This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 245 Going to a Picnic

Chapter 245 Going to a Picnic
(When I write daily follow-up reading, I lose a lot, and the author of the dog is numb)
Sunday, May 4.

The sun is shining brightly, which is a good time for a spring outing.

Lin Cheng stood outside the kitchen and watched the movements of Han Shuyan's hands eagerly, "Sister Shuyan, why don't we just eat outside at that time? You can also order takeaway."

"No, how can I order takeaway for a picnic?"

Han Shuyan didn't raise her head, she was frying the seafood cake seriously.

"Exactly! This is the basic sense of ritual, Lin Cheng, stop making trouble and go see how Sister Shiyan and Enxi are getting ready."

Xiao Tong was slowly cutting the fruit beside him, and put the pieces into the transparent crisper.

Lin Cheng sighed, originally he just proposed to see the cherry blossoms.

Why did it end up being a group picnic?
Chased away by the two, when Lin Cheng ran to the next door, the little girl was sitting on the floor of the living room, happily filling her bear bag with snacks.

Many of them were almond snacks that Lin Cheng bought last time.


Seeing Lin Cheng, the little girl happily waved her short hands.

"Is Enxi also helping with the preparations?"

The little girl embarrassedly pointed to the snacks and dolls next to her, "Enxi is preparing her own things, and mother said that Enxi doesn't need to help with other things."

Lin Cheng glanced in the direction of the kitchen, Zheng Shiyan was preparing lunch.

But what she does is basically simply process instant food and put it into a bento box.

"Sister Shiyan, you don't need to make bento, Xiaotong and the others will prepare it."


Zheng Shiyan responded, but continued with the movements in her hand.

Sometimes she had a stubbornness that Lin Cheng couldn't understand, so Lin Cheng didn't persuade her anymore, and ran to the living room to watch the cute little girl stuffing snacks into her bag.

"Enxi, don't put too much snacks." Zheng Shiyan's voice came.


Enxi promised happily, turned her head and glanced at the direction of the kitchen secretly, and found that her mother was not paying attention, so she hurriedly stuffed another bag of snacks into the small bag.

Seeing Lin Cheng smiling at her, the little girl twisted her body in embarrassment.

Then, she clumsily opened a bag of almonds, grabbed two buttered almonds and handed them over.

"Uncle, don't tell mom."

Lin Cheng smiled, is this eccentric little girl still the dumb Enxi?
"This is our secret, of course we don't tell mom."

After receiving the almonds, Lin Cheng ate one by himself, and conveniently stuffed the other into Enxi's mouth.

The little girl opened her mouth to bite the almond, and narrowed her eyes happily.

Soon, it will be ready.

Everyone got out of the apartment building and got into Zheng Shiyan's car.

Lin Cheng volunteered to be the driver. He has a driver's license.

The driver's license test in South Korea is much easier than in China. Except for the road test, basically a normal person can easily pass it.

Generally speaking, the theory test can be completed with only a dozen hours of study. People with driving experience can also directly sign up for the test without additional theoretical education.

In the past few years, due to the loose national policy, the driver's license in South Korea can be easily converted into a driver's license that can be used in China, and there have also been a group of Chinese tourists who came to travel and test their driver's license.

Even some driving schools in South Korea can directly accept the theory test in Chinese, and they can compete with domestic driving schools for business across long distances.

Well~~~ Mainly there is one more point.

In Korean driving schools, coaches guide students one-on-one, and since people who are not familiar with each other use honorifics, pay attention to the tone of speech, and the same is true between coaches and students.

In this way, when you are learning to drive, the coach will not talk about it and disturb your mentality.

This is simply good news for many students with limited mental capacity.

Han Shuyan and Xiao Tong sat in the back seat with the little girl, and Zheng Shiyan sat in the passenger seat, seeming a little worried about Lin Cheng's driving skills.

The parking lot in the residential area is very crowded, the aisles and intersections are not wide, and it is really not friendly to ordinary novice drivers.

Some time ago, there was a scene in the community where a female driver had to hit her when she parked.

After fastening his seat belt, Lin Cheng looked at Zheng Shiyan in the passenger seat.

Although he didn't see the shadow of the seat belt at first glance, Lin Cheng knew immediately that she was almost wearing the seat belt.

Don't ask him how he knows.

Hmm~~~ For women with a good figure, seat belts are sometimes really inconvenient.

Zheng Shiyan turned her head and looked out the window, "Drive when you're ready."

"Hey, I'm checking the safety of the passengers." Lin Cheng hurriedly turned to look at the back row.

The little girl Enxi sat on the safety seat in a regular manner, fastened her seat belt, opened her eyes wide and chatted with Xiao Tong and Han Shuyan next to her, it was obvious that the little girl was very excited, her short legs flicked of.

"Enxi, let's go!"

"Let's go!"

The little girl raised her arms, and her crisp voice echoed in the car.

Lin Cheng started the car steadily, and skilfully drove out of the community through the narrow aisle of the parking lot.

Not fast, but very stable.

Lin Cheng is very casual when driving alone, but he will not take risks when he has friends in the car.

Of course, if the enemy is sitting in the car, Brother Cheng will let him see what Qiu Mingshan is.

Namsan Park is the largest park in Seoul, with an altitude of only 265 meters. Since it is located in the city center, you can have a panoramic view of most of Seoul from the top of the mountain.

At the foot of Nanshan, Lin Cheng parked the car in the parking lot of the cable car center.

A group of people did not choose to take the cable car, and the winding mountain road was just out of the parking lot.

The cherry trees on both sides of the road are already in full bloom, and the pink cherry blossoms are so bright in the sun that you can't see the end at a glance.

Xiao Tong opened her arms, "Wow~~~ so beautiful! I haven't come out for a long time, and I'm almost suffocated."

With the bag on his back, Lin Cheng stepped aside subconsciously, "Stay away from me, it's embarrassing."

Xiao Tong ignored Lin Cheng, turned around and squatted down, "Does Enxi like this place?"

"I like it! Enxi likes it here."

The little girl broke away from her mother's hand, stretched out her hand to catch a cherry blossom petal slowly falling from the air, and handed it to Xiao Tong, "Sister Tong, here it is for you."

"Enxi is so kind." Xiaotong was overjoyed, and stretched out his hand to rub Enxi's little head.

The little girl grinned happily, and happily grabbed the petals that occasionally danced in the air, and presented them to everyone as if they were offering treasures.

A group of people walked for a while and set foot on the entrance of the trail on the North Road.

The trail is different from the road on the Panshan Road. It is a ladder with a gentle slope.

The slope of the stairs is very small, and there is a large flat land every four or five steps. It is not tiring to climb up, but you can't enjoy the cherry blossoms beside the winding mountain road, and they are replaced by green pine trees and banyan trees.

Although there are no cherry blossom trees, the path seems to be in a deep mountain forest, and there is a mountain stream along the path next to it, with the sound of clear springs, which is another scene.

Entering the North Road, there was no one else except Lin Cheng and his party, so everyone simply took off their masks.

"Will you be tired? Would you like to share some with me?"

Han Shuyan glanced at the bag behind Lin Cheng, there were quite a lot of things in it.

"Don't worry, this thing is not in the way."

"Don't be brave, you are still far from the top of the mountain."

"Oh! Sister Shuyan, don't you understand me? I've never been brave, I've always been strong."


Han Shuyan pursed her lips and smiled, "You forgot that you have never killed a fish before, when was the last time you wanted to be brave enough to help?"

Xiao Tong was also happy thinking about it, and said to Zheng Shiyan: "Last time Lin Cheng was asked to stun and kill the fish, and he even shot the fish out of his eyeballs."

"Oh! What do you say about the past?"

Being exposed, Lin Cheng hurried forward not to look at their reactions.

The little girl took her mother's hand and strode after Lin Cheng with her short legs, "Uncle, wait for Enxi."

(End of this chapter)

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