This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 216 Good brother, 1 second

Chapter 216 Good Brother, Seconds

I have to say that EDG's game is exciting.

After taking down the ancient dragon, EDG chose the remaining four to form a group to forcefully end the game, but Zoe, who was resurrected when the base was forcibly demolished, took three kills, and only Audi, who had excellent escape skills, managed to escape.

At this time, the starches probably have a bad heart.

I believe many fans still vividly remember the scene where EDG was overthrown in the past when some of the remaining blood on the crystal was turned over.

But this time EDG managed to withstand it. Taking advantage of the complete destruction of the opponent's front tooth tower, they used the gem ult to go up directly, and all members killed Aphelios, who had no double summons, and ended the game in one wave.

EDG completed one chase and two, and reversed and defeated BLG.

I have to say that watching the EDG game was really exciting. Lin Cheng felt that he was not so nervous in the last game.

Lin Cheng sighed: "Turtle! EDG still has the taste of the factory manager as a coach. This game is simply torturing fans. Don't people with bad hearts deserve to be fans of EDG?"

"Ten years ago, Starch now has eight packs of abdominal muscles. Are you envious? I got it from watching EDG games."

"EDG's four famous works "Stable", "Let", "Drag" and "Turn", just get used to it."

"A good day ends with watching EDG's game, it's too tortured."

"What? EDG won? Today is another good day."

"That's right. I didn't expect to be able to chase one after another today. I almost died suddenly when the crystal was not removed in the end."

"EDG: No one understands comebacks better than me."

After watching the EDG game, it was almost time for dinner, and Lin Cheng was going to play the RANK before downloading the broadcast.

It has to be said that the circle of the high-end game in Hanbok is too small. Entering the preparation interface, Lin Cheng found that his side was full of professional players.

Faker, Deft, Chovy, Canyon.

Lin Cheng immediately said: "Brothers! Be careful, Brother Cheng doesn't know how to lose with this lineup?"

"Turtle! This lineup is too luxurious."

"First feel sorry for the other side for a second, how can you lose with five thighs?"

"Unless the DRX base is disconnected from the Internet, we can't lose."

"Look at the main point, Brother Li's lineup is support, don't get too excited."

Lin Cheng is very confident: "Don't worry, Faker's support is indeed a bit messy, but even if he has a soft support mix, we can win. As long as we play well in the lane and wait for Canyon to take the lead, we will be done."

Although Li Ge is terrible at playing professional support heroes, he is very good at soft support heroes like Lulu Karma. After all, the original mid laner Lulu Karma has also been popular for quite a while.

Just as the live broadcast room was full of singing and dancing, Mr. Dai locked Kaisha, and then Brother Li locked Niutou.

Lin Cheng's smile faded away, he had counted thousands of times, but he didn't count that Brother Li had such a hand.

"Fuck! Brother Li is coming, brother Chengzi, run!"

"Miscalculated, I forgot that Lee Sang Hyuk still has this hand."

"Hanbok Gui Jianchou is online, have you forgotten the fear of being dominated by Brother Li?"

Brother Li's stalk of bullhead ghost seeing sorrow has actually been around for a long time.

During S5, Captain Jack and Zhao Enjing sat together to watch the SKT game in the LCK finals, and the captain was still happy when he was caught by the director.

You know, for so many years, Zhao Enjing is the only female creature whose mother-fetal single Lee Sang-hyuk has shown affection in front of the camera.

Later, Li Ge once took the initiative to choose the bull head to assist the captain in the ranking captain, and he just sent the game to crash the game.

During that time, as long as the two collided in the rankings, Brother Li stopped playing in the mid laner. Every time he took the initiative to support the captain, and he had to choose the bull head, which made the captain almost unconscious.

It even forced the captain to report directly with his real name in the end: This player doesn’t understand the game enough, and every time he encounters him, he plays the bull-headed auxiliary crazy death. I suspect that he is playing me on purpose.

Actually Faker didn't play it, of course.

After so many years, Brother Li's bull head win rate has never been seen. He really can't play this hero well.

Although I can occasionally C a few times, it still accounts for the vast majority of the time.

So, Lin Cheng sent a message to Mr. Dai at the speed of light: Good brother, just a second.

Mr. Dai:...
When Lin Cheng translated the message he sent, the live broadcast room was full of gloating.

Of course, Lin Cheng was just joking, and didn't really have a second game.

In this round, Lin Cheng selected Seti, and Nuo was selected as the opponent's second player.

Sett, a hero, was simply a monster when he first came out, and Nuoshou had nothing to do with Sett.

Now after countless rounds of weakening, Seti is no longer so easy to play against Nuo, and both sides still have to fight more online.

After seeing the opposite side, the players were selected, and the water friends in the live broadcast room began to point out Jiangshan.

"Is this what the king of Hanbok understands? With Sertinano's hand?"

"Nuoshou can't beat Seti at all, no matter what."

"The last time I met Seti, Nuoshou clearly had an advantage in equipment. I just couldn't beat him with a set of classic combo moves. Did the designer think with his ass?"

"Agreed, the designer is really cerebral palsy, I feel like it's aimed at Nuoshou when the wrist man comes out."

Seeing these bullet screens, Lin Cheng sighed pretendingly: "Is this the player of promise? You haven't been wronged, have you?"

As soon as Lin Cheng said this, a bunch of question marks floated across the barrage.

"I don't know what rank you guys are in, but do you really understand the hero Nuoshou? Sett has been weakened for so many rounds. Now Nuoshou online doesn't say how easy it is to beat Seti, but it can't be said how difficult it is.

Do you think it's abnormal for the hero Nuoshou not to kill and penetrate the opponent?I think this old iron's speech just doesn't understand Nuo Shou, a hero who insists on playing Nuo Shou relying on the strength of Blood Fury. "

Lin Cheng sneered: "Nuoshou needs to pull to beat Seti, and the equipment advantage can't beat Seti. I feel that you rely on Nuoshou's hero strength instead of Nuoshou's mechanism. Anyone who is a little bit good at playing can beat you .”

Lin Cheng's complaints directly hit the souls of the players in the patient game. The more Nuoshou, a hero who is easy to walk around, the more details are needed. Some people think that this kind of stupid should crush the opponent with hero strength.

"Reported and reported, this dog anchor hates fans every day."

"As expected of you, you are good at mocking fans."

"To be honest, I feel like low-end players are really like this. They only stand and rely on blood rage, and when they find that they can't beat them, they are killed by the opponent."

"Haha! I just wanted to say that Seti was blown up by Nuo Shou yesterday, but you all said that Nuo Shou was blown up by Seti, which made me afraid to speak."

Lin Cheng complained sharply: "Are you proud of this brother? It's not something to be proud of Seti being blown up by Nuo Shou, okay? Seti himself is very good at playing Nuo Shou."

"...Dog thing! Do you have to offend both sides?"

"So, who is going to hit whom?"

"Brother Chengzi: Nuo is easy to beat Seti, and Seti is easy to beat Nuo at the same time."

"Brother Cheng, please smash the microphone, let's play the game well."

(End of this chapter)

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