This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 244 Good Brother, GKD

Chapter 244 Good Brother, GKD (ask for a monthly ticket)

Lin Cheng would rather be eliminated than call her sister, and Pu Zhiyan was very angry.

So, she easily pushed Xian Enjing's little rabbit off the train track.

"What? Zhiyan, what's the matter with you? Didn't you say we joined forces?"

Xian Enjing was furious, just now she was happy to avenge the previous round, but unexpectedly she was stabbed in the back with her backhand.

Park Ji-yeon has reason and evidence: "That's right! Lin Cheng is dead, our cooperation ends here."

Xian Enjing was speechless, "Ah~~~Really! You two are really, one is more exaggerated than the other!"

"See, this is what happened when you didn't let me go up just now." Lin Cheng gloated.

Xian Enjing muttered in a low voice: "Anyway, you die first."

"This game is in no particular order, it's the same if you die early or die late."

"Anyway, you die first."

"Hey! Did you hear what I said?"

"Anyway, you die first."

Lin Cheng: "..."

Seeing that Lin Cheng was at a loss for words, Xian Enjing laughed happily.

In the end, Park Ji-yeon did not have the last laugh in this game.

Just when she pushed a black clown to the edge of the platform and was about to use the track to eliminate him, she was suddenly attacked by a chubby cat.

Sha Mao made a savage collision, knocking Park Zhiyan's little dinosaur and the clown off the track together.

The train rumbles by and the game is over.

Unexpectedly, the guy who was humiliated by Lin Cheng in the trash can had the last laugh.

Really answered that sentence, as long as the game is not over, you never know when the opponent will send a wave.

"Oh! When did that guy come out?"

"This is what happened when you eliminated Brother Cheng."

Lin Cheng chuckled, and felt something was wrong as soon as the words came out.

Why is this sentence so familiar?

Oh~~~ I remembered, isn't this the slogan of the starches?

This is the fate of eliminating EDG?
Shake your head quickly to get rid of Seven's will, and continue to have fun.

Although this game is simple, it is very fun to play and really holds up.

At Lin Cheng's suggestion, the three began to cooperate.

Although there is no team formation, they can join forces to eliminate others first, and then digest the champion internally.

However, even if the three join forces, they often overturn.

Some players were very proficient in operation, and they were not given the opportunity to jointly control them personally. Instead, there was a scene where three people were wiped out by one person during the melee.

After playing a few more rounds, Lin Cheng had an idea by chance and developed a new tactic.

So, this scene appeared in the following game.

Entering the game, Xian Enjing manipulated her little rabbit to find a place to lie down and pretend to be dead.

The characters of Lin Cheng and Park Ji-yeon are pretending to pull each other.

Soon there will be other people who want to pick up the cheap and pull the dead rabbit.

The rabbit was not beaten to the ground, it still has the strength to resist, and those who pick up cheap will be entangled by Xian Enjing's manipulation of the rabbit.

The two people next to him stopped acting at once, and the three people in the past easily suppressed their opponents close to each other, and then threw them into the mechanism to eliminate them.

This tactic is dirty, but also very effective.

"Haha! Another deadly one, how about my tactics?"

Park Zhiyan said bluntly: "Lin Cheng, your heart is so dirty."

"speak politely."

"You are simply a genius."

The winners of the following games are basically produced among the three.

Of course, Park Ji Yeon and Ham Eun Jung won most of them.

Because once the others are eliminated, they will give priority to teaming up to deal with Lin Cheng.

After playing for nearly two hours at a stretch, the three finally gave up.

Exit the game and check that the time is past twelve o'clock.

Before going to bed, Lin Cheng continued to take a critical look at Miss Zhixiu's cooking routine.

At this time, Park Zhiyan sent a video.

In the video, Park Ji-yeon is wearing a sweater, and the hat is pulled up to look for an angle.

Then she moved the camera and patted her side face, seeming very satisfied with her side face.

In just ten seconds, all of them were slapping their faces.

Lin Cheng thought she had something to say later, and then it was gone.

Lin Cheng looked a little strange.

Lin Cheng: (covering his face) Even if you are narcissistic, there is no need to send it to me, right?
Lin Cheng: It’s really pretty, good brother, GKD!

Park Ji-yeon: (tears running) I made a mistake, I want to show you Snow Flower, but what does GKD mean?
Lin Cheng: This is an interjection!I am praising you.

Park Ji-yeon did not continue to delve into what GKD means, and sent another video.

Turning on the video, Xuehua was sleeping soundly in her nest.

Its sleeping position is very special.

Lying flat in the den, revealing a white belly, eyes closed, pink nose opening and closing.

The two short front paws are placed on both sides of the head, and the pink flesh pads are facing upwards in a posture of surrender, and the two short legs are curled up on the stomach to reveal the pink flesh pads, and they kick twice from time to time.

Park Ji Yeon: Isn't Seolhwa cute?

Lin Cheng: (in a daze) This is what the macho should watch.

Of course, Miss Ji Soo's cooking class is also worth watching.

After the news agency battle, KT defeated the sandbox with a score of 2:0 the next day, extending their winning streak to 12 games.

In the game that night, the opportunity for KT to continue to improve the ranking appeared.

The top-ranked GEN·G lost 1:2 to Hanwha in an upset.

With the last game left, GEN·G's record came to 13 wins and 4 losses, with a small game margin of 17.

KT's current record is 12 wins and 5 losses, with a margin of 15.

And KT's last opponent is GEN·G.

In other words, if KT beats GEN·G with a score of 2:0 in the last direct dialogue, KT will come to 13 wins and 5 losses, accumulating 17 net points.

And GEN·G's record will become 13 wins and 5 losses, and the net difference will be reduced to 15 points.

Then KT's ranking will surpass GEN G for the first time this season.

If KT wins with a score of 2:1, the two sides will have exactly the same record and wins, namely: 13 wins and 5 losses, 16 wins.

In this case, it is the outcome of both parties.
In the first round, since GEN·G was against KT 2:1 at that time, the total score of the two rounds between the two sides was 3:3, still a tie.

At this time, an extra game is needed.

You know, since the establishment of the LCK, there has never been a regular season ranking that requires an extra match.

In any case, as long as KT beats GEN G in the last game, it will have a chance to improve its ranking.

It's nothing more than running directly to GEN·G, or another game.

It is even said that if T1 loses to the last opponent in an upset, KT may climb to the top of the standings.

Of course, T1's last opponent is AFS, which has only won one game in the second round, and the chance of being upset is not great.

(End of this chapter)

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