This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 226 Someone has boarded the Vip channel first

Chapter 226 Someone has boarded the Vip channel first
Corgi: "Wow! Brother Li's TP is too timely, Snake Girl double-killed in 3 minutes! It's a bit too much for KT to kill RekSai after seeing Snake Girl's TP."

Jun Il: "I want Faker to be C! The most unacceptable thing for KT is that Snake Girl is too fat. If Snake Girl takes shape too quickly, it will make KT's few lumps of flesh uncomfortable in the mid-term. Unless their lineup can rush to death Snake girl, letting Snake girl stand still and deal damage will be destructive to KT's front row, it is impossible to let Lu Xian go in and kill Snake girl?"

"I'll kill the melon pi! Let them know who is the boss of the news agency."

"Elderly middle-aged singles start with double kills! Are you preparing for C?"

"Cool knowledge: I haven't lost a T1 match with a well-developed melon skin recently."

"What about the hammer? It's the same as KT losing?"

"Haha! KT hasn't lost any openings recently, so you can tell me something cold?"

After being resurrected, Lin Cheng took a look at his gold coins, decisively sold the biscuits on his body, and waited a few seconds before starting TP.

At the last second of TP reading, the gold coin just jumped to 900, and Lin Cheng bought the vampire scepter at the speed of light.

In other words, Lin Cheng was very courageous. If he miscalculated the beating speed of gold coins, he would be a Muggle if he didn't buy any equipment after TP.

Since Canna chose to save TP and run back to the route after Lin Cheng was killed in battle, Lin Cheng faced another wave of suppression in front of the tower when he came back.

Lin Cheng could see that, as long as he frantically pushed the pawn line down the tower, the opponent's top laner would miss a lot of knives.

With the recovery provided by the vampire's scepter, Lu Xian's ability to suppress was even stronger, and Lin Cheng's aggressive style of play made Canna extremely uncomfortable.

Originally, Silas' ability to exchange blood was very strong, but he couldn't take the initiative to exchange blood when facing Lucian, who had an equipment advantage.

Lucian can now knock out half of Silas's health with a set of explosions, and Canna has no intention of going up to fight recklessly, and Gou becomes the son of the tower under the tower.

In this way, the result of Lin Cheng's frantic suppression was that in 5 minutes, Lucian ate 44 last hits from his opponent, while Silas on the opposite side only had 16 last hits.

Bono leaned towards Xiaolongkeng at 6 minutes.

Senna and Tahm can't beat Kalista and Gem in a wave of bursts, but the wave after wave of consumption will pull down Senna's recovery, which will make the opponent very headache.

The KT duo, which had won the first blood, firmly controlled the lane right in the bottom lane. Bono wanted to take the first dragon by virtue of the duo's opportunity to press the lane and enter the tower at this time.

However, soon Rexai knocked down the divination flower and saw the movement of the pig girl fighting the dragon.

The Snake Girl in the middle leaned over after pushing the line first.

The KT duo rushed over to cover Bono and forcibly take Xiaolong.

Originally in the case of the duo pushing the line, this little dragon should belong to KT.

However, Silas on the top lane is one TP ahead of Lucian.

The moment Silas emerged from the river below, Lin Cheng knew something was wrong.

Since there is no TP, he has been working hard to suppress Silas's state, just to prevent Canna from using the TP difference to do things.

And Lin Cheng also did a good job, Silas has been pressed under the tower by him, too busy to take care of himself.

But no one expected that when a wave of pawns pushed out the blue Fangyi tower, Canna would hand in TP to force the little dragon group with only one-third of its HP.

At the moment when Xiaolong was knocked out, T1, Silas who came down from TP, stole the pig girl's big move and initiated the initiative.

Although Kuro's Aoun made a big move in time and wanted to fight back, but the partial five-on-four situation made KT still unable to withstand this wave, and was played by T1 for one for three.

Although Silas, who started the group with residual blood, died, Canna also successfully took the head of the pig girl.

And Li Ge's snake girl won the double kill again, beheading the KT duo in the river.

Lin Cheng was still going through the security check at Wuhu International Airport, but he didn't expect someone on the opposite side to go through the VIP channel and board the plane first.

Ke Ji: "Although Xiaolong was taken in this wave, KT really lost money! Snake Girl's four heads in 6 minutes are too smooth. Although Canna only has 20 CS, it is only more than the support of both sides, but it made up [-] Wave development also gives Sylas a chance to reconnect to the game."

Jun Il: "I have to say that although Canna is not particularly good at laning details, his ability to seize opportunities is really strong, and his patience and humiliation has brought him and the team rewards.

Silas' one-third blood TP came down to steal the pig girl's big move to start a group, which surprised everyone in KT. They didn't expect that Silas would TP down at all. "

Corgi: "T1's goal is very clear. Cuzz didn't even try to punish Qianlong in the past. This wave of T1 is just rushing to fight. They know that Brother Orange has no TP on the top, and they just want to start a fight below. .”

Jun Il: "Well~~~ Although this round of team defeat is not all bad news for KT, Lucian ate another wave of tapi on top, Brother Cheng has a heavy burden in this round , he must come to the Carry game."

"It's broken! Brother Cheng's foreshadowing of sending the head off TP has come."

"Originally, Silas collapsed, but I didn't expect a wave of spiritual TP to get better."

"Canna's tower filling knife is weak, but it's really amazing to find opportunities."

"How long has it been since Guapi took so many heads? Carry's heart is agitated."

"Oh! Brother Chengzi hasn't taken off yet, Guapi took off first."

"Four heads in 6 minutes, how can I lose?"

"Faker: Did you see that little B boy on the opposite side? Who has the final say in the news agency battle?"

Although the teammates in the team battle of Xiaolong lost money, Lin Cheng still made some money.

There is no TP on the opposite side who can replenish the line and defend the tower. Lucian, who was already pushing the line, crazily eats tapes on it.

It took only 7 minutes for the blue side to hit the road, and there was only one layer of taper left. This is an exaggerated speed of eating tapes. The small cannons that Lin Cheng took out last time were not demolished so quickly.

Even though he went down to get a head, Silas' situation of being suppressed on the line still didn't get any better when he came back, and Lin Cheng was forced into the tower with a small machete and beat him violently.

At 8 and a half minutes, Bono touched the Dalong Pit and started to play Canyon Pioneer.

Lin Cheng's advantage in the top lane is too great, and he firmly presses Silas under the tower. Generally speaking, even if the opponent guesses that Zhu Mei is playing the vanguard, it is difficult to fight for it.

After all, although Aoun was also pushed in the middle lane, no matter how great the advantage of Snake Girl is, it is impossible to press Silas under the tower like Lucian.

It stands to reason that this Pioneer T1 has no reason to come and see it.

However, Shibie should look at each other with admiration for three days.

T1 won EDG's tricks of "Stability", "Let" and "Drag" this season. Except for few big advantages being overturned, the game look and feel is very tortured.

However, T1 likes to procrastinate because they are used to waiting for the double C to exert their strength in the late stage, not because they really dare not fight.

(End of this chapter)

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