This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 243 I will let you go if I call my sister

Chapter 243 I will let you go if I call my sister

Facing Lin Cheng's accusation, Park Zhiyan laughed cheerfully.

"Originally, there are no teammates in this game. You still stand there stupidly watching the introduction. Even if I don't sneak attack, there are others who will deal with you."

While Pu Zhiyan was still complacent, a doll in the shape of a white rabbit rushed up and punched the little dinosaur in the face.

"Ernie! Don't hit me."

Pu Zhiyan exclaimed, and controlled herself to hit the little dinosaur with its belly upright.

The two fought together, and the other dolls were also in a state of melee.

On the other side, an angle that Park Ji-yeon didn't see.

Lin Cheng's puppy doll was lying quietly on the side platform of the airship.

Since the airship is arc-shaped, it is easy to slip under its feet when it is close to the edge. Just now, Park Zhiyan's little dinosaur threw Lin Cheng down before reaching the edge completely.

As a result, Pu Zhiyan didn't see that Lin Cheng's puppy doll rolled along the round belly of the airship and rolled onto the side platform, saving a dog's life.

Lin Cheng didn't make a sound, lying on the platform and pretending to be dead.

"Zhiyan, let's stop fighting among ourselves, let's deal with other people first, okay?"

Xian Enjing found that her rabbit doll was severely beaten by the little dinosaur, so she hurriedly shouted to stop it tactically.

Once the life value is exhausted, his villain will lose his ability to move, lying on the ground and being dragged by others.

Park Ji-yeon followed the example of kindness: "Then let's work together to get rid of the others first. Anyway, O'Neill, you can't beat me."

As a veteran game player of all kinds, she is very confident in her game level.

Of course, from Lin Cheng's point of view, Pu Zhiyan is a typical person who has a big addiction to cooking, is interested in all kinds of games, and her level is really average.

Lin Cheng's puppy doll was lying on the side of the airship, watching the battlefield from a wretched angle.

Let's fight, it's best for you all to die together, Brother Cheng will naturally win.

Hmm~~~ No wonder Kuro likes to mess around so much, who wouldn't want to win games while lying down?

Not to mention, the strategic cooperation between Pu Zhiyan and Xian Eunjing was very effective, and soon they teamed up to throw a blue tauren off the airship.

That buddy was not as lucky as Lin Cheng, he fell directly from the sky and was eliminated.

Hmm~~~ It's very satisfying.

Tauren must die!
Then, something went wrong when the two men got their hands on a chubby panda.

The two pulled and pushed the panda to the edge of the airship. As a result, the panda turned into a Jiuxian, and instead of being thrown out of the airship with a spiral movement, the little rabbit at the back was let out.

Amidst Pu Zhiyan's yelling, Xian Enjing's little rabbit didn't stand still, and slid straight down along the curved edge of the airship.

Coincidentally, the rabbit also rolled onto the flanking platform.

The rabbit got up and looked at the puppy at her feet, Xian Enjing obviously didn't expect that there were people here.

"Enjing xi~~ hello."

Lin Cheng, who had been lying down and pretending to be dead, finally broke the silence.

"What? Lin Cheng, are you alive?"

Xian Enjing came to her senses, the little rabbit grabbed the puppy doll that was still lying on the platform, and was about to drag Lin Cheng to the edge.

Lin Cheng quickly controlled his little man and began to resist. The puppy kept shaking its limbs while being held by the rabbit's neck, and finally turned around and stood firm, turning back with its arms on the rabbit doll and pushing it out.

Xian Enjing was in a hurry: "Don't hug me, you will fall if pushed like this."

"I didn't hug you, you hugged me." Lin Cheng tried to prove his innocence.

"Then don't push, I won't hug you if you don't push."

"Well, I won't push anymore, and you won't let go either."

"I count to three and let go, 1, 2, 3."

After three beeps, the little rabbit let go.

However, Lin Cheng's puppy pushed again sinisterly.

However, the two of them almost stood on the edge of the platform, and Xian Enjing quickly controlled her little rabbit and grabbed the puppy doll without letting herself fall.

"Ah! You are too much! Really." Xian Enjing couldn't help raising her voice.

Lin Cheng quibbled: "Oh! I pressed the wrong button, and it wasn't on purpose."

"He did it on purpose. Lin Cheng is the dirtiest gamer."

"Concentrate on playing the game, don't talk too much."

"I've already been eliminated, Enjing O'Neil, come on."

Just now, the two were busy dealing with the panda but failed. Pu Zhiyan was attacked and eliminated by another monkey. Now they can only watch the battle with peace of mind.

The two were deadlocked on the platform and almost fell together twice.

"Can you let go first? There are still two enemies up there."

"Don't do it, you let go first."

"Then I count to three, let's let go together?"

"No, you must be trying to play tricks again." Xian Enjing is not stupid.

At this time, a fat panda and a yellow monkey suddenly rolled down from the airship together, and they just landed on the edge of the platform.

"The enemy is coming, let go, I will deal with them."

With foreign enemies present, the two quickly reached an agreement.

Just as the rolled panda and monkey were about to stand up, Lin Cheng kicked them off the platform with a kick.

At this time, Xian Enjing launched a surprise attack.

The little rabbit jumped over and rushed towards Lin Cheng's puppy doll.

But Lin Cheng had been prepared for a long time, he turned around to let go of the rabbit's impact, and kicked the rabbit's ass with a jio, kicking the rabbit off the airship.

"Moohahaha~~Your strength is no match for mine, go practice for another two years."

Curator Lin Chengjin possessed himself and laughed arrogantly.

"Wow~~~ Lin Cheng is too arrogant, O'Neill, let's join forces to deal with him next time."

"I will change the map later and give him some color."

The second game map, Pu Zhiyan, chose the underground station. This map has a lot of traps. It's not like throwing people off the airship and it's over.

This map is more complicated. At the beginning of the game, all the characters are hiding in the corner. When Lin Cheng walked out of the corner, he saw a fat cat with his back turned to him.

Without further ado, Lin Cheng went up and kicked the cat to the ground.

The sneak attack was successful, and Lin Cheng's doll picked up the cat and threw it upside down into the trash can next to it.

Although stuffing it into the trash can will not be eliminated directly, it is extremely insulting.

"Haha! This stupid cat seems to be a novice, walking with his back to me."

Seeing that the cat still wanted to struggle, Lin Cheng manipulated his little man to press down on the trash can and continued to insult.

Just when Lin Cheng was concentrating on dealing with the cat, he suddenly found himself hugged by an orange dinosaur.

"Oni, come here, I've caught Lin Cheng." Pu Zhiyan was proud.

"Park Zhiyan, let go of your hands and talk well."

Before Lin Cheng started his verbal offensive, Xian Enjing's rabbit also rushed over, and the two of them pushed Lin Cheng's doll off the subway track next to it.

Lin Cheng's villain desperately climbed up the platform next to the track.

Due to the short legs of the doll, even though the legs are moving quickly on the platform wall, it is very difficult to get up.

That's not to mention, just as Lin Cheng climbed up half of his body, he was stepped on the head by the little dinosaur above, and kicked off the track again.

Pu Zhiyan laughed loudly: "Who is this person below? It looks like he has encountered a little trouble."

The sound of the whistle sounds, which is a signal that the train is coming, and if you don't get off the track, you will be hit and killed by the train.

"Oni, Lin Cheng is in your hands. When he comes up, just kick him down. I'll deal with the others."

While manipulating the villain to climb up, seeing a rabbit staring at the platform, Lin Cheng begged for mercy.

"Wow~~~ Put me up, I can help you deal with other people."

Xian Enjing's little rabbit jumped on the spot, "I don't believe you, I want to avenge the previous game."

"Really! I can be your goon,"

Lin Cheng didn't want any morals, "Believe me, I like Miss Enjing the most."

"Ah! Why do you still say such things? You are not our fan." Xian Enjing was not fooled.

"Oh! Since you want to come up, Lin Cheng, I'll give you a chance."

Pu Zhiyan suddenly smiled: "Call my sister quickly, if you call me sister, I will let you go."

"Don't think about it."

Lin Cheng's villain suddenly stopped struggling, turned around and jumped to the middle of the track.

The train passed by and directly crushed Lin Cheng's doll.

(End of this chapter)

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