This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 225 The person is in Wuhu and has passed the security check

Chapter 225 The person is in Wuhu and has passed the security check
Due to Silas's initiative to release the line, the second wave of soldiers was pushed into the blue tower by Lucian.

After Lin Cheng pushed the line, he immediately went to look at the grass in the river, and when he came back, he put pressure on Silas outside the tower.

However, Rek'sai's classic gank position on the blue side to deal with the pressure line is in the triangle grass, and he should also pay attention not to lean against the right wall as much as possible when pressing the line.

Lin Cheng is not only fierce, but also pays attention to details.

While Silas was making up the knife, Lucian stepped forward to steal a shot, and when he saw Silas's Q skill raising his hand, Lin Cheng immediately took two steps sideways.

While avoiding the chain and whipping second-stage focus explosion, Lin Cheng backhanded with a Q skill, using the piercing mechanism of the piercing light to consume Silas from a long distance, who had finished using the skill and shrank down the tower.

In fact, Lin Cheng could not even take the damage of Silas's Q in this wave of handing in E, but as a stable top laner, he should not hand in E skill casually at this time when there is no vision around him.

As long as he has the E skill in his hand, Rek'sai on the opposite side of the line can't touch him with such a healthy blood volume.

It's been a month and a half since I've seen him, but the Canna player's basic skill of making up attacks is still a bit weak.

Canna, who was pressed under the tower, had continuous leaks, and Lin Cheng also consumed a lot of blood.

Unfortunately, this scene was clearly captured by the director's camera, giving Canna a public execution.

Jun Ri: "Basic skills! Canna's basic skills are still a bit problematic. After taking two bottles of medicine, he fell behind by more than ten knives when he came up. The cannon car line under the tower is almost ten knives behind. Lucian's is a mining knife. Ah, the suppressive force should not be so strong."

Corgi: "I can only say that Brother Orange did a really good job of detailing. He harassed Silas crazily when he was filling up the tower knife, and the player Canna is indeed a bit weak in the tower knife."

Finally, Canna couldn't bear it anymore after eating soldiers under the tower and reaching the third level.

At this point in time, Cuzz had reached the top half, signaling that Silas could find a chance to exchange blood with Lucian.

Just when Lucian wanted to take the opportunity to steal some more, Silas decisively sneaked past the remaining red pawns, rushed in front of Lucian and played passively, turned around and retreated.

But Lin Cheng took a step back after the flat A shot, and saw the opponent's subconscious Q skill shot back.

As a result, Canna seized the opportunity of Lucian Q raising his hand, and the second-stage E took the shot.

Lucian couldn't dodge the flying chains after a brief reading of the Q skill.

Silas played passively by forcing his face, and threw the Q chain at Lucian's feet to whip him.

Lin Cheng didn't panic, raised the muzzle of his gun and shot out the holy silver bullet accumulated by the Q skill just now, and at the same time, the E skill slid sideways to avoid the second focus damage.

Lin Cheng didn't choose the short-range E in order to hit the burst quickly, but the E went to the side where Silas couldn't hit the passive position, and the two shots of the silver bullets of the Holy Light passed.

When Lucian hits a passive hero, each bullet can reduce the CD of the E skill by two seconds, and the CD reduction effect will only be triggered at the moment the ballistic takes effect.

Lin Cheng's AE shot was too fast. Lucian had already started to slide when the first silver bullet of light hit Silas, so the two silver bullets in front of him were still triggered. E skill passive CD reduction.

In other words, Lin Cheng's AAEAA instantly reduced the CD of the E skill by 8 seconds.

Silas's blood volume was not enough, and now it even dropped to nearly a quarter. Canna hurriedly W Kingslayer thrusts back a mouthful of blood, turned around and ran, not even daring to hit the passive body.

Lin Cheng's W skill had already been shot, and two more silver bullets of the holy light knocked Silas down.

At this moment, Rexai suddenly dug a tunnel out of the wall.

Lin Cheng quickly turned around and ran back.

But because Lin Cheng has been pressing the line, he chased Silas who was retreating and shot twice, this time the position was very close to the blue square one tower.

Cuzz flashed decisively and pushed Lucian up, scratching his claws frantically.

Lucian was knocked out of half of his blood by Silas just now, and now his blood volume has dropped so much.

Lin Cheng didn't hesitate when he landed, and immediately flashed and ran back, not giving Rek'sai the chance to bite with his E skill.

However, the deceleration effect was applied by the red BUFF on his body, and the distance between the two was gradually shortening.

At this moment, Bono's pig sister approached by the river.

In the lineup of KT, the aunts who cook at the base know that the core is Lucian, who is on the top lane. Bono naturally chose to open the field in the second half to protect the development of the top lane.

When the two sides started fighting in the singles, Bono had already gone to the road ahead of time, and now the pig girl arrived just in time to shoot the pig.

Seeing the arrival of the pig girl, Rexai chose to turn around and prepare to retreat.

"Fuck him! Fuck him! He's not flashing, so he can't touch me."

Encouraged by Lin Cheng, Bono pig girl directly Q-dodged and ran over, and the two chased and beat Rexai in turn.

At this moment, the grass in the back lit up a blue square TP.

Li Ge's snake girl is ready to support.

Kuro: "You withdraw! I was pushed and I couldn't get on the road."

"Kill Rek'Sai first! Kill Rek'Sai first! Who loves who's grandson!"

Lin Cheng shouted.

It's not that he doesn't want to run, but that there is a high probability that he won't be able to.

The current version of TP has just added an acceleration effect. Snake Girl's position has a movement speed bonus and a flash in hand. His residual blood, Lucian, is likely to be unable to escape.

Since you can't run away, don't let your teammates run away. If you work hard together, you can kill Rek'Sai.

As for whether the pig girl can live?

Then don't care about Lin Cheng, since he can't escape anyway, let's kill Rek Sai first.

Bono didn't think of Lin Cheng's sinister intentions for a moment, so he controlled Zhu Mei to brandish the whip.

Rek'sai, who hadn't flashed, was frozen in place, and Lucian's Q skill tied with A's strong attack to disable Rek'sai.

Seeing that Rek'Sai was about to enter the tower, Lin Cheng's E skill just finished cooling down.

The relentless pursuit was launched, and Rexai was shot to death with two shots.

The K head is successful.

At this time, Snake Girl TP had landed on the ground, twisting her body and rushing over quickly.

Lin Cheng showed a poro's naughty expression.

This blood volume was no longer controllable, Lin Cheng chose to face death calmly.

When the snake girl came up, she sprayed out the residual blood of Lu Xi'an with a mouthful of thick phlegm, and then chased the pig girl to output it.

As soon as Lucian died, Silas, who had been behind the OB, rejoined the battlefield.

Canna Silas' precise second-stage E kept the pig girl, and a W recovery of blood also made Bono lose the opportunity to replace Silas, and the snake girl chased after her and spouted wildly.

Li Ge's snake girl won a double kill.

At this time, Bono came back to his senses: "That's not right! We are on the top in this wave, we shouldn't fight, one for two is bad, and it will be difficult to fight if you give Snake a double kill."

"Don't worry! It's not a big problem to give him two heads. One of my heads is bigger than his two heads. This brings me to C."

Lin Cheng comforted: "Believe me, Brother Cheng has already passed the security check at Wuhu International Airport."

"What do you mean?"

The teammates couldn't understand Lin Cheng's connotation.

"Ready to take off."

(End of this chapter)

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