This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 227 Never Petrify Lin Xiaocheng

Chapter 227 Never Petrify Lin Xiaocheng

Jun Il: "I don't want to let it go! Although there is no vision, the T1 duo has already returned to the upper half, and they are preparing for the vanguard team in advance."

Corgi: "Gems have six levels. This wave of T1 fights is completely fine, but Silas is pressed under the tower and can't move. Brother Orange is too hard. As soon as Silas leaves the one-blood tower It's going to fall."

Jun-il: "KT seems to have realized that the opponent wants to pick up the vanguard team, and the duo is also rushing up. This wave may be about to fight."

The blood volume of the blue side's first tower on the road is already very low at this time.

It even reached the point where it was easy for Lin Cheng to tear down the One-Blood Tower by himself, but Lin Cheng just deliberately didn't do it.

He also knows that pushing the tower too early will give Silas a chance to develop. It is impossible for Lucian to push down to the bottom of the opponent's second tower at this time.

Long hands beat short hands, the focus is on a torture.

In the case of an advantage, the later the tower is pushed, the longer the torture lasts.

When Lin Cheng got the news that the opponent's duo had missed for a long time, he gave up pressing the line and leaned towards the river, squatting in the grass in the river to cover Zhumei's vanguard.

When Pioneer was about to lose blood, Tusin, who had rushed to the upper half, ran to knock down the divination flower and shine it on the opposite wild area.

At this time, the duo of the blue side is on the back of the blue buff and close to the mouth of the river, while Rexai and Snake are outside the blue buff and close to the entrance of the wild area.

It seems that Rek'sai just helped Snake get the blue, and the body of the blue BUFF has not been completely cooled yet.

Lin Cheng, who was in the grass, groped along the back of the wall of the river channel. The river channel had been scanned by Zhu Mei just now, and she confirmed that she was stuck in her vision.

Bono pulled the position of the canyon pioneer to the right side of the dragon pit, leaning against Aoun and the duo.

Rexai sprayed a mouthful of old phlegm far away and sprayed thick phlegm on the pig girl.

Seeing that the canyon pioneer was about to lose blood, Rek'Sai's E skill dug towards the river, ready to fight for punishment.

Of course, Cuzz didn't have the heart to dig around Zhumei's feet. The exit of the tunnel he chose was close to the grass in the middle of the river.

If you take one step in this position, you will have the opportunity to fight for punishment, and it is relatively safer for the duo to cover below.

However, when Rexai dug the tunnel and appeared in the river, Lin Cheng, who was stuck by the wall of the river, groped along the wall.

Originally, Lin Cheng wanted to go there and use his big move to suppress the opponent's blood line, but he didn't expect Rek'sai to go out directly.

That means that Snake Girl has no teammates around her.

Although Canna's Silas must also be approaching the river, but judging from the time when Silas disappeared from the line, it is estimated that he has just reached the triangle grass.

Lin Cheng: "Look at me, look at me! Jin Shengdi, look at me."

Aiming hadn't turned around yet, and was about to say what's interesting about this aggressive person, when he saw Lin Cheng's Lu Xi'an had already touched the intersection of the river wall.

Corgi: "Pioneer's blood volume is very low, Cuzz wants to find a chance to fight for punishment, but look at this Lucian, what is he doing? He's going to lose his face!"

Jun Ri: "He went to find the Snake Girl alone! Why did he? Why did he go to find a 4-0 Snake Girl single-handedly? And Silas also came over immediately, he was sending it off! "

At this time, Brother Li was approaching the river at the intersection of Blue BUFF, when Lin Cheng stuck to the wall and caught him.

There is a huge difference in vision at the wall of the river intersection. When Li Ge found Lucian, the two were already very close.

Whether he was mentally calculating or not, Lin Cheng W enthusiastically shot first, and fired two passive bullets while turning around and taking a step back.

Snake Girl's Q skill plague exploded and threw it at Lucian's feet.

Lin Cheng's E skill slid his shot, just avoiding the burst of venom under his feet.

In order to break out quickly, Lin Cheng's E was very short, sticking to Snake Girl's face biubiu twice.

The strong attack was triggered, and the snake girl lost a lot of blood visible to the naked eye.

Brother Li subconsciously handed over his ultimate move, Petrochemical Gaze.

However, I saw Lucian turned around and turned his head the moment he shot two passive bullets from E, which happened to avoid the dizzy effect of Snake Girl's R skill.

Lin Cheng actually turned his head consciously when he played the passive for the first time. He didn't zoom in on Snake Girl just now, but the second time Lu Xian's E-face moved, Lin Cheng still tricked Snake Girl into a big move.

Successfully tricked the Snake Girl's big move, Lin Cheng AQ shot.

The snake girl backhand sprinkled the poisonous mist, and found that her blood volume was too low, and immediately handed over the flash to pull away.

Snake Girl has a high economy but no armor, and Lin Cheng's outbreak is very high.

Just after the ground binding effect came out, a chain flew out of the shadows.

Lin Cheng knew that Canna must be leaning here from the side, so he was always on guard against his opponent and was always ready to dodge the chain.

But this wave of coordination on T1 was so good, even if Lin Cheng reacted at this moment, he couldn't avoid Silas's second-stage E under the ground-binding effect.

Lucian in Silas E flew over and waved the iron chain. A set of skills quickly lowered Lucian's bloodline.

For fear of being replaced, Snake Girl didn't dare to sway in front of Lucian, who had a big move, so she turned around immediately and got into the shadows.

Aiming's ult came to the scene in time, and the shield of Shadow Liaoyuan allowed Lucian, who was already dissatisfied with blood, to survive Silas' beating, and successfully walked out of the poisonous fog with nearly one-fifth of his blood.

Lin Cheng probably knew the direction in which Snake Girl was retreating. Since Xiao Ruibao slowed down just now, Snake Girl must still be not far away.

Lin Cheng flashed down resolutely, and opened his big move in the direction of the blue buff grass.

Lucian's double guns sprayed wildly.

In the absence of vision, using the explosion effect of the bullet to make a judgment, Lin Cheng took a step to the right and then immediately adjusted his position to the left.

A second later, the snake girl was swept to death on the spot, and Lin Cheng received the termination bounty.

Corgi: "Brother Cheng went to find the Snake Girl to single out...the big move was dodged! Lucian turned around and dodged the Snake Girl's big move! It's so beautiful! Don't you really have a chance to kill the Snake Girl solo?"

Jun Ri: "Well~~~ Silas is here, alas! Brother Chengzi still sent...killed! Really single-killed! Baptized by the holy gun of Baibu Yang! Snake girl is still dead, so beautiful! Chengzi Brother! This reaction is really amazing."

Corgi: "I really didn't expect that! In the LCK Summer Finals five years ago, Li Ge used Riven to avoid Snake Girl's ultimate move and completed the kill. If I remember correctly, that time SKT's opponent is KT.

After five years, I faced KT again, but this time the protagonist changed. Is this really a reincarnation? Is KT opening a new chapter in the news agency war in this way? T1 is no longer that SKT, and KT is no longer that KT; "

"Xiu Xiuxiu! Brother Chengzi will always be a god!"

"This position is outrageous, hiding the big move with your face."

"Fan in the first year? This is obviously the operation that Brother Li did first."

"Brother Li used to be so coquettish in his operations, time is not forgiving."

"The melon skin is so miserable! 4-0 was single-killed by 1-1, and he will be whipped to death."

"Never petrify Lin Xiaocheng, who has an opinion?"

(End of this chapter)

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