Chapter 241 We are wrong

Jun Il: "Congratulations to KT! A sudden wave of offense killed the game, 18 minutes and 16 seconds. If I remember correctly, this should be the fastest end of a game since the news agency war was recorded."

Corgi: "This wave of T1's decision-making is really strange. Let's not talk about the failure of the first three to catch. Why did Niutou take the initiative to open the crocodile in a four-on-five situation? Niutou went to open a crocodile with Tahm's protection. The crocodile, on the contrary, blew itself up."

Jun Il: "To be honest, even if T1 doesn't take the initiative to start a team, this round will go far. KT has such a big advantage in the field, and the time when the Wind Dragon Soul will refresh is when KT is the strongest. T1 can't help it. Keep dragging on.

The main reason is that the lineup taken by T1 is too late. The Czar Gakasha’s double-C development period is too late. If you play against other LCK teams, you can get it like this, but against KT you want to delay until the double-C development period It is very unreliable.

This season, KT's early offensive ability is very exaggerated. They are very good at playing the early rhythm of the Ueno, not to mention that KT even pulled out the crocodile spiders. "

Corgi: "Indeed! T1 always likes to use a more passive lineup, but KT's offensive ability is much stronger than other teams, and it won't work if you play against other teams."

Jun-il: "However, this is just a regular-season match, and it is difficult to have a big impact on the playoff rankings. Let's see how the two sides adjust at that time. It is very likely that they will meet again in the playoffs."

"It's over! Being beaten up by the designated power bank, there will be no barbecue stalls this year."

"Wuhu! Brother Cheng has taken off."

"In the future, the news agency will fight against Brother Cheng, so who has an opinion?"

"Congratulations to T1 for mentioning 1816."

"Tanza expressed his optimism. We have seen 1557. What is 1816?"

Looking at his excellent data on the settlement panel, Lin Cheng was very satisfied.

Sure enough, the last crocodile is not my problem, it's just that I didn't play well.

Just as he took off his earphones, Lin Cheng heard Kuro muttering softly beside him: "It's too easy to win this game, I haven't even entered the stage of exertion yet."

Lin Cheng: "..."

The production order of mercury shoes, banshee, and golden body, Brother Cheng may have already started to fall ill by the time you exert your strength.

In fact, being caught in the second game doesn't make Lin Cheng sick. Anyone who is delayed for a long time may be caught by the opponent. Even players like Faker often give opportunities.

Hmm~~~ I can't say that Brother Cheng has a problem, I can only say that the opponent has a good grasp of the opportunity.

With his outstanding performance, Lin Cheng won two rounds of MVP at the same time, and went to the media room alone to prepare for an interview.

On the commentary stage are still two old partners, CT and Kim Hyun Joon.

Lin Cheng faced the camera and greeted the audience.

CT: "When KT played against T1 in the last round, it was the first time for Cheng to enter the professional arena. How do you feel now after winning the match against T1 again?"

Lin Cheng: "Although we won, it's still a bit regretful. Hmm~~ I was caught in the second game, which made the game longer. Otherwise, we should have won 2:0."

Kim Hyun Joon answered: "Although we lost in the second game, KT's operation rhythm is the better side from the whole BO3. Can you tell me who is in charge of the team?"

Lin Cheng: "Actually, all three of our lines participated in the command. Players on the early line will communicate with the jungler when they see an opportunity. In the middle and late stages, everyone participates in the decision-making together, but the main caller is Tusin."

Kim Hyun Joon: "Then after you were caught in the second game, KT suddenly started to play chaotically, fighting with the opponent non-stop. Who was involved in the decision-making at that time?"

"It's Tusin. He keeps saying that he can play, but I've calmed down a long time ago."

When Lin Cheng said this, he totally forgot that he was shouting louder than Tusin in his voice.

CT: "Let's talk about the game that just ended. You have selected a very strong Ueno early-stage combination, and the opponent's lineup is also very strong in the late stage.

Although KT successfully snowballed the game in the early stage and quickly ended the game, did you ever think about the situation where you didn't have an advantage in the early stage before the start? "

"Before the game started, we didn't think about what it would be like."

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "The combination of Tsar and Kasha is indeed very powerful in the late stage, but if they can be delayed until then, it can only be said that some of us have fallen asleep."

"?? Is this a human language?"

"As expected of you! This taste is too strong."

"Brother Chengzi: Feel free to choose the lineup in the later stage. If I can last until the later stage, I will be considered a loser."

CT: "Just now I saw the shot of you rushing into the fountain at the last moment. This season KT is also the team that rushed to the opponent's fountain the most times. Is this already a kind of victory ceremony for KT?"

Lin Cheng: "No, it's just that we wanted to get some KDA in the end, so we went to the spring to kill people like this."

Kim Hyun Joon was puzzled: "But if the spring water dies, KDA will drop even more?"

Due to the calculation method of KDA, even if several people are killed, the KDA may be lowered because of one more death.

"So! I didn't follow up with my teammates rushing to the spring."

Lin Cheng took it for granted, "The ones who died were all teammates. I just got an assist from outside with a rundown. I definitely won't let KDA fall."

"Haha! Brother Chengzi is so funny."

"Damn! You little thing is really smart, and the ones who die are all teammates."

"Brother Chengzi: Send them to death, I'll just do some assists."

"KT teammate: There is something wrong with our top laner. Every time he calls us to rush to the spring, he hangs behind."

CT: "Today's contestant Cheng chose the hero Lucian for the first time. The performance of this hero on the field can be said to be very polarized. What do you think of this hero?"

Lin Cheng thought for a while: "Although I won the MVP with Lucian, I still have to say: the hero Lucian is a hot chicken."

CT: "???"

Kim Hyun Joon: "???"

Lin Cheng continued: "To be honest, I don't know why anyone wants to play top laner Lucian. No matter who is playing, it is not reliable. I have never lost when I met the opponent's top laner in RANK. The top laner is Lu Xian. People are a bit inflated, and they only play this kind of hero because they want to beat the opponent."

CT: "Wow! Why does Cheng have such a big grudge against top laner Lucian? But today you won the game with this hero."

Lin Cheng nodded: "I admit, I am indeed bloated today."

"Good guy! I just call him a good guy, and I scold myself for something."

"Lin Cheng: Those who play Lu Xian are all bloated monsters. I'm sorry, I'm bloated too."

"??? Did this person drink too much fake wine?"

"Teacher Sun: Are you scolding again?"

"Brother Cheng really doesn't like Lucian, he also said it during the live broadcast."

"Brother Chengzi was killed to the point of losing his mind when playing Lu Xian on live broadcast last time, no wonder he hates Lu Xian so much."

(End of this chapter)

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