Chapter 232 Desert Spider
Regarding Lin Cheng's proposal to reproduce the lineup, the teammates have different opinions.

Aiming immediately expressed his support: "I agree! After finally encountering an opponent who played Aphelios once, I actually lost. If I don't fight back, I will have a hard time sleeping and eating."

Bono had a different opinion: "Don't! Play my whole aggressive jungler. It's too uncomfortable to be chased by Olaf in this round."

Tusin: "Thresh is boring! This forced hero. Today I have a bad hand, and the flash EQ is completely empty. In the first round, I, Tamm, drove alone and scared the opponent away. It's cool."

When Kang Dongxun entered the training room, he saw the players discussing fiercely.

After knowing what happened, Kang Dongxun was also very confused.

Replica lineup?How about that?
Isn't that Kim Dae Ho's BP style?
At the beginning, Maggie met SKT in the finals and Pan Senyan's show routine was sprayed miserably after the game.

The engraved lineup is here again. If they lose again, the first one to get sprayed will definitely be the coach.

It's okay if you can't play normally, it's a bit unreasonable to use the lost lineup to continue to lose.

Even RNG's five-player Galio has been talked about for a long time.

Of course, KT fans are very satisfied with the current performance of the team, even if they really lose, they probably won't make too much noise.

After all, this is just an ordinary league.

But South Korea also has self-media, which is also as unscrupulous as domestic ones.

Kang Dongxun also didn't want to be on the e-sports board with all kinds of shocking headlines.

Glancing at Lin Cheng, Kang Dongxun thought for a while: "It will definitely be different to switch to the blue BP, but Lin Cheng, you can continue to take Renekton, and let's increase the strength of the upper field in the early stage. "

In the last game, KT did not have much tendency to compete for resources in the upper half. Obviously, Kang Dongxun is ready to change his mind.

Bono: "I want to take the hero who is easy to do things in the early stage. The last time I was chased by Olaf in the wild was very uncomfortable."

Kang Dongxun nodded: "It's better to play according to the usual training match and get a strong upper and wild combination. Change the tactics and find the problem in time even if you can't win."


Lin Cheng looked at the problem very thoroughly: "If you change your tactics, even if you lose, you can explain to the fans, right?"

Kang Dongxun's face was serious: "That's not something you should consider."

Lin Cheng was very confident: "Don't worry, I won't lose if I play hard."

Lin Cheng's original intention to continue to reproduce the lineup, Kang Dongxun is still appreciative, at least it is an expression of enthusiasm.

Although Crocodile is not considered a top laner at the T0 level in this version, it is still a fairly strong top lane hero.

If Lin Cheng's top laner Timo loses and wants to play again in the deciding game, Kang Dongxun promises to put him on the bench to calm down.

The tiebreaker BP between the two sides began.

KT is the first to BAN and choose first on the blue side.

As soon as KT came up, he first banned Seti, saying that he will not use this hero today.

The red side T1 backhand bans Senna to prevent the opponent from using a Senna to raise a few big meats like in the first game.

Like KT's first game, although Senna's lineup with three front rows is not enough in the later stage, it is really disgusting when the one-piece to two-piece suits are in the mid-term.

At this time, the C position is still not very good at playing tanks, but tank heroes rely on the basic damage of their skills and have good output.

A few chunks of meat are thrown at the opponent's face without thinking and it's over. The damage is high and the control is sufficient. Under normal circumstances, the opponent really can't stand it.

The second BAN position of the blue side was given to Calista.

Although Teddy's Kalista in the last game was not as eye-catching as the Tsar in the later stage, the two dragons in T1 in the early stage were all played by Kalista's line players.

If it wasn't for the two little dragons lost earlier, maybe KT won the Dragon Soul and ended the game before Lin Cheng got lost in the middle of the game.

The red side backhanded BAN and dropped Aphelios.

Lin Cheng chuckled: "Oh! Golden Holy Land, Aphelios is gone, and you have no chance to wash away your shame today."

"It's gone, it's gone, and there is no Calista on the opposite side."

Seeing Lin Cheng gloating, Aiming thought sinisterly: Wait until we meet BAN Renekton and see if you can smile or not.

Of course, in this version, there is basically no team that bans the crocodile in the first round of the red side.

After KT banned Verus in the third hand, T1 sent the prince to the BAN position.

At the beginning of the selection, Lin Cheng locked the crocodile on the first floor.

Lin Cheng's move confused everyone.

Jun Il: "Take the crocodile first? Isn't it necessary? The biggest advantage of the blue team's BP is that they can grab the hero, but no one will grab the crocodile in this version?"

Corgi: "Now the easy-to-use AD is almost banned. Wouldn't it be better to grab the AD in this move?"

Jun Ri: "The only explanation I can think of is that Brother Chengzi wants to play another crocodile. Brother Chengzi is a little bit dissatisfied with the loss of the crocodile. It's not my problem. Let's prove myself again."

Corgi: "Well~~~ The last round was the first loss in Brother Cheng's career, that is to say, the other heroes currently used by Brother Cheng have a [-]% win rate, but the crocodile's win rate is a bit unsightly. A win rate to make the data look better."

Jun Ri suddenly said: "Hey! No problem! This explanation is reasonable."

"Fuck! You really have the chance to win the game."

"Brother Chengzi never thought about the embarrassment of continuing to lose? (Funny)"

"Brother Cheng: I want to prove that there is nothing wrong with me, the loss in the last round was an accident."

"Brother Chengzi, don't play crocodile, this hero doesn't show off, looks boring?"

"Not showing off yet? Seriously learn the details of Brother Chengzi, enough for you to study for a year."

"I can't learn how Cheng Zi plays with Dao Mei, but the crocodile can barely learn it."

Seeing that the crocodile was locked, T1 locked Tsar Olafga without hesitation on the red side.

Jun Il: "As soon as the first three heroes come out, it's like the last round. Since you KT continue to take the crocodile, I will continue to play the Czar and Olaf's middle field, no problem."

Corgi: "Don't tell me, if Calista hadn't been banned, T1 would definitely be willing to continue to take the pagoda combination."

The blue side immediately showed the middle-field combination of the clockwork and the spider.

Jun Ri: "Hey! Holding a spider against Olaf, what is status? Brother Cheng didn't feel comfortable playing with him last time. This time, Bono chooses a spider to play in the jungle. You must fully maximize Brother Cheng's crocodile experience."

Corgi: "It's true that in this round, the strength of KT's upper middle field has increased all of a sudden. Although the spider is not easy to fight Olaf in the wild, it is much more active than the pig girl in the previous round. I am sure this Ueno is We have to hit the early rhythm."

Jun-il nodded: "Don't say that! KT's lineup like this means they want to attack in the upper half, unlike some teams that can't play with an early lineup, which gives people a feeling of constipation.

KT is really strong in the early game this season. They can basically play with the lineup that plays the early game. Let's see how T1 will deal with it. "

(End of this chapter)

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