This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 215 Is it too late for me to apply for adding starch now?

Chapter 215 Is it too late for me to apply for adding starch now?

I don't know how Mr. Mingkai felt when he saw this rough highland offensive and defensive battle. Anyway, Lin Cheng wanted to complain from the perspective of EDG's coach.

"Qijiang has gone down, hasn't EDG learned how to play an advantaged game? Even if they pretended not to see the defense tower, they should have won the game. What kind of game is this?"

"Baqian's economy is poor! This is how the five sword emperors shouldn't fight like this on the field"

Lin Cheng is not a qualified commentator, and he can't learn the smoothness of the official commentary at all: "And how can there be such a big advantage in the jewel's big move waiting for others to open it? The jewel's big move is actually very bad for backhands. It’s only powerful if you go straight to the big wave.”

The barrage provided a reasonable explanation for EDG's decision.

"Brother Cheng, don't be embarrassed. EDG's [-] economic curse is there. It's [-] economics. If you break the highland economy and lead by more than [-], it will be dangerous."

"Send a wave to prevent the economy from breaking through [-], there is nothing wrong with it."

"To plan the economy and prevent the leader from reaching [-], I am laughing to death."

"What do you mean Qijiang has gone to EDG and still can't play an advantageous game? Little B is hinting at me Qichan again?"

"Facts have proved that cowardice is something in the heart of EDG, and it has nothing to do with the presence or absence of the factory manager."

Although they sold a wave of cuteness when they were high, EDG's economic advantages on the field are still real.

With the advantage in hand, EDG began to stabilize again, waiting for the refresh of the water dragon soul.

Successfully won the water dragon soul, although EDG was defeated by the opponent when they were playing the second dragon, but fortunately, the advantage on the field was too great, and EDG flattened the opponent's base in 34 minutes.

Miraculously, the moment EDG flattened the opponent's base, the economic gap between the two sides just reached [-].

As long as my economic lead is always below [-], will the opponent not be able to overturn my game?
Even though EDG won, Lin Cheng still couldn't help complaining: "I didn't say, 24 advantages in 34 minutes, if we can't see the second dragon on the opposite side of KT, EDG can play for [-] minutes. It’s too late.”

In Lin Cheng's view, the stable style of the team cannot be said to be bad, but you have to snowball while procrastinating.

In 24 minutes, the economic difference was 10, and after 8000 minutes, the economic difference was only more than [-] before the final wave of the final team.

With such a big advantage, it is very problematic that EDG has not expanded the snowball in 10 minutes.

The 10 advantage in 10 minutes is completely different from the 10 advantage in [-] minutes. At [-] minutes, no matter what lineup you have, you can almost crush the opponent with your eyes closed.

But it will be different after 10 minutes. If the opponent is a lineup that is very strong in the late game and the team is very Muggle in the late game, even if there is an advantage of [-], it will be hard to say.

In fact, this is also the reason why EDG was always overturned in the past.

Established a big advantage early, but in the end, I couldn't afford to snowball, dragged the advantage and dragged it into a balance of power, and then lost a wave of team battles and was overturned.

EDG is familiar with this script.

The lineup of EDG in the third game: Aoun, Barrel, Sword Girl, Skate Shoes, Tarek.

The BLG lineup is: Dashu, Troll, Zoe, Aphelios, Thresh.

At the beginning of BP, Lin Cheng analyzed the lineups of both sides.

"For EDG to win this round, you have to roll up the rhythm in the early stage. Not to mention Kalista, Daomei is not easy to play in 5V5 team battles. EDG must accumulate enough advantages in the early stage."

In the deciding game, the two teams played back and forth in the early stage, and the scene that Lin Cheng imagined that EDG accumulated advantages and snowballed did not appear.

However, at 24 minutes, EDG still caught the opportunity of the opponent's inadvertent position. The gem dazzled Aphelios, and the sword girl connected to the E skill and instantly disabled him.

Although Aphelios lit the lantern and left, he was directly killed by a section of Ornn's sheep beside Thresh from a long distance.

And Zoe on the side was also found by the wine barrel, and a set of skills was poured into it to cooperate with Ornn's second-stage sheep to complete the kill.

Not to mention, Audi's figure-seven bumping sheep is quite coquettish.

One sheep eats two, the first sheep kills Aphelios, and the second sheep just keeps Zoe.

Lin Cheng: "It's getting better! I thought EDG was going to die slowly, but now the big dragon came too timely, and only two EDG towers were pushed, now we can use the big dragon BUFF to pull the economy apart as much as possible, You can also take the earth dragon down."

Just after Lin Cheng finished speaking, EDG had a haircut with the opponent in the battle of the earth dragon, and all members escaped successfully without anyone being killed, and surrendered to the earth dragon.

It happened to be BLG's fourth dragon, and BLG successfully controlled the Dragon Soul.

The economic gap between the two sides is about [-], and BLG, which has the soul of the earth dragon, has also entered a strong period of its lineup.

"What is EDG doing? I just said that they started again when they got better. They ran away after throwing two big moves from a long distance and found that the effect was not good. This lineup is a bit too much to be chased by the opponent. Classic one shot not open?"

Lin Cheng didn't understand EDG's command: "Their lineup is for Gemstone and Aoun to use big moves to cooperate with Daomei. Why didn't they dare to charge just now when the big tree didn't grow up? They are not a Poke lineup. Shake a few skills to see the effect before improving?"

"I'm laughing to death! Brother Cheng just said that EDG is getting better, and he lost the dragon soul with his backhand."

"EDG is like this, you never know what the conductor is thinking."

"It's really funny! You can't shoot a single shot, and when you see the effect of Ornn's big move, you usually turn your head and run away."

"All the big moves were played in one wave, and no one died in the end. EDG has a good escape."

Both teams have a relatively gritty style, and they developed peacefully for more than 30 minutes.

At this time, there is a clear difference in the strength of the lineups of the two sides.

BLG's big tree and the troll's two big fleshy tops create output space for Aphelios in the front, and the front and rear rows are distinct.

On EDG's side, Kalista is already a professional scraping master at this time, and the single-handed girl in the middle is also very demanding in team battles.

Lin Cheng said bluntly: "EDG is going to lose this game. BLG is too good at protecting Aphelios, and now EDG will definitely break if you touch it."

Just after Lin Cheng sentenced EDG to death, BLG launched an active attack. EDG sold the barrel without firing a single shot, allowing BLG to successfully take down Dalong.

Immediately afterwards, BLG gathered with the big dragon BUFF to prepare for advancing in the middle.

At this time, the ancient dragon is about to refresh.

EDG suddenly became decisive.

Knowing that a frontal 5v5 battle will undoubtedly lose, EDG did not go to defend BLG's advancement, and the five of them directly formed a group in advance to occupy the vision of the ancient dragon.

In view of being beaten in the face when he was optimistic about EDG several times before, Lin Cheng has completely turned his back on the water: "EDG wants to go all out, but I don't know how to lose this wave of BLG, starches, prepare to turn off the live broadcast."

As soon as the words fell, just as everyone in BLG leaned towards the ancient dragon, EDG played a miracle group.

Scout took the initiative to draw the four of them with double blades, and entered the field to cooperate with her teammates to directly cut off the opponent's output core Aphelios. EDG played a one-for-four team battle and took down the ancient dragon at the same time.

"Is this EDG? This wave of team battle coordination is too good!"

Lin Cheng's tone changed, and when he remembered that he was making fun of the factory manager just now with the look of being sure that EDG would lose, Lin Cheng coughed dryly: "I don't know if it's too late for me to file a report and apply for joining starch? You wait for me to give it to you first." EDG put up a brand."

"Brother Chengzi: Fans, please turn off the live broadcast, 23333."

"Brother Cheng just sentenced EDG to death, and Starch immediately unmasked."

"BLG: Referee! Our keyboard is dripping milk for some reason."

"Brother Chengzi should play professionally, this commentary is outrageous, and he has not been accurate in a wave."

"To be reasonable, it's not that there is a problem with Brother Cheng's commentary, it's that EDG doesn't follow the routine."

(End of this chapter)

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