This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 212 Afterwards, the news agency will have the final say

Chapter 212 Afterwards, the news agency will have the final say
At this moment, Enxi buried her little head in her mother's arms, closed her eyes tightly, and didn't see the appearance of bravely smashing out the doll just now.

After all, he was only a four-year-old child.

"Look, Enxi, the big flying squirrel was caught by my uncle, but the big flying squirrel is not scary."

Lin Cheng showed a big smile and raised the bat in his hand.

Eun-hee lifts her head from her mother's arms.

It turned out that the bat bared its teeth and struggled desperately, showing its fangs to the little girl, looking extremely terrifying.

The little girl who was on the verge of weeping suddenly burst out crying 'wow'.

"Enxi, don't cry, it's uncle's fault."

Lin Cheng panicked all of a sudden, and wanted to reach out to hug the little girl, but realized that he was still holding the bat in his hand.

"It's all your fault."

Lin Cheng couldn't find anything strange, so he raised his left hand and knocked on the bat's forehead.

The bat, which was still struggling just now, seemed to be stunned all of a sudden, and stopped struggling.

"Enxi, look quickly, the big flying squirrel doesn't dare to be aggressive anymore."

Lin Cheng held the bat tightly through his thick gloves, only showing his head shaking in front of the little girl.

The little girl couldn't help but looked up again secretly.

Don't tell me, this bat doesn't look hideous when it retracts its fangs, but its big watery eyes and protruding nose are rather ugly and cute.

The bat didn't move after being hit by Lin Cheng's old punch. It looked at the little girl pitifully, with a strong desire to survive.

The little girl was immediately amused, wiped her tears with her hand, buried her face in her mother's arms, and muffled in distaste: "The big flying squirrel is so ugly."

Lin Cheng hurried to the window and threw the bat out. The guy flapped a few times in the air and quickly disappeared.

"Hey! The big flying squirrel has already been chased away by my uncle. If it dares to frighten Enxi again, Enxi will come and tell uncle. Uncle will beat it again next time, okay?"


Enxi pursed her mouth and nodded, then let go of her grievances and obediently followed her mother to change clothes.

After a while, the little girl Enxi changed into a cute panda coat and came out, jumping up and down, but she couldn't tell she was crying just now.

"Lin Cheng, take Enxi there for a while, and I'll clean the room first."

Zheng Shiyan found out the disinfectant and prepared to thoroughly clean all corners of the room.

Lin Cheng felt that Zheng Shiyan was making a big deal out of a molehill, but Zheng Shiyan was very persistent.

I don't know if it's because she loves to be clean, or because she is cautious as a mother.

So, Lin Cheng took the little girl to the next door to find Han Shuyan.

The sun shines gently on the balcony.

The little girl leaned against Han Shuyan's arms, talking aggrievedly about the terrible experience just now.

"The big flying squirrel is so ugly~~ the teeth are so long."

"Enxi was very brave just now, Enxi hit the big flying squirrel with Baolulu."

"Mom is also good at catching the big flying squirrel. Mom is amazing."

"Also, my uncle told Eunxi to yell 'Demacia' when she gets scared, so she won't be scared anymore."

Even though the little girl couldn't speak clearly in longer sentences, she was still trying to describe the picture in her little head, and she stretched out her short hand to make gestures from time to time.

The tiger coat just now was already very cute, but now the little girl has changed into a black and white panda coat, which is even more cute. A small black and white dumpling is nestled in her arms, making Han Shuyan's heart melt.

She listened carefully with her ears sideways, just like she listened to Lin Cheng's ramblings.

Originally, the dumb little girl would be like an ordinary child in front of Han Shuyan, immersing herself in her own world.

Looking at this scene, Lin Cheng inexplicably felt very warm.

After lunch, Zheng Shiyan took the little girl back to rest.

Taking advantage of the time, Lin Cheng was going to go back to live broadcast for a while.

Hmm~~~ The sun is just right, if you don't start a live broadcast to make a name for yourself, why don't you continue to lie on the balcony as a waste?

Back in the room, I went to get a glass of water first, and then slowly logged into my live account.

Due to the temporary start of the broadcast, there were very few people in the live broadcast room.

Lin Cheng: "Brothers in the live broadcast room! I, Lin Cheng, the most beautiful boy in Douyu is here! Raise your hand if you miss me, cheer if you love me, get out if you scold me!"

"He~~~~tui! Greet you with a mouthful of thick phlegm."

"I knock! Brother Cheng, can you keep a low profile when you go online? Such a shameful appearance makes me want to smash the fan brand."

"Brother Chengzi is the number one professional player who makes fans feel ashamed."

"Yaoshou! The broadcast will start in the afternoon on weekends? Can your fucking live broadcast be on time?"

"Usually the live broadcast is not active, it is commonplace to arrive late and leave early, and often conduct raids like guerrilla warfare when the broadcast starts. This anchor is outrageous."

Lin Cheng drank his saliva slowly. There were few people in the live broadcast room, and he was not in a hurry to start the game, so he simply interacted with the barrage.

"Brother Chengzi, next week we have to open a barbecue stall, can we win?"

Lin Cheng is very confident: "It's not a big problem. According to the current ranking, we may still meet T1 in the playoffs."

"KT is the power bank used by the barbecue stalls. Forget about the regular season, T5 in BO1 is even more powerful."

Lin Cheng disagreed: "What is a royal power bank? Brother Cheng personally smashed the power bank sign on KT's head the day he played for the first time. Let me tell you, in the future, the news agency will fight with Brother Cheng. "

"No problem, KT is SKT's power bank, not T1's power bank."

"This guy is becoming more and more inappropriate. You have the final say in the news agency war? Where did you put Brother Li?"

"T1? It's just an online marketing team, Lee Sang Hyuk? It's just a mid laner who shoots commercials every day."

"Brother Chengzi, please keep a low profile. SKT still has a lot of fans in China."

Lin Cheng sneered: "Who am I, Lin Cheng? Do you have to be timid when you speak and do things? I'm not one of those dog-licking commentators, and if I say a dirty word, it depends on the number of fans of the other party."

While talking, Lin Cheng opened the webpage, "Besides, how many fans can T1 have? Could they still attack me?"

Open T1's official Weibo and take a look.

Good guy!Nearly 100 million followers.

Although Lin Cheng doesn't play Weibo, he can't escape from the Douyu live broadcast room.

It really pissed off T1 fans, I'm afraid they will come to the live broadcast room to scold the street every day.

After the World Championship last year, Lin Cheng was lucky enough to meet RNG mid laner Xiaohu during the live broadcast.

Even if Fang Guan is super godly, he can't stop the knight's momentum full of screens, it's too outrageous.

"Cough! What did you say just now? The news agency war?"

Lin Cheng coughed dryly, and changed the topic, "I think the two sides will be 1-5. Although our KT is in good shape recently, T[-] has a deep foundation after all, and I have never played a BO[-] game. It will depend on the impromptu performance.

Moreover, there are legendary players like Faker in T1. I grew up watching Brother Li play, and I have always been a fan of Brother Li. I respect him very much. Don’t take my rhythm. "

Lin Cheng's face-changing speed stunned the water friends in the live broadcast room.

"Fuck! This is too real, isn't it? Seeing the number of fans of T1, I immediately changed my mind."

"True face-changing master."

"Brother Chengzi: T1? How many fans of this broken team can still attack me? Oh yo! 100 million! Can't be messed with."

"What do you mean we will lead you to the rhythm, brother Chengzi opened his mouth to talk about the news agency war, he has the final say, and now he will put the blame on the fans?"

"Good guy! You're the first to blame your own fans."

(End of this chapter)

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