.

"Hey! I'll punish you to eat clean."

"Is this a punishment?"

"Isn't it?"

Xiao Min thought for a while, "Why don't you wipe it on your sister's feet?"


Lin Cheng raised his hands in agreement.

"Think beautifully!"

Xiao Min grinned and gouged him out, "Hurry up! If the cream falls on the floor, you have to lick it clean."

Lin Cheng didn't dare to delay, he licked the cream off the back of her hand in two bites.

The skin on the back of her hand is very delicate, but Lin Cheng didn't try to mess it up on purpose.


When it was Xiao Min's turn, she pulled out the building blocks and did not collapse again.

Coincidentally, she also pulled out a red brick with a lip pattern on it.

"Haha! I want my sister to lick the cream too."

Lin Cheng cheerfully took the spoon.

As a result, he was too anxious, and the cream fell from the spoon before the back of his hand could touch it.

He sat cross-legged at the low table, and the cream just fell to the bottom of his thighs.

Unbiased, between the legs.

The drunkard elder sister looked at him straight, her face flushed.

"I said I didn't do it on purpose, do you believe me?" (End of this chapter)

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