This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 223 Talking about the chapter pay attention to the outside

Chapter 223 Be careful when speaking outside, Faker has many fans

At the beginning of the selection, T1 directly grabbed Calista with one hand.

Jun Il: "Calista is fine! After the priority of female guns is down, the AD with the highest priority for T1 is Calista. They have taken the Senna system once but the effect is very poor. Effort is used as a support Compared with AD players, the basic skills of the players to make up the knife are still much worse."

Corgi: "And T1 is not quite the same as the Kalista we understand. We all think that Kalista is useless in the late stage, but in the interview, the T1 players think that Kalista has late-game ability. I saw a lot of times when they got Kalista on the court and they didn't rush to play offensively."

"Brother Li also said that he played bullhead very well, just listen to what the players say, 23333."

"Teddy's skate shoes are okay for team play, but the line play is not aggressive at all, and there is no pressure."

"T1's skateboard shoes are just a tool man, used for protection and assisting team opening."

"Effort is known as the little god of death, and skateboard shoes can effectively prevent him from dying suddenly."

"It's useless, the little Death God lost his way and died suddenly. You can't even guess where he will die."

Seeing that the opponent took down Calista, Verus was shown on the first floor of the red square, but he hesitated for a while and switched to Senna to lock it.

Poke flow Varus is very good at playing Kalista, but it is still a bit hard to play directly now.

After all, there is an AD on the opposite side, and it will not be very easy for Verus to play when Kami Nakanosuke gives you a whole bunch of big meat with strong opening ability.

Unless you can guarantee to kill your opponent online, all Poke heroes need to match the lineup. It doesn't mean that this version is strong and you have to spend it out without thinking.

After taking out Senna, the red square locked the pig girl on the second floor.

Jun Il: "Pig girl? A very thoughtful pick. We missed one point before. Seeing that KT banned trolls, I thought they wanted to take Ornn, but combined with KT's third-hand BAN Olaf Look, they are laying the groundwork for this pig girl."

Corgi: "Indeed! Both Olaf and the troll have been banned, and Pig Girl has no natural enemies in the jungle, but in this version, Pig Girl is really not a common jungler."

Jun Il: "It's not very common, but with Senna's presence, the probability of front row heroes will definitely increase. Senna can improve the frankness of front row heroes, thereby increasing the fault tolerance rate of the lineup. This is why Senna is now a priority. One of the reasons for such a high level is not only that he can raise a second top laner."

The blue team T1 backhanded the second and third floors and took down Tarek and Silas one after another.

Seeing Silas in this hand, Lin Cheng had an idea.

Lin Cheng: "Coach, give me Irelia! It's easy to beat the Silas thief."

As far as the current lineup is concerned, it is definitely a good choice for KT to choose a sword girl, and it is also very good to match the gank of the pig girl online.

Kang Dongxun thought for a while: "The location of Silas has not been determined yet, let's take a look first."

Lin Cheng: "It doesn't matter, I will go wherever he goes, I can go to the middle lane, and I promise to beat Faker hard."

Kang Dongxun: "..."

Teammates: "..."

Just say this in front of us, be careful outside, Faker has a lot of fans.

Tusin: "Irelia can wait for the second round to get it. Anyway, no one will ban this thing. Tam will definitely be gone if he doesn't get the second round."

Although Daomei is good for KT, Tahm's priority on the field is still higher.

Therefore, Kuro on the third floor locked Tam first.

Kang Dongxun patted Lin Cheng on the shoulder, "Don't worry, as long as Silas is not a jungler, I'll get you Irelia in the second round."

Lin Cheng muttered: "That's what you said last time, but Daomei disappeared in the end."

Kang Dongxun ignored him and began to guide the second round of BP.

KT first banned the Tsar in the second round of the red side.

Then, T1 directly bans the sword girl first in blue.

Lin Cheng: I am Nima@#¥%&@
Teammates began to gloat.

Kuro: "Oh! Lin Cheng, you can't play Irelia anymore, so hurry up and think about what you will play later."

Bono: "Oh! If you can choose Irelia, I will help you like crazy, what a pity!"

Aiming: "Tsk tsk! Why don't you play Lucian as a top laner? This thing is really good against Silas."

Tusin: "Lin Cheng, take a closer look. Maybe their Silas really went to the jungle? Cuzz really played Silas' jungler."

Lin Cheng glanced at Kang Dongxun full of resentment, and sighed.

Forget it, it's a big deal not to play Daomei, this hero Cheng is tired of playing too much.

Between talking and trouble, KT finally sent Zoe to the BAN position.

T1's last BAN was given to the crocodile.

As soon as the crocodile was banned, Silas obviously walked on it, which made Lin Cheng feel depressed for a while.

At the beginning of the selection, KT locked Aoun on the fourth floor in seconds.

Ornn and Zhumei's mid-field strength is very high in the early stage, they are fleshy and hurt, and they have sufficient control.

Corgi: "KT's lineup is too meaty! Aoun Piggy and Tamm who makes up damage, KT is trying to maximize Senna's role."

Jun Ri joked: "Seeing KT's three pieces of meat reminds me of Maggie's classic BP. It depends on what hero KT chooses in the middle lane. Kuro won't be the whole mid laner card, right? A re-enactment of the last DRX's five Zero lineup?"

Corgi: "Well~~~ KT's lineup will be short of output in the later stage. They also need to make up an AD output. Originally, Daomei was a good choice, but unfortunately they were banned by T1 in advance."

"I can't see brother Chengzi's sword girl again, I'm so fucked!"

"You're all bragging about Brother Cheng's sword girl, so let her out for a walk."

"The commentator is whipping the dead Maige again, 23333."

"McGonna obviously guarantees five and one, and the guarantee is for the off-court coach."

"KT's lineup is outrageous, who will play the output?"

The blue party finally locked Rek'sai and Snake Girl with both hands.

Jun Il: "T1's Snake Girl is very spiritual when Tsar is banned. They also know that KT's Aoun can play in the middle and top. Now Aoun doesn't feel good no matter which lane he goes to. T1 at least guarantees A one-man lane has advantages."

Corgi: "That's right, I won't talk about Silas, Snake Girl is very comfortable against Ornn, and team battles can also limit Ornn."

When it was KT's last pick, Lin Cheng hesitated for a long time.

Now Bright Sword Demon is a relatively safe choice.

But playing Sword Demon is too low for KT's lineup. Although there are no tanks on the opposite side, the output of KT's strong men is really like a joke.

Lin Cheng also considered Riven, but the opponent was too restrained from entering the field, and Riven had little room to play.

Simply, Lin Cheng accepted Aiming's proposal and asked Tusin to lock Lucian for himself on the fifth floor.

Both teams are selected.

Blue square T1:

Top Road: Canna (The Liberator, Sylas)
Jungler: Cuzz (Void Dungeon, Rek'Sai)

Mid lane: Faker (Serpent's Embrace, Cassiopeia)
Bot Lane: Teddy (Spear of Vengeance, Kalista)

Support: Effort (Shield of Valoran, Taric)

Red square KT:

Top lane: Cheng (The Paladin, Lucian)
Jungler: Bonno (Fury of the North, Sejuani)
Mid lane: Kuro (The Flame of the Mountain Hidden, Aoun)

Bot lane: Aiming (Soul Cleansing Holy Spear, Senna)
Support: Tusin (River King, Tahm)

(End of this chapter)

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