This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 214 Dragon Protection Association

Chapter 214 Dragon Protection Association
Due to the large number of LPL teams, there are currently three BO3 regular season games played every day. Compared with the LCK schedule, the rest interval in the middle of each game week is shorter.

This will be the beginning of the early game, with EDG playing against BLG.

"I haven't watched EDG's games this season, and today I just came to see how the factory manager's coaching work is doing."

Anyway, the duration of the live broadcast was mixed, Lin Cheng didn't bother to rank, and was excited to watch the EDG game.

In the future, when you meet the factory manager and chat, you can also blow a few words, right?

"That's right! I remember EDG saying that it's good to have a young top laner this year? Why are there three top laners and Audi is starting? Could it be that the other two have a grudge against Qijiang?"

Lin Cheng was a little puzzled. In his impression, Audi was really not an outstanding top laner. Why did he still play when EDG had three top laners?

It is not an exaggeration for Audi to say that he is the top single in EDG when it is outrageous. In the S7 Intercontinental Race, the scene where his prince and the factory manager raced was a lot of amyloid myocardial infarction.

Obviously, the team is ahead of the thief with a high economy, but the resurrected Prince A only dared to collect the remaining blood and run away. The operation of EQ running away and selling AD for the second time made the audience look stupid.

Audi's profound escape skills are no less than that of the factory director, thus another famous stalk "Audi double diamond, factory partner" was born.

Regarding Lin Cheng's question, the masters in the live broadcast room answered their questions one after another.

"There is a problem with Xiaoxiang's hero pool. Once a good hero is banned, everyone will be gone."

"An Audi that Xiaoxiang can play can also play, but Xiaoxiang can't play an Audi that can play. This year, Guodian is having a hard time."

"Brother Chengzi's statement that he has a grudge against the factory manager made me laugh out loud. This makes me want Black Seven Sauce whenever I get a chance."

"Director: I have taken so many top orders, and Audi is the only one that runs faster than me."

"To be reasonable, Audi is still like a person so far this year. I hope Xiaoxiang can quickly practice the hero pool."

Lin Cheng understood that the proficiency of a professional player's hero is really an important indicator. Many new players started off amazingly, but they disappeared because of the hero pool being figured out.

The lineup of EDG in the first game is as follows: Seti, Rek'Sai, Enchantress, Aphelios, Tarik.

BLG's lineup is: Aoun, Prince, Kassadin, skate shoes, Japanese women.

The situation of the game was rather dull from the beginning. The styles of the two teams were not open and close. There were very few battles that broke out in the early stage. It was not until 20 minutes before the first large-scale battle broke out near the Dragon Pit. fighting.

Lin Cheng, who had been chatting and blowing water, finally cheered up and started working part-time seriously to explain.

"Come on! The big move of the wrist is in a good position, E has three people, this wave is EDG's opportunity!"

"The Enchantress stole and disabled Kassadin, and Kassadin dared not enter the arena. EDG is going to win this wave."

"Kill a Japanese girl first, and Sett of EDG is also down, but it's not a big problem, Aphelios has no pressure to output... huh?"

Before the words were finished, Aoun pushed Aphelios and Rek'Sai, who had the strongest combat capabilities on the EDG field, on their heads.

Tariq was also killed in battle, and only one demon girl was left on the edge of OB and ran away. ED was played in a wave of two for four, and lost Dalong at the same time.

"What is this hitting? This is too eye-catching."

Thinking about it for a while, Lin Cheng couldn't believe it, "EDG should be in a strong period at this time, and Kassadin on the opposite side has been stolen and disabled, and he hasn't fought before? The cooperation is so bad that the enchantress dare not go up to Kassadin with half blood. Lista's glare is outrageous."

At that time, there was only one skateboard shoe capable of continuous output on the BLG field. As long as the glare of gemstones was given to the skateboard shoe, BLG would definitely lose.

As a result, Yao Ji was reluctant to flash to hang the glare on her skate shoes when the gem flash was gone.

On the contrary, Rexai and Aphelios were hit by Aoun at the same time, and the skateboard shoes instantly lost the two people who were not satisfied with their blood volume, and then they rubbed without pressure.

The ADs on both sides are two-piece suits. Aphelios is much stronger than Kalista in fighting such a large group. In addition, the opponent Kassadin was beaten away from the beginning. Team battles like EDG are difficult. It's a bit outrageous to be able to lose.

It can only be said that the battlefield feng shui is not good.

After all, this wave of battle broke out around the big dragon pit.

As we all know, EDG is a core member of the Dalong Protection Association.

Fighting around the big dragon will inevitably be distracting, and you will not be able to show your true strength.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was very lively.

"Brother Chengzi is really starch, right? This commentary is too real from excitement to sigh."

"As expected of you EDG, this team can lose."

"As a ten-year star, it's not bad to say that you dare to fight."

"Didn't EDG in the balance of power just run away if they can't fight back? How dare they fight? (Funny)"

"Scout: The coach is watching me off the court, I want to keep the glory of EDG forever."

After this wave, the situation in EDG was completely broken, and they were unable to organize a threatening offensive, and they were quickly defeated.

"It seems that the situation of the factory director is not very good this year."

Lin Cheng also felt sad for EDG's loss. When we were chatting at the beginning, the factory director was actually looking forward to his coaching career.

In this round, the jungler Junjia played very poorly. A hero like Rek'Sai, who needs rhythm, didn't do anything for 10 minutes, and then he was defeated by EDG in a wave of team battles.

The water friends in the live broadcast room are posting bullet screens to indicate that the head coach is warming up.

"Come on! Stop calling the factory manager to come back."

Lin Cheng waved his hand: "At the beginning, the factory manager kicked away half of the fans. If they come back later, the rest of the fans will be wiped out."

"Haha! It's starting to be weird again."

"Qijiang: What about your mother, bastard?"

"Believe it or not next year when the factory manager changes his clothes, ancestor Saiwen will reconnect?"

Talking and laughing, the second game started.

This game was much more intense than the first game. EDG gradually established an advantage in the continuous outbreak of small-scale battles, and successfully seized the opportunity to take down the dragon in the early 10 minutes.

At 24 minutes, EDG had expanded the economic gap to [-] before the Dragon BUFF ended, which is a very exaggerated number.

However, just before the end of the Dragon BUFF, EDG's old problem happened again when they went to the high ground.

The small soldiers with the big dragon BUFF went up to the high ground, but the EDG people did not dare to force open first, but kept moving, trying to force the opponent to abandon the high ground by pressing the position.

I don't know who EDG learned this eye attack from. I naively thought that I had an advantage in equipment, and it seemed that others would be afraid when I took the line of soldiers.

The fact is that BLG directly resolutely opened and successfully repelled EDG's offensive by relying on high ground counterattacks. If they didn't run fast enough, this wave of EDG would be wiped out.

"With all due respect, this EDG smell is too strong!"

Lin Cheng almost vomited: "Leading by 8, the prince didn't dare to start a group first when he has a gem ult! It's outrageous! The economic difference of almost 20 in [-] minutes, this should be crushed even with the Highland Tower That's right."

(End of this chapter)

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