This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 238 Have you ever seen the first clockwork out of a banshee?

Chapter 238 Have you ever seen the first clockwork out of a banshee?

Although the double kill was taken down by Brother Li's Tsar, KT's team voice is still very relaxed.

Lin Cheng teased: "Hey! Who said just now that the other side is pretending to be someone?"

Aiming: "We were careless."

Tusin: "I felt like he was pretending, but I didn't expect it to be true."

In fact, it cannot be said that Tusin's judgment is too arbitrary.

The support Effort really often appears alone in inexplicable positions, giving people the feeling that he is always pretending to be someone behind.

He likes to make aggressive moves every time the other laners disappear.

It is a routine operation to walk up to other people's faces, and there are countless shots of a person getting lost.

But, if you pretend too much, there will always be a teammate behind you.

Brother Li did return this wave, but the speed at which he went straight from the jungle to the bottom lane after the return trip was unexpected by Tusin.

Kuro also became angry: "What's going on in the bottom lane? Who is this dead? Didn't the Miss in the middle lane send a signal? Why is she still dead? Can you read the map?"

Tusin refused to accept: "People in the middle lane and TP on the road and wandered down there, why don't you keep hanging in the middle lane?"

Kuro chuckled: "You can win by hanging up in the middle lane, why should I roam? I've already laid it down, and I'll leave it to you guys."

Everyone: "..."

In 10 minutes, before the second dragon was refreshed, Lin Cheng pushed the line and ran to the middle, and together with the spider, he helped the clockwork to drive away the czar.

Bono released the canyon pioneer in the middle, and the three took the opportunity to tear down the three-layer taper in the middle.

Although Pioneer can directly take down the first-blood tower in the top or bottom lane, it is more cost-effective to release it in the middle lane.

Because KT's lineup does not have Canyon Herald, it is difficult to directly unplug the Tsar's first tower.

Now the first vanguard hits him with half blood first, and later the second vanguard can stably knock down a tower in the middle, and the development of the czar will be greatly restricted, which is also conducive to KT's erosion of the wild area.

After eating the tapi in the middle, Bono ran to control the second dragon.

Seeing that the opponent still had no intention of defending Xiaolong, Lin Cheng hurried back to the road, ready to continue to suppress Tie Nan who pushed the pawn line out.

The bot lane was once again under pressure, and T1 really did not plan to compete for Xiaolong.

But He Dao saw that Lin Cheng's crocodile had already left, Cuzz finally couldn't help but do something after walking around the street for 10 minutes.

Just when the spider beat the dragon halfway, Olaf cooperated with the czar to attack the clockwork in the middle.

Kuro was clearing the line in front of the tower, and was pushed back by the Czar who suddenly found an opportunity to drift.

At this time, Olaf rushed out from the grass beside the river, slowed down with an axe, and rushed up like a mad dog.

Kuro hurried W to accelerate himself, and went straight around the wall of the Forbidden Army and ran under his own tower.

The Tsar commanded the sand soldiers to poke randomly.

Olaf picked up the ax and handed it directly to Clockwork's face.

Kuro handed over Flash into the tower without hesitation.

Cuzz's Olaf chased into the tower and gave the clockwork two axes, and turned around and retreated quickly when he didn't dare to continue to resist the tower.

The Tsar's Stony poked the last two times and almost killed the clockwork under the tower, but Kuro managed to pull it away.

Corgi: "The Tsar in the middle pushed back the clockwork first, and Olaf flashed to his face... Didn't this kill the clockwork? In the end, Brother Li's sand soldiers missed a little damage."

Jun Il: "Brother Li is very aggressive, but it's okay! Take a look at Kuro's build, have you seen the first clockwork in the middle lane that is about to produce a banshee? Hey! Sorry, I haven't seen it before. .”

Only then did Corgi come to his senses: "Well~~~ Mercury shoes, anti-magic cloak and explosive wand, Kuro's outfit is very stable."

Jun Il joked: "Kuro's build is a highlight of not giving a chance. Obviously he has already reacted. This Ueno Brothers has a great advantage. As long as I don't give it away, the game can be won."

"Outrageous! The tiger pose is coming out, who can second me with mercury shoes and a banshee?"

"This outfit is similar to General Tiger's naked golden body."

"Is this the top sister Li of the professional players?"

"I really have your Kuro, is the second one a golden body?"

"Kuro: Seeing that there is no Lee Sang Hyuk, you worked so hard to carry, but I can win with this outfit."

Lin Cheng's ruin has been done, and the online pressure on Tetsuo is getting bigger and bigger.

Several times, Lin Cheng took the damage from the tower once or twice to exchange blood, which made Canna's life under the tower not so comfortable.

However, Lin Cheng didn't have much chance to single-handedly kill Tie Nan under the tower.

When the crocodile didn't flash, as long as Tie Nan used his E skill well under the tower, it would be very difficult for Lin Cheng to get out unscathed if he wanted to go up and fight to kill.

However, Lin Cheng himself didn't think that he must kill Tie Nan alone.

As long as he has the right to push the line all the time, to ensure that the crocodile will arrive before Tetsuo when there is a collision in the wild, then Bono can roam freely in the upper half of the red side's jungle.

Lin Cheng also took advantage of the opportunity to push the line and leaned towards the middle with Bono, trying to catch a wave of czars.

However, Brother Li was very cautious, and the positions under the tower were all in the lower half of the wild area, which made Lin Cheng's two consecutive roams ended in failure.

In 14 minutes, the second canyon pioneer was refreshed.

T1 seemed to have made up their minds to hide and avoid the battle, and had no intention of leaning towards the upper half, allowing Bono to easily control the second vanguard.

KT is not in a hurry when the opponent releases resources.

Bono took the vanguard and released it directly to the middle lane, successfully demolished a tower in the middle lane, and then called Tusin to do a good job of invading vision in the wild area, slowly plundering wild area resources.

Crocodiles and spiders are strong in the early and mid-term, but as long as the snowball is big enough, they can maintain their strength.

On the road, Lin Cheng also used the blaster to push down the first tower, and Tie Nan happily shrank under the second tower to continue his development.

It is safer for Canna to develop under the second tower, but Cuzz's wild area will face great pressure once the outer tower falls off the line.

At 16 minutes, Kuro's clockwork pushed the line and then turned to the bottom lane, and cooperated with the duo to easily dismantle the bottom tower.

T1 once again faced the dilemma of three roads and one tower being completely destroyed, which was very similar to the situation in the first game.

In fact, KT's early rhythm in the three games was better than that of T1, but in the second game, the whole team went up together and lost the game.

Lin Cheng remembered the lesson in this round.

Originally, Lin Cheng used to push the pawn line to the opponent's second tower, and then ran to the wild area to make waves with the spider.

This time, the crocodile took the initiative to shrink back when his teammates pushed down the road in a group.

Just after the first tower on the bottom road was broken, the third wind dragon was refreshed, and the teammates ran to control the dragon.

Lin Cheng was on top, waiting for Tie Nan to push the pawn line to the sideline alcove before going out to clear the line.

When Tie Nan saw the crocodile showing its head, he turned and ran.

Canna's action made Lin Cheng feel safe, so he boldly went up to clear the line.


Just when Lin Cheng E went up and handed over his Q skill, he was happy to make up for the bloody minions one by one.

The red square TP lights up on the gun body.

(End of this chapter)

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