This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 201 Recast 3 Star Glory

Chapter 201 Recasting Samsung Glory
"Haha! It's better, you lick him quickly, I want to get three kills."

Not only did Zeyuan think that Lin Cheng was about to kill three times, but Lin Cheng himself felt better.

Although Daomei's hands are considered very long in melee combat, how can she compare with an angel who has just ascended to the rank of God?
As long as Tam sticks to the sword girl, the stack of conquerors and passive angels can kill the opponent.

At this moment, Daomei's double-edged attack.

Lin Cheng turned coquettishly and easily avoided the staggered blades.

But Tusin's toad was wide and fat, and was marked with wings and double blades.

Lin Cheng thought it was bad.

There were originally three passive layers on Daomei.


Seeing that the sword girl's Q skill smashed the marks on Tam's body and stacked a full layer of passives, she then turned around and rushed towards the angel.

Daomei cut down the angel again with a knife.

Lin Cheng, who just felt better, suddenly became sober, and quickly turned around and ran back.

The attack speed of the sword girl who was full of passives was too fast. Before the angel could pull away, the sword girl cut Lin Cheng to the ground with a knife.

Angel triple kill plan failed.

After killing the angel, Daomei didn't dare to continue to entangle with Tam, so she turned around and ran away.

Apart from licking Daomei's back, Tam couldn't do much more, he could only watch his opponent leave.

Zeyuan: "It's okay for Tam to stick. Angels with full layers of Conqueror now have some damage. They really want triple kills... huh? Brother Orange is down! The passive sword girl is too strong in close quarters. "

Cat: "Brother Chengzi is already very good. He avoided a lot of damage with his big move and flash in front of him. He even moved to avoid the E of Daomei, but he didn't expect his teammates to be weak. Tusin was stunned by Biyi Shuangedao. The sword girl is full of passives, otherwise the sword girl will definitely not be able to kill the angel with two swords."

Zeyuan: "Indeed, the sword girl was slowed down by Tahm. If the two swords did not kill the angel, she would definitely be killed by the kite. Angel's skills have also been cooled down."

"Fuck! If Tam moves better, he'll get triple kills."

"Brother Cheng has operated to the limit, but he still can't resist this mouthful of poisonous milk."

"Colonel: Brother Chengzi wants to kill three times! (dog head)"

"Today's milk is very poisonous, KT won't really want to roll over?"

"Sir, stop fucking talking, Brother Cheng's chair is starting to leak milk."

"Did you see that KT is about to fight GEN·G, and the colonel is madly trying to suck Brother Chengzi to death?"

"Brother Guan: As long as you break KT's undefeated golden status first, I will have a share of the credit for GEN G's victory."

"It is my duty to recast the glory of Samsung!"

The wave of tower jumping on APK's road was forcibly exchanged by Lin Cheng and Tusin who rushed to the road. The two heads were credited, which made Lin Cheng a big boost to the economy.

Although it was miserable before, Lin Cheng didn't lag behind Daomei because of his solid basic skills, and his own development is actually not bad.

In just over nine minutes, Lin Cheng had a machete, a recurve bow, and a short sword on his body.

And Bono saw that Lin Cheng replaced the opponent's Nosuke, and the troll just touched the big dragon pit and started to play the vanguard.

Although he knew that his angel in this round was going to develop against pressure, Lin Cheng still felt a little uncomfortable.

Just now, during the military training on the opposite side, you ran to replace Xiaolong, and Brother Cheng forcibly fought off the opposite side, Nosuke, before you went to control the vanguard.

If you don't come to shake people, you will be very decisive to sell me.

What is Bono doing?This is eating the blood of teammates.

However, APK does not seem to intend to let go of the canyon pioneer easily. The knife girl knocked down the divination flower and probed her brain at the mouth of the river in the wild area.

Kuro: "Ornn disappeared, they want to fight for the vanguard."

Tusin: "Pull it a little further and hit it quickly, the resurrected person on the other side hasn't arrived yet."

The two covered the troll and took the vanguard at the position below the big dragon pit in the river, and Aoun and Daomei looked ready to move.

At this time, the replay of the last wave of battles had just ended.

Zeyuan: "Bono wanted to take advantage of the death of the spider to take the vanguard, but APK seemed to want to fight? The rhythm of this round is too tight. Are you going to fight again after watching the replay?"

Cat: "Do you really want to fight? I feel that no one is sure about the fight. Daomei doesn't have a big move, and KT's Angel doesn't have a big move. It's hard to say if it's really a fight."

Lin Cheng had already swung his legs to the upper half of the area after his resurrection. When the angel reached the position of the second tower in the middle road, Ao En suddenly started calling sheep.

Ikssu's second-stage sheep accurately knocked the troll and Tahm into the air, allowing Daomei to enter the field directly after being connected to the pair of wings.

At this time, Bono had no choice but to give up the vanguard whose blood volume was already low, and turned back to bite Daomei.

The two sides fought in the river.

After all, it is 3 vs 2 head-on. Kuro is not afraid when Daomei does not have the czar in E. Standing up a sand soldier is just a mad poke.

The continuous output of the Deadly Rhythm Tsar is not low when left alone, even in the early stage.

Seeing Daomei retreating to Aoun, Kuro decisively drifted around the corner and made a big move, pushing them back.

But Kuro's drift overturned the car.

Although the Tsar's output position separated Ornn and Daomei with a big move, he was caught by the resurrected Titan and Spider just because he went deep into the river.

The spider is insidiously stuck with a set of skills in the grass vision and cooperates with the Titan to instantly kill the czar. Tusin has no chance to save him without flashing.

On the other side, Lin Cheng's angel also arrived at the scene of the incident one step later.

Bono: "Daomei cut off Q, kill Daomei first."

Tusin: "You can fight, you can fight, don't be too far away from me, the opponent's AD can't reach it."

Kuro: "I cheated out the spider skill, and killing the opposite side of the sword girl is not enough output."

Lin Cheng: "..."

Good guy!Are you cheating out of the spider's skills?It is really rare to use the tsar's life to cheat skills.

Angel's Q Yaoyan impact pierced Daomei from far away, and then began to move A rhythmically.

Aoun backhanded a Q skill to slow down Lin Cheng, just crossed the troll's pillar and launched a fiery charge towards the corner of the river next to Lin Cheng.

Tusin quickly swallowed the angel in one gulp to prevent Lin Cheng from being instantly depressed and unable to continue output.

Without coercion, Lin Cheng used Tam's Tun to adjust his position and immediately drilled out to output Daomei.

The sword girl's blood volume is not high, just as the troll bites down, Lin Cheng activates the E skill Starfire Runeblade to complete the kill.

At this time, Titan stepped up and threw out his big move directly.

Originally, Lin Cheng thought that Daomei had no Q or E, and the spider broke out to kill the czar, and his output environment was already invincible.

But he didn't notice that Titan, who was still level 5 before, had already risen to level [-] after receiving an assist.

Regardless of the shock wave spreading to his feet, Lin Cheng quickly walked to A to cooperate with his teammates to continue output, trying to keep the enemy's blood line down as much as possible.

Finally, the angel was sent flying by the shock wave, and the spider jumped up directly from the sky.

The Titan came up and knocked out the passive with an anchor.

When Lin Cheng landed, he leveled his A, and at the moment the confinement effect disappeared, he accelerated with a W and desperately adjusted his output.

It was really not enough for Spider and Aoun to burst out without complete skills. Although the three of them quickly knocked out most of Angel's HP, they were still dragged by Lin Cheng's position.

Under this terrain, Lin Cheng chose to move in a spiral around Tusin's Tahm, allowing Tahm to try to jam the opponent's position to create output space for himself.

The attack speed of Angels stacked full of fanaticism is already impressive. Although the equipment is not enough, after all, the target of the output is a spider, and Xiaofu's blood volume drops very quickly.

Ornn began to spew flames.

Ikssu flashed directly to knock out the fragile effect on the angel.

The angel backhanded a Q Yaoyan impact to kill the spider first, but Lin Cheng himself was crushed to death on the spot by the Titan's anchor before triumphantly saving his life.

(End of this chapter)

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