This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 231 This game didn't play well, let's recreate the lineup again

Chapter 231 I Didn't Play Well, Let's Remake the Lineup Again

The battle between the two sides on the road once again turned into a tragic three-for-three. KT successfully repelled the advance of T1 while Aphelios survived.

Ever since Lin Cheng was arrested, the two sides basically met each other and started fighting.

During this period of time, the two sides turned the match into a fight among patients.

Many of the details interspersed in it, such as Lin Cheng flashing to give away the head, Tariq looking into the grass, throwing Thresh lanterns at the enemy's feet, and other details made the commentaries of China and South Korea call it outrageous.

In fact, once the fighting intensity is increased in the professional arena, many things cannot be seen in detail. You can easily find your own shadow in professional players when you look at it with a magnifying glass.

Jun Il: "What is this? 5 heads were shot on both sides in 17 minutes, this is outrageous! Calm down! You can't even play back the director and you started again."

Corgi: "Just now KT was running well. Ever since Brother Cheng brought Kuro to give it away, there has been a big fight inexplicably. When we meet, we will fight. It's really that people can't calm down after they die."

Jun Il: "A lot of people died in two rounds, and Brother Chengzi died three times. This LCK game is too smelly. In the first 20 minutes or so, the two sides only produced five heads. Look at the head ratio in this meeting. Really. Just highlight one outrageous point!"

Corgi: "What's the scary thing? The little dragon has been refreshed! T1's dragon soul group and others are resurrected, and the two sides will definitely fight again. Why don't we give the commentator a chance to breathe?"

"Good guy! What the hell have I been watching? Black Iron Brawl?"

"Isn't this the daily routine of our Baiyin Patient Bureau?"

"I haven't had time to savor the food in one wave, and the next wave is stuffed into my mouth."

"It's ridiculous! Just now Thresh almost had the cat king three times in a row, but no one noticed."

"Don't be embarrassed, there's no time for Thresh's big move."

The back-and-forth chaos between the two sides during this period of time actually did not have much impact on the situation.

The economy is almost flat, and T1's baron didn't push down a single tower.

In fact, KT still made money.

Therefore, the dragon soul group of T1 is more important.

It is impossible for KT to directly release the Fire Dragon Soul to the opponent. If they really want to get the Fire Dragon Soul, it will be difficult for Kalista to evolve from a scraping master to a cupping master.

Just now, KT still played a three-for-three with the opponent when all the pig girls and clockwork ults were empty. Now KT actually has a clear advantage in the 5V5 that is unfolding.

The crocodile has flashed, the restrictions on the czar in team battles are obvious.

But the person on the opposite side couldn't restrain Aphelios and Clockwork at the same time.

And in this wave, Taric just didn't have a big move.

KT first stopped the view of the river, and when the commentators thought that it would be better for T1 to let go of the little dragon, T1 let all the audience know why they are always used to delaying the team until the later stage.

Other people's czar hides behind and pokes people, and the czar of T1 is used to start a group.

Pig Girl took the initiative to use her ult to force Tarek. Seeing the crocodile entering the arena to find her own position, Faker's Tsar directly drifted into the back row, pushing Aphelios and Clockwork back at the limit distance of the ult.

Lin Cheng reacted quickly, and flashed in time to control the Tsar, and did not let Tsar A who had finished pushing the ultimate move get up.

But this time the double Cs were pushed up at the same time, it was too fatal.

Tetsuo flashed without hesitation, adjusted the position and put down the two skills, and cooperated with Olaf who opened up to let Clockwork and Aphelios fall to the ground.

Even Kuro didn't even open the golden body.

The sudden death of KT double C at the beginning of the game declared the defeat of this wave. T1 successfully won the Fire Dragon Soul in a wave of zero for five, and also took Dalong into the bag.

This time T1's Ssangyonghui finally calmed down all KT members, and defended their own high ground with all their heart.

But after all, no matter how strong the clockwork defense ability is, it can't defend the three lanes. Soon T1 successfully broke the bottom highland through the operation of the pawn line.

Just when T1 took advantage of the tail of the dragon BUFF to group together in the middle, Tusin hit Olaf with a precise hook.

Seeing that Olaf didn't want to make a big deal yet, Kuro's clockwork directly threw his big move to consume blood.

However, something went wrong as soon as the clockwork ult was lost.

T1 immediately backhanded against Tarek's ult and started the team battle.

The terrible thing is that the weapon in Aphelios' hands is very poor, and he doesn't have any fear at all when he sees the red and green knives in Aiming's hands.

Lin Cheng's crocodile was still clearing the sidelines at this time, and hurriedly touched down from the high ground to try to go around.

There is no way, Lin Cheng has not flashed now, so he can only look for opportunities to enter the field by going around the back.

However, the positive teammates fell too fast.

Just as Lin Cheng passed through the Guangmen, he got the news that Clockwork was killed in battle.

Immediately afterwards, the Tsar directly drifted and singled out Aphelios.

Aphelios is a heroic hero with different combinations of weapons, and the combat power is really different. If Aiming is holding a red and white sword in his hand, the Tsar would never dare to stand up and challenge him one-on-one.

The key is that the double C's fell so quickly that Lin Cheng seemed very naive, and he looked like he had been shopping around.

As a result of Lin Cheng's shopping, all his teammates were killed on the high ground.

Sighing, Lin Cheng couldn't stop the opponent's advance even if he was alive alone, so he rushed forward and forcibly replaced Olaf.

As KT was wiped out by all members, T1 evened the score.

Corgi: "Wow! It was really a game with twists and turns. Congratulations to T1 for tying the score. At the same time, they also ended KT's 20th small game winning streak."

Jun Il: "This game highlights one element. In the early stage, KT operated honestly for [-] minutes. Suddenly, the taste changed after Brother Cheng gave a wave of opportunities. This is the first time I have seen such an intense game. LCK game."

"It's finally over, my fucking heart is about to jump out."

"Lee Sang-hyuk in desperate situation! The tsar of Guapi is really handsome."

"Brother Chengzi can really deliver, 23333."

"The last wave of Brother Chengzi's shopping made me laugh to death."

"Brother Chengzi: Why are all my teammates dead when I went shopping on Yibo Street? Forget it, I can't live alone."

Looking at the failed settlement panel, Lin Cheng felt a little melancholy.

This was his first loss in an official game since his debut, and he did not expect it to be in such a way.

Kang Dongxun repeatedly warned him not to wander around alone in the mid-term, otherwise KT's winning streak will definitely be ruined by Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng also thought that there might be a day, and he even thought of an excuse.

But I didn't expect this game to be so rich in content.

As soon as Lin Cheng got up, Tusin followed, Aiming also started to get up, and then the whole team started to get up.

That's how the big fight started.

Then the game just went away.

Of course, in the process of the chaos, KT did not suffer a loss. During that time, T1 even wasted the Dragon BUFF and couldn't organize and operate it at all.

But in the end, the result above was that all the double C flashes were wiped out, and the experienced Faker caught the opportunity. The Tsar's drifting move completely pushed KT into the abyss of failure.

Lin Cheng took off his earphones: "I didn't play this one well, let's do it again with the re-enacted lineup next time."

Teammates: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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