Chapter 240
After killing the Tsar, Lin Cheng turned around and ran towards his defense tower.

Olaf picked up the ax and threw it over, but Lin Cheng dodged it spiritually with a snake skin.

The recovery effects of Red Fury Q and Triumph, plus the blood volume brought by the ultimate move, make the crocodile already have a considerable blood volume.

Olaf picked up the ax again and threw it over, but was annoyed by Lin Cheng and turned around to avoid it.

Since the first tower on the blue side is still there, the crocodile has already fast-entered the tower.

The two Ueno brothers of T1 dare not continue to chase, otherwise the crocodile will fight back as soon as the crocodile skill is good.

As a result, the three of T1 who gave up on Xiaolong's plan were arrested, but Lin Cheng single-handedly repelled them, and successfully killed the fattest czar on the opposite side.

Jun Ri: "Too fast! What is this? The Tsar was killed by the crocodile on the spot without even having a chance to hand over his flash, and he ran away with Brother Orange, can you believe it? Killed the Tsar and he ran away!"

Corgi: "Is this the big crocodile in the dominant game? The damage of a two-piece suit in 16 minutes is a bit exaggerated. The full blood czar just evaporated."

Jun Il: "T1's wave can be said to be very thoughtful. When the third wind dragon really can't be picked up, three people choose to catch the crocodile. If you can get the crocodile bounty for the czar, this wave is definitely the best choice. .

But they never expected that this crocodile would be so difficult to kill. Brother Cheng had been pinching the W skill in Iron Man's ult just now, obviously he wanted to come out and kill the Tsar. "

"Screenshot of Brother Li's famous scene."

"The two in the back are quite coquettish when they move to hide from the axe."

"Brother Chengzi: Your name is Lee Sang Hyuk."

"What a fast knife! This big crocodile is a bit fierce."

"The advanced version of the one-sword sword demon, the three-sword crocodile?"

"Canna: Brother Xianghe, is that crocodile fierce? I raised it."

At this time, KT's team voice sounded 666.

Tusin: "Beautiful! Three fights and one is counter-killed, will the opponent play games?"

Kuro: "Nice! Strong Lin Cheng! It's not in vain that I produced a banshee for the first one, and I promise not to give away the second one for the golden body."

Lin Cheng: "..."

At this moment, Lin Cheng thought of the blind monk who used to be like a knight after finishing the wild knife.

Kuro is indeed a talent who can score big points.

Bono: "This is another solo kill! How many solo kills did Lin Cheng have?"

Lin Cheng was very modest: "Not too many, not too many, it's just the first place in the solo kill list."

Aiming: "If we play a few more rounds, maybe Lin Cheng has a chance to hit the solo kill record."

Lin Cheng said arrogantly: "What is the single kill record in a single season, you report the number! Brother Cheng, let's figure out how to kill."

Aiming: "Marin's 34 solo kills in a single season."

Lin Cheng changed the topic, "Oh~~ It's still close to ten times, it's still a little bit difficult."

The offensive that T1 finally planned to launch was blocked, and the consequences of this wave were not only the interruption of the development of the Tsar.

The people of KT in the lower half reacted immediately after taking away the wind dragon.

The duo immediately turned their heads and advanced the line of troops in the middle.

Clockwork and Spider moved from the wild area to the second tower of the red square.

The line of soldiers was pushed across the river, and Han Bing shot the magic crystal arrow at the second tower of the red square after looking into the field of vision first.

The transparent crystal arrow hit Kai'Sa under the second tower from a long distance.

Seeing that the cocooned spider was brought out from the Three Wolves Wild Area, Teddy hurriedly handed in purification and flash.

Although Kai'Sa escaped unharmed, the Ueno duo of T1 hadn't returned to the defensive position yet, and the remaining duo couldn't defend the tower at all.

This is not over yet, the red side's second tower in the middle was hit by the second vanguard before, and the KT four who quickly demolished the second tower in the middle marched directly towards the high ground with a line of troops.

The moment the line of soldiers set foot on the high ground, the first anti-tower soldier had a TP on his body, and it came from Lin Cheng who had gone home and finished his equipment.

At this time, there are still a few seconds before the resurrection of the czar, and KT obviously does not intend to give the opponent time to breathe.

Lin Cheng went home this time to make up for the black cut. The two-piece crocodile is the pinnacle of combat power. Although there is no ultimate move or flash, his purpose is only to cover his teammates to dismantle the tower.

Jun Il: "KT is so decisive! It's time to go up to the high ground in 17 minutes, and we really have a chance."

Corgi: "The Tsar has not been revived, and the remaining players in T1 are very poor at clearing the line, but they dare not start a group. At this time, start a group..."

Before the words were finished, the moment Lin Cheng's crocodile TP landed on the ground, the bull's head made a move.

When Lin Cheng landed, he was hit by the bull's head twice and flew up.

Kai'Sa rains down Icacia.

Tetsuo EQ shot from a distance.

Olaf threw the axe.

Even though Kuro immediately added a shield to Lin Cheng, the crocodile was directly knocked out by more than half of its health.

And the crocodile was pulled towards the tower by Tetsuo's E skill.

Lin Cheng: "Go! You can fight, you can fight!"

Tusin: "Lin Cheng don't worry! I have W to protect you."

Originally, Lin Cheng was worried that he would not meet Kai'Sa, but it was Iron Man's E skill that gave Lin Cheng a chance.

This time the crocodile was pulled over and passed the iron man with one E, and the two Es were stuck to Kai'Sa's face under the tower, and W was activated for ruthless hunting.

You know, Lin Cheng is wearing a clockwork puppet right now.

While Lin Cheng knocked Kai'Sa unconscious, Kuro pressed his ultimate move.

Although the damage of the clockwork bastard is not enough, but the target is only a small crispy Kai'Sa after all, and Lin Cheng's big crocodile has a lot of damage.

Lin Cheng started with AQ and directly cooperated with the clockwork damage to kill Kai'Sa in seconds.

Jun Il: "This man is committing a crime! How dare Niutou start a regiment before the Tsar is resurrected? Forcibly joining a regiment at this time is to speed up his own death."

Corgi: "Just now Teddy was forced out of double summons under the second tower, which became a foreshadowing. Now, the crocodile who didn't dodge the crocodile rushed in and dropped Kai'Sa in a second. T1's wave of thinking has a big problem."

Lin Cheng rushed in and dropped Kai'Sa in seconds, and his teammates had already rushed forward.

Even if Niutou used his ultimate move, he couldn't stand the fire of the KT crowd. The spider took control first, and the Queen of Scrapping and Ice cooperated with the clockwork to quickly kill Niutou under the tower.

Although the crocodile against the tower was quickly beaten to blood by Tie Nan and Olaf, Tam swallowed the crocodile in one bite in time, saving Lin Cheng's life.

Switching to Tahm's anti-tower, Ashe stuck to Tetsuo and successfully completed the kill.

Although the remaining Olaf ran away with his ult, the high ground tower in the middle of the red square was also successfully demolished by KT.

The revived Tsar looked and looked outside the front tooth tower, and could only watch the blue side remove the crystal in the middle.

But at this time, another wave of blue square guns arrived. KT, who had removed the crystal, did not intend to retreat, and the five of them pressed against the front tooth tower together.

The only two left in T1 wanted to find a chance to clear the line, and Bono decisively flashed cocoons and made a shot.

Brother Li reacted slowly this time, and was hit by the spider's cocoon under the flashing situation, and was quickly melted by everyone in KT.

The remaining Olaf couldn't stop KT's offensive, so he chose to shrink in the spring to keep KDA.

But when the base was about to be demolished, Tam took the lead in rushing into the spring.

"Kill Olaf, leave no one alive!"

Lin Cheng didn't rush into the spring, he just used his dilapidated active skills to get an assist from a distance, and then turned around and bulldozed the opponent's base with the only two remaining teammates.

At the end of the game, the time was fixed at 18 minutes and 16 seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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