This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 211 Only my daughter-in-law can beat me

Chapter 211 Only my daughter-in-law can beat me

As soon as she entered the room, she saw Zheng Shiyan wearing rubber gloves with her back to the two of them leaning against the bedroom door, looking into the direction of the bedroom with her head poking around, and there was a clothes pole beside her.

It's completely like an enemy.

If Lin Cheng didn't know that there were mice inside, those who didn't know would think there were zombies inside.

The little girl who was tugging at the corner of Lin Cheng's clothes didn't dare to vent her anger. She pointed in the direction of the bedroom and said nervously, "Uncle, it's inside! The big flying squirrel is inside."

"Don't worry! Watch Uncle show you how to catch mice with bare hands."

Lin Cheng left the little girl and leaned over, "Sister Shiyan, let me come."

"sorry to bother you."

Zheng Shiyan lowered her eyes, and seemed a little embarrassed about her current appearance.

Lin Cheng looked towards the bedroom.

A black figure was crawling on the floor, but it wasn't the mouse that Enxi said, it was clearly a bat.

"How did the bat get into the house?"

"It broke in through the ventilation duct, and I was shocked at the time." Zheng Shiyan was terrified.

It is not uncommon for bats to roost near apartments in cities now, not to mention bats, and even rare birds nested and hatched eggs under the air conditioners of residents in the community before.

Lin Cheng joked: "If you don't sleep in broad daylight, you might be a night owl in the bat clan."

Zheng Shiyan was not in the mood for joking, so she took off the thick rubber gloves and handed them to Lin Cheng.

"Put on your gloves, be careful not to be bitten."

Lin Cheng didn't refuse either, just think about catching a bat with his bare hands, it wouldn't be worth it if he was scratched or bitten.

While wearing gloves, Lin Cheng insisted on being mean.

"Sister Shiyan, since you have put on your gloves, why don't you grab them yourself? This thing just looks ugly, but it's actually not scary at all."

Zheng Shiyan just stared closely at the twisting black figure on the bedroom floor, as if she didn't hear Lin Cheng's words.

"Uncle, you don't know, the big flying squirrel is very strong."

The little girl came over and explained to Lin Cheng in a low voice. She was still holding a fluffy Baolulu doll tightly in her arms, as if the little penguin doll could give her more courage.

"how do you know?"

"It was Mom who told Enxi."

The little girl hugged the doll with her left hand, and stretched out her fleshy right hand to compare the little fingernails, "Only my uncle is a little bit stronger than the big flying squirrel, so Enxi will go to my uncle for help, otherwise my mother would have given me a lot of money." The big flying squirrel has been driven out, Enxi's mother is amazing..."

"You talk too much."

Zheng Shiyan glanced at the little girl.

The little girl hurriedly covered half of her face with the doll, and looked at her mother cutely with her big black eyes.

Lin Cheng chuckled.

Zheng Shiyan was obviously afraid because she insisted on maintaining the image of a strong mother in front of the little girl.

Is it really appropriate for you to fool a little girl like this?

Zheng Shiyan turned her head away expressionlessly, "If you don't touch the bat, you will run away."

Lin Cheng stopped being mean, and walked into the bedroom loudly, reaching out to catch the black shadow on the ground.

As if anticipating the danger, the bat on the ground jumped up before Lin Cheng approached, and flew up shaking left and right.


Generally speaking, it is difficult for bats to fly directly from the ground, because the hind legs of bats are short and weak, and they cannot eject and start like birds.

But the so-called miracles are not absolute. Bats can theoretically jump and take off in place.

But the bat does not kick the ground with its hind legs, but bounces itself up with its powerful forelimbs.

I just don’t know why many people have the impression that bats cannot take off from flat ground after watching many popular science programs.

Seeing Lin Cheng approaching, the bat apparently succeeded in shoveling in anger and flew up.

Although Lin Cheng had already reacted, he reached out to stop him, but he was still a step too late.



The bat flapped its fleshy wings and rushed towards the door of the bedroom, and the mother and daughter screamed and quickly backed away.


In a panic, the bat slammed into the eaves of the bedroom door with a bang, and then fell down, just in time to fall into the hood of the little girl's clothes.

"Wow! Mom!"

The little girl Enxi was so frightened that she almost cried, she turned around and was about to rush to her mother.

"Enxi, don't come here, mother is also afraid."

Zheng Shiyan's voice trembled a little, subconsciously she wanted to push the little girl away.

But seeing the bat struggling to reveal its ferocious head from Enxi's hood, the fangs were right next to the little girl's head, Zheng Shiyan, who was afraid that Enxi would be hurt, didn't even want to reach out and grab Enxi's hood. bat.


After catching the bat, she felt the unspeakable touch, and Zheng Shiyan screamed and threw the bat away.

Lin Cheng saw the timing, rushed up and stretched out his hand to press the struggling bat on the living room floor.

Lin Cheng was also to blame for his bad luck.

Zheng Shiyan obviously overreacted when she caught the bat with her bare hands just now. After throwing the bat, she picked up the clothes pole and hit it.

Lin Cheng rushed up and held down the bat just now, when the clothes pole swung over rubbed his arm.

And the little girl was also very brave and shouted "Enxi is not afraid of big flying squirrels" while smashing out her little penguin doll. Lin Cheng turned his head and was slapped on the face by the doll Pia.

Obviously, it was simply to catch a bat, but Lin Cheng really didn't expect the danger to come from his teammates.

Being attacked by his teammates continuously, Lin Cheng didn't notice that the bat he had just held slipped out of his hand, and the direction of his escape happened to be facing the mother and daughter again.


Zheng Shiyan waved the clothes pole again.

"Captain don't shoot! It's me!"

Lin Cheng was just about to chase the bat, but was scared by Zheng Shiyan's action and quickly shrank back.

"You take it away quickly."

Zheng Shiyan protected the little girl behind her, and the clothes pole in her hand kept stabbing the struggling and jumping bat on the floor.

Her aim was poor, not only did she not hit the jumping bat, but it made Lin Cheng unable to get close.

Zheng Shiyan's appearance at this meeting really can't be connected with the usual elegant and intellectual beauty in the workplace.

Finally, Lin Cheng saw the opportunity and stepped forward in two steps. First, he accurately grasped the clothes pole with his left hand, and then quickly held down the thumping bat on the ground with his right hand.

"Sister Shiyan, what are you doing? You're scaring me to death."

At this moment, Zheng Shiyan let out a long breath and relaxed, a little embarrassed, "I'm too nervous."

Seeing Zheng Shiyan comforting the little girl softly, Lin Cheng couldn't help laughing when he thought of the scene just now.

"But sister Shiyan, I haven't been beaten for more than ten years. My mother said that only my wife can beat me in the future. I didn't expect to be beaten by you today..."

Speaking of this, Lin Cheng suddenly realized that this was not right, so he quickly stopped talking.

Zheng Shiyan just patted the little girl's back comfortingly, as if she didn't notice his words.

Hey, I'm used to my mouth.

Lin Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, and then reflected for a second.

It's fine in front of Sister Shuyan, but you still have to be careful when speaking outside.

Why don't you pay attention in front of Sister Shuyan?
(End of this chapter)

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