Chapter 202 Chaos
Zeyuan: "The vanguard is going to be gone! Aoun couldn't hold back and started driving, and Kuro gave it away first! Brother Orange came to the scene and moved in a spiral position to win the double kill! Although he was also replaced, he still made money."

Cat: "That's for sure! No matter who dies, as long as the angel can take the head, KT is acceptable. Do the rest of them still want to fight? It feels like there is nothing to fight."

Zeyuan: "I just don't accept it. The tempers of both sides are very strong in this round. This is a rare chaos in the LCK."

The characters with high output on both sides were killed, and the remaining four were still fighting together.

The troll's endgame handling ability is still better, and KT Nosuke gradually gained the upper hand when Aoun's mana is not much.

Ornn and Titan turned and tried to run, but Bono set up a pillar and started to give chase.

However, Titan's passivity is really annoying. Anyone who gets close can A, and the imprisonment that can take effect once in six seconds makes the pursuit of the two seem stumbling.

Just as the two of them chased across the river and entered the path in the blue square wild area, Tam looked into the grass in front and found that Daomei suddenly came out from behind.

Bono and Tusin quickly turned around and ran back.

The offensive and defensive momentum reversed in an instant, and KT's wild assistant ran away, and the three people on the opposite side chased wildly.

Tai Tan hit the troll with a hook, and Daomei pulled out with double blades and Q directly.

Tusin's Tam quickly swallowed the troll back, and the two ran away.

Just when the three of APK were chasing to the F6 position of the red square, Lin Cheng's angel resurrection had TP landed on the field of vision left by Tam just now.

In the case of remaining blood, the troll stuck a pillar under the body of Daomei, separating Daomei from the positions of the two behind.

When Lin Cheng rushed down the river, a Q Flame impact pierced through the Titan behind him, and after he leveled A twice, he activated the E Starfire Runeblade to kill the Titan directly.

Then Lin Cheng started beating Aoun unpretentiously.

The reason why I say beating is because Aoun really can't pay back.

Just now, Ikssu managed to squeeze out a mana amount of Q skill just now to match Daomei's pursuit of Ikssu, but now there is no mana drop, and there is no room for fighting back against the angel.

Due to the acquisition of heads, the magical shoes have been released in advance. Lin Cheng already has attack speed shoes on his body this time, and the rhythm of walking A is smoother.

Facing the Tsar in the middle lane, Aoun didn't have armor equipment at all, and his blood volume dropped very quickly, and he was quickly killed by Lin Cheng in the river.

The blood volume of the personnel remaining from the previous wave on both sides is very low, and Daomei has also killed the troll and Tam, and rushed back to the river, seeking a head-on confrontation with the angel.

Lin Cheng squeezed his skills, ready to tie A and start.

Daomei chose to come up and face directly.

Lin Cheng's Q skill Yaoyan impacts to slow down the opponent, immediately W speeds up and pulls away, and turns around and starts to A.

Under the blessing of the high-spirited effect, Angel A took a step back, and Daomei found it difficult to touch the opponent after the first two close-up swords.

Finally, seeing that Daomei was about to get close, Lin Cheng slowed down and continued to walk in the A rhythm.

The knife girl herself only has a pair of straw sandals, and it is difficult for the angel facing the second-level shoes to get close under the blessing of the high-spirited effect.

The two blades shot out, but Lin Cheng moved deftly and easily dodged the twin blades, and with his backhand, the star fire talisman blade that raised waves of flames hit Daomei to less than half of her HP.

After finally waiting for the Q skill to be refreshed, Daomei, who had just rushed up, was slowed down by the impact of the angel's Q Flame, and continued to pull output.

To be honest, the passive layers of Daomei have disappeared, even if the current Daomei is standing, it is impossible to beat an angel whose health is full of conquerors and passives.

But going A is handsome!

It feels so good that you can hit others, but others can't hit you.

Zeyuan: "Still fighting! Both sides have played top laners and revived TP. This wave of team battles is not over yet! But Daomei and Angel have the ability to harvest, and they should be able to play a result."

Cat: "The miscellaneous fish are all dead, and it's king vs. king, but Daomei can't seem to touch the angel. Brother Chengzi, this is a good detail! Daomei is going to be walked to death."

Ze Yuan: "Hey! The twin blades missed, it's over! The sword sister passively disappeared, my king is bigger than yours, the angels cleaned the battlefield, and Brother Cheng had the last laugh."

Just when Lin Cheng was about to kill Dao Mei, a handsome yellow boy entered the arena.

Kuro: "Lin Cheng, give me an assist!"

The tsar was revived and drifted around the corner, commanding the sand soldiers to make precise k-heads.

Good guy!Your assists are so mixed up?
Lin Cheng: "... as long as you are happy."

Just after killing Daomei, the spider showed up again, but both of them had no way to keep people and could only watch the spider slip away.

Zeyuan: "Turtle! Good guy! I just realized it now. Just now, this wave of fighting lasted for almost 2 minutes. Sword girl TP came and died for two rounds before it was over. This game was too bloody! It was a mess! The feeling of fighting."

Cat: "You also need to count the previous wave of tower jumping. The angel just came back to life and went to the river to participate in the battle. Strictly speaking, it took three rounds. There was no life in the upper half of the area in more than two minutes. Isn't this angel in A fight is on the way to a fight.

Hmm~~~~11 minutes, the head ratio is 7:9, am I watching a fake LCK game?The degree of bloodiness is too exaggerated. "


Cat: "Sure enough, war is the fastest way to get rich. Although they died twice, the angels made a lot of money in war! After this wave of fighting, the economy directly took off."

Ze Yuan smiled: "I think my mentality will collapse when I see Brother Chengzi's stats. I haven't cleared many wild monsters. After training him for so long, why do I suddenly feel that something is not right?"

"Fuck! I thought this game was really about Vietnam."

"Everyone looks stupid to me! This is clearly the scene of a riot in our Silver Bureau."

"Brother Chengzi came to fight again after he died, and continued to fight with TP after he died. It was too passionate."

"Just now the Colonel said that Brother Cheng cleaned up the battlefield, but Daomei's head was snatched by the Tsar. This is too messed up."

"It's not bad. I was worried that Dao Mei would suddenly kill her. Fortunately, it was the Tsar who took the head."

"There is one thing to say, the colonel is too strong today, and KT just got sucked into a big chaos team."

The chaos ended, and the canyon pioneer who caused the bloody incident survived.

Taking advantage of no one to guard, Lin Cheng ran to the middle lane and pushed the line with Kuro and ate two layers of tapestry, and then went home and directly made Blade of the Ruined King.

The family that was struggling on the line of food and clothing suddenly became rich.

Bono marked the Vanguard after his troll revived.

This pioneer must be in my hands, and the other side has the ability to continue to grab it.

(End of this chapter)

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