This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 224 Lu Xian, the top order, has boundless mana

Chapter 224 Lu Xian, the top order, has boundless mana

Jun Il: "Lu Xian! KT finally played top laner Lucian. As far as the current lineup is concerned, Lucian is indeed a relatively good choice. It is easy to play against Silas in the lane, and it can also make up for the AD damage that KT lacks."

Corgi: "That's what I said, but it is obvious that KT's lineup damage creation ability is still completely incomparable with T1. Although the lineup is solid, once KT does not lead in the middle and late stages, it is really difficult to play. Look at KT How to play the game."

"Damn it! I thought I was about to see Yidao Liujian Demon, but I didn't expect a Lu Xian to come."

"It's over! Brother Chengzi is also happy."

"The top laner, Lu Xian, has boundless mana."

"This makes the hero feel that it is difficult to win after being selected. Why do some people still like to choose?"

"You don't understand the joy of playing with long hands and short hands, you will know after playing a few times."

"I understand what I know, and I don't understand what I don't understand. I know the king."

Many viewers have the impression of the single-lane hero Lucian: he may have an advantage in lane, but the game is extremely difficult to win, and he is a tightrope walker.

Among them, the team represented by IG especially likes to use this hero to play the top line. They can play this hero at the middle and upper levels, and it will make the opponent feel uncomfortable if they swing.

However, often the process of the game is not so smooth.

Because the positioning of the single-laner Lucian is to play in the lane and snowball the game as soon as possible. He does not have the ability to start a team or the frankness like other top laners.

The problem with this low error tolerance rate is that even if there is some lead in the laning phase, it is easy for the opponent to catch the opportunity to fight back. This is why single-lane Lucian will give people the impression that it is difficult to win the game.

However, in this round, Lu Xian was already one of the best choices Lin Cheng could consider.

The team needs a hero with AD burst ability.

Moreover, teammates have enough frankness, control ability and protection ability, which can create a good output space for Lucian, so there is no problem that Lucian is not easy to play output in team battles.

In addition, there are no front row heroes on the opposite side, and the hands are not long. Lucian is really a very good choice in this situation.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng chose the main line of Precision: Assault, Overhealing, Joy, Fatal Blow, and the secondary line of Enlightenment: Magical Shoes, Biscuit Delivery.

The main series of runes brought powerful online suppression capabilities, and the secondary series of runes speeded up the formation of equipment. Anyway, Lin Cheng rarely ate the biscuits he brought, and basically sold them in stores for gold coins.

Unless there is a real chance to fight back, who would eat that biscuit under normal circumstances?

Isn't it good to sell biscuits in stores for money?

And the store selling biscuits also has the effect of increasing the upper limit of mana.

Entering the game, Lin Cheng confidently chose to extract and go out.

Players on both sides stand in parallel positions.

At first, everyone thought it was an ordinary and peaceful start. Unexpectedly, when Senna took the first step to occupy the grass in the lower half of the river, Teddy's Calista entered the river alone.

Kuro immediately gave a message: "Rek'Sai and Snake are in the middle."

Lin Cheng: "Fuck him, give him a shot."

Seeing the opponent leaning over the corner of the dragon pit wall, Aiming's Senna got out of the grass and shot out.

Calista turned and retreated, just in the corner was hit by Senna's W skill endless guard.

Tusin's Tamm has already come up from the line and leaned against the wall. First, he inserted his vision into the blue square triangle grass to make sure that the gems were not nearby and immediately became murderous.

Hanging up weakly, Tam licked it with his tongue.

This position was stuck, Teddy didn't hand in the flash, and Tusin took two steps in vain.

Jun Ri: "Hey! How did Teddy get to this position? He's going to be hit with skills... You can't get out of this position even if you dodge it, so you just don't hand it in."

Corgi: "The gain of this head is good news for KT, but why was Calista caught here? The replay is here, let's see how this first blood came about."

Joon Il: "Oh~~Calista just passed through the triangle grass after Senna stepped into the grass first, so he didn't know that there was someone in the grass.

But I was wondering how he came so slowly?Generally speaking, the people on the blue side will enter the river one step earlier than the red side. "

Corgi: "Abduct someone! Calista should have tied her own support first before going out, which caused him to come a little slower. Effort also ran to her own F6 to stand in the field of vision, and did not go with AD .”

Jun Ri suddenly said: "Oh! That's right, this wave of Teddy is a bit careless. It may be that the blue party is used to walking here directly when they come out. They forgot that their skateboard shoes went out to tie the spear and delayed a little time."

With this free first blood, Tusin has already boasted in the voice that he wants to carry the game.

Lin Cheng said cheerfully: "Lie down on the road, Park Rong Hyuk remembers to fly."

Tusin: "Don't worry, brother will come up later to help you catch Silas."

"Don't come up and take me to see you off."

Lin Cheng still remembered the last time when Tusin Tam drove alone to block three other people, but he would be on the episode of sudden death every time the other side was just a little off.

The voice atmosphere of the team was very relaxed, and soon the soldiers arrived and entered the laning period.

As soon as Lin Cheng got stuck in the line, he quickly replenished the line and stretched the line. Silas behind him lost a Q far away and made up a melee minion without coming up.

After making up all the melee soldiers, Lin Cheng stepped forward directly, ready to fight against the line of soldiers.

Canna also understood very well that even the Silas skill of the first-level learning Q has been handed in, so he is not qualified to look at others here, so he shrank decisively to the back of the tower, and did not give Lin Cheng any chance to spend it.

Lucian's advantage over Silas in the top lane is still too obvious. Canna still remembers the scene when he was killed in the first round of the fight, and he would not be able to get the hero who was countered in the lane.

In fact, Canna's Silas played against Lucian. In RANK, he learned E at the first level and looked for opportunities to go up and fight. With W at the second level, he continued to change blood, but the game was still stable.

If you fight with long hands and short hands, I will respect it first, and I will not be afraid of you when the level and skill CD are up.

Being held back by Lin Cheng, Silas waited until the second wave of minions arrived before going up and firing a Q skill from far away to harvest his second last hit.

However, Lin Cheng was really too fierce. He occupied the position ahead of time, just when Silas started to move Q, he made a general attack, and then immediately learned the E skill in seconds.

Lucian flicked his braids at the back of his head, sprinted forward and raised the holy spear in his hand.

Two shots down, storm trigger.

Although the damage of the passive second shot is halved, the trigger damage is still very obvious.

After Silas entered his tower, Lin Cheng successfully shot another shot and knocked out more than one-third of the opponent's HP, and then contentedly went into the nearby grass to kill the hatred of the little soldiers.

Although I took a lot of damage from the minions this time, the exchange of blood is still very profitable.

(End of this chapter)

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