This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 237 He can't lie to me

Chapter 237 He can't lie to me

I saw the crocodile rushing over aggressively.

Effort's bull head W savagely rushed to the crocodile, trying to push the crocodile to the second tower above.

The crocodile flashed to adjust its position, just to stagger with the charging bull's head, and the red angry W slapped Kai'Sa.

Lin Cheng's operation of dodging the bull's head W was too fast. Just after the flash, he shot the red angry W from the extreme distance and knocked Kai'Sa unconscious.

Teddy also reacted quickly, the purification instantly relieved the dizziness, and he dodged upwards past the crocodile.

However, Lin Cheng has already used his ult to cancel the W back shake after the red anger W was shot.

The crocodile's size skyrocketed, and its body began to be surrounded by dark energy.

After activating the ultimate move, Lin Cheng didn't rush down immediately, because he was afraid that Kai'Sa would turn in double summons and let his E skill be empty.

This time, Lin Cheng just seized the opportunity for Kai'Sa to turn on the E extreme overload and run up.

In order to avoid the spiders below, Kai'Sa dodged upwards but failed to gain enough distance from the crocodile.

Lin Cheng directly raised his hand for an E, and the crocodile quickly slashed at Kai'Sa, his anger turned red again, and the Q Tyrant slammed.

Kai'Sa let out a miserable howl and died suddenly on the spot.

At this time, the duo of both sides is still only level four, and Kai'Sa doesn't even have full health, so she is still too vulnerable in front of the level six crocodile.

The speed of Lin Cheng's combo was too fast, and he waited until Lin Cheng dropped Kai'Sa's head in seconds before using the Q skill to beat the crocodile into the air.

Bono's spider E made a cocoon to keep up with the precise hit on the bull's head, and transformed into a spider and rushed forward.

The bull head who hadn't flashed was chased by the two and beaten violently, Lin Cheng cut off a double kill.

"Double Kill!"

Jun Ri: "Brother Chengzi, the crocodile's operation is very smooth! In front of Niutou, Kai'Sa, who is flashing and purifying, is a bit outrageous. It's not how difficult the operation is, but the timing of skill release requires too much precision. Taller."

Corgi: "It's broken! The early stage of T1 is completely broken! This wave is not even four-over-two. The KT duo didn't even get an assist. How can T1 play when both sides collapsed?"

Jun-il: "Originally, the lineup of KT hoped that Ueno would play well in the early stage, but what I didn't expect was that the sound would be so loud. Now the rhythm on the field is all played by Ueno.

The top road Tetsuo has been defeated now, not to mention, the death of the bottom duo is also very uncomfortable. The only good news is that Tetsuo can steal a wave of development on top. "

"Turtle turtle! This crocodile has a set of operations."

"There's something wrong with this prehistoric giant crocodile, and the bull's head looks like a fool."

"Guapi people sit in the middle, bad news comes from all directions."

"I want to see Sunge take Quinn to fight Chengzige crocodile, and see who wears a pain mask."

"+1 upstairs."

Lin Cheng's TP went down to do things, and Canna stole a wave of development on it.

But as soon as Lin Cheng returned to the line, Tie Nan immediately became timid, shrinking back from a distance to watch Lin Cheng push the line.

Tie Nan wanted to take a cannon car from the extreme distance, but was chased by the crocodile in two steps.

After more than 7 minutes, the crocodile was almost out, and the advantage was greater than the sky, and the opponent couldn't accept it even if he wanted to.

The crocodile has a very strong ability to exchange blood with a set of skills. After facing most of the top laners who accumulate anger and prostitute damage, they can prevent the opponent from being counterattacked by pulling the second E.

This is the routine operation of the crocodile online exchange.

But when the advantage is too obvious, there is no need to pay attention to these blood exchange skills.

Two paragraphs of E hit the opponent's face and it's over!
Generally speaking, when Tetsuo reaches level six, spiders and crocodiles will not be able to cross the tower anymore, because Tetsuo can easily complete the counter-kill as long as Tetsuo calls the spiders under the tower.

But the problem now is that there is no need for spiders to go over the tower after Tetsuo's continuous death. Lin Cheng can press Tetsunan to death by himself online.

With Lin Cheng's infinite online advantage, Bono easily controlled the Canyon Pioneer that refreshed in 8 minutes, and the T1 players didn't even have the desire to come and take a look.

In 8 and a half minutes, the blue team duo in the bottom lane had just pressed the line and were about to look for an opportunity to return, when they saw Niutou enter the river grass from the wild area alone, and began to line up the blue team's control guards in front of the two.

At this time, Kai'Sa was still trying to clear the line under the tower. Tam leaned against the grass in the river with two steps, and licked the bull's head with her tongue.

Tusin: "He still wants to block eyes, get him! Olaf is on the side of the three wolves."

Aiming: "He didn't dodge, first force out the bull head big move, and then I will give it big."

The attacking souls of the two who were still suppressed were burning fiercely.

Kuro warned, "The Tsar has disappeared for a long time, you should pay attention."

"The river has a view, and the Tsar must have returned early."

Tusin doesn't believe in evil: "There is someone behind the bull head, he can't fool me."

As an experienced support player, Tusin felt that he saw through his opponent's acting skills at once, and he didn't like this at all.

The two of them stuck to Niu Tou for a while, and Niu Tou suddenly turned back and hit the ice in the back with two consecutive strikes.

Kai'Sa flew over with her ult move, pouring down Icacia torrential rain.

Tam quickly ate the ice to keep his partner status.

Aiming's ice came out of Tam's mouth, and he gave Kai'Sa a big move, preparing for a contest between women.

At this time, a golden handsome boy suddenly appeared in the river.

Finding something wrong, the blue team turned around and wanted to run.

Brother Li's Czar Drift enters the arena.

Aiming flashes immediately to prevent being pushed back by the Tsar.

Li Ge didn't even look at Tam who was beside him, flashed to follow up, and pushed Han Bing back.

Han Bing failed to escape, Tam was also retained by the bull head, and the Tsar won a double kill.

Corgi: "Hey! It doesn't make sense for Tam to lick it. The action of the bull's head shows that there is someone behind. How dare Tusin go up?"

Joon Il: "Perhaps Tusin thinks that there is someone behind the bull's head, but the bull's head pretends you don't want to pretend.

The people in your upper and middle lanes are all online, and the canyon pioneer has just been killed. People also know that you are not in the jungle, and no one will believe you if you pretend here! "

Ke Ji: "However, it is good news for T1 that Brother Li's two heads are taken. At least one point is worth relying on when the situation in the early stage of T1 is about to split."

Joon Il: "But to be honest, it's too late for the Tsar to make an effort. The question now is whether T1 can survive KT's attack in the early stage, so as to delay the situation and buy time for his double C to develop."

Corgi: "Look at Cuzz! If Cuzz can find a chance to control one or two small dragons, T1's lineup will also have a chance when it is dragged to a double C two or three-piece suit."

Jun Il sighed: "Brother Li really did a great job of roaming and supporting the Tsar. In comparison, Kuro didn't move at all, but his teammates on the two sides played better than you."

"It feels like only Brother Li looks like a man in this one, with explosions on both sides, and Cuzz is pure shopping."

"Guapi is in good form today, but he can't stand up to his teammates."

"Looking at the mixed mid laner on the opposite side, Kuro naturally has an advantage in hanging up KT in the middle lane."

"Kuro: I couldn't beat you Lee Sang Hyuk once, but now I'm sorry! My teammates are bigger than your teammates."

(End of this chapter)

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