This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 242 Don't talk about martial arts Park Zhiyan

Chapter 242 Park Ji-yeon Doesn't Talk about Martial Virtue
Although the third game went very quickly, it was nearly ten o'clock in the evening for the entire BO3 draw.

After finishing the interview, Lin Cheng ran to the restaurant below for food.

At this moment, Kuro is the only one in the restaurant doing his work.

Lin Cheng joked cheerfully: "Li Shiheng, be a jerk in the competition, and you run the fastest when eating."

"Do you think I'm willing to be a jerk? Isn't it because I'm hungry, how can I carry when I'm hungry?"

Kuro's tricky angle made Lin Cheng speechless.

Lin Cheng ignored him, and ran to the bar to ask his aunt to prepare noodles with mixed sauce.

The mixed sauce noodles were ready in no time, Lin Cheng was mixing the dark sauce evenly, and at the same time bragging about the match with the dry rice king Kuro.

"I'm starving to death today. It's the first time Brother Cheng played a full BO3. He forgot to go to the toilet and almost suffocated me. Fortunately, the last round ended quickly."

Kuro slowly took a bite of the fried fish, and said in the tone of an old-timer, "What is this? You haven't played a full BO5. We used to play a BO5 for five or six hours. It's not a big deal."

Now the pace of the game is fast, and the average duration is generally only 30 to [-] minutes.

The previous version had a slow pace and no such things as Dragon Soul, which can effectively force the team. When one side is ruthless, it can really make the game stinky and long.

At the beginning, SKT and the Airplane team played a game for 94 minutes. It was really an epic bladder match. A BO3 took longer than the current full BO5.

Lin Cheng stuffed a big mouthful of miscellaneous sauce noodles into his mouth, and said vaguely: "It's still comfortable to play in the early stage, but it's boring to delay the late stage. Some people play too late."

Kuro agrees: "That's right! I don't like procrastination either, it's more comfortable to play the early active rhythm."

Lin Cheng wiped the sauce from the corner of his mouth and glanced at him.

"I'm talking about you! Mercury shoes, a banshee, a clockwork with a golden body, you tell me you don't like dragging? Wait until you get hurt and get a six-piece suit?"

The old god Kuro drank his saliva, "I said it all, I was hungry today and didn't want to C, so next time I won't pretend like this, next time I will pretend to be more violent."

"That's right! The clockwork is actually very violent in the early stage of the equipment."

Lin Cheng was referring to the build of Clockwork Luden's magic-binding orb, which was also very good at fighting in the early and mid-term.

Kuro: "Next time, I won't use Mercury Shoes first. I will use Magic Shoes first and then Banshee. In this way, there will be magic power and penetration, and the damage will be much more violent."

Lin Cheng: "..."

Some people are called bastards for a reason.

After talking and laughing, after eating, Lin Cheng leisurely returned to the dormitory to wash up.

I can't rest directly after eating supper, so I lie on the bed and brush my phone as usual.

Recently, Youtube doesn’t know what’s going on, and every day it recommends a video of an office worker named Zhixiu to him.

In just a few minutes of video, the theme is probably the daily cooking routine of office worker ladies and sisters when they go home.

The young lady is pretty, not to mention her figure, but Lin Cheng felt that the pair of beautiful legs in stockings under the hip-covering skirt prevented him from learning how to cook seriously.

"Hey~~~ It's so fake! Stockings are fine, how can you go straight into the kitchen wearing a shirt and business attire when you go home?"

Lin Cheng prepared to comment from a tricky angle.

In the end, when he was about to press the reply button, he hesitated again. He remembered that Zheng Shiyan seemed to have cooked in professional attire last time.

Hmm~~~Speaking of which, Sister Shiyan has a better figure than this young lady.

Why!If it wasn't for Sister Shiyan, I would have looked twice at what I said last time.

Lost lost.

Holding the mobile phone, Lin Cheng was inexplicably off again.

I don't know if it's a sequela, but Lin Cheng's ability to react is excellent when he's concentrating, but what follows is that he sometimes loses his mind for no reason.

The video playback volume is very high. In fact, this series of videos is an advertisement for a convenient fast food brand.

But the problem is that no one cares what the fast food brand is.

The comments below the video all focus on the dress and figure of the young lady. The gentlemen on Youtube have the same vision as the users of station B.

(Friendly reminder: Station B has movers to move this series of advertisements, ahem!)
Lin Cheng carefully watched the video again with a critical eye.

"Shoot more cooking scenes! Why do you keep taking pictures of people's legs in the commercial video of riding a horse?"

"Will you shoot commercials? There is a problem with the shooting technique."

"What's the name of this fast food brand? Forget it, it's not important."

Just when Lin Cheng was about to find out the previous videos and criticize them, Park Zhiyan sent a Kakao game invitation.

This time it is a game called "Little Meng Ren Chaos".

Lin Cheng neither accepted nor refused.

He is playing dead.

Park Ji-yeon sent a voice request persistently.

"Lin Cheng, hurry up and come to Brawl, this game is very interesting."

Lin Cheng sighed: "I've already washed my hands, don't let me do anything against my conscience."

In order to score points in the game, Pu Zhiyan arranged for Lin Cheng to go to the flower card room to act as an actress for her last time, and he was still worried about this matter.

Brother Cheng really didn't expect that one day he would become a poker player.


Pu Zhiyan was dissatisfied: "What is something that violates conscience? Is it too much to help my sister get points?"

Lin Cheng was even more dissatisfied: "Park Zhiyan! You said we are friends, why do you want me to call you sister?"

Seeing Lin Cheng's reaction, Park Zhiyan smiled, "Hurry up! You don't need to act this time."

"That, Mr. Lin Cheng." A soft voice sounded.

"Ah! Miss Enjing is here too."

Only then did Lin Cheng realize that there was another person in the voice room.


With a soft answer, Xian Enjing's personality is very gentle in private, which is completely different from her acting style on stage.

You must know that her handsome look with short white hair was linked to Riven by netizens.

Lin Cheng didn't have this game on his phone, so he chatted with them casually while downloading it.

Of course, Park Ji-yeon was the one who talked the most, she was very curious about what the daily life of a professional player is like.

She asked, Lin Cheng answered, Xian Enjing dived.

The download speed of the game was fast, and when Lin Cheng entered the game room, three more players joined the game room in a match.

Park Zhiyan started the game directly.

"What? I haven't even played this game, wait for me to read the operation introduction before opening it."

"It's okay, you can go in and watch it, the operation is very simple."

Soon the game was loaded, and the six villains stood separately on the platform of an airship.

What Lin Cheng controls is a blue standing dog doll, and when he saw the game started, he immediately explained:
"Let me see how to operate it first, you two protect me, and kill the opponent when I understand the operation."

After speaking, Lin Cheng opened the game introduction in the upper right corner.

The rules of this game are very simple. Each player controls a villain in the image of a doll, and uses methods such as grabbing, hitting, and throwing to push the competitor out of the safe area. The last person who survives is the winner.

Um?The last person alive is the winner?
Depend on!This is a personal battle.

I have no teammates at all.

Lin Cheng reacted and closed the game introduction page.

I saw my puppy doll was lifted up by a little orange dinosaur, and ran to the edge of the airship with its feet.

Just as Lin Cheng was about to struggle, the little dinosaur threw the puppy out of the airship.

"Haha! I eliminated Lin Cheng!"

Park Ji-yeon smiled triumphantly.

Lin Cheng: "Ah Xi~~~Park Zhiyan, you are making a sneak attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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