This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 249 Brother Chengzi has started to perform acrobatics

Chapter 249 Brother Chengzi has started to perform acrobatics

The last BAN bit of KT was given to the troll.

The blue team finally sent the crocodile to the BAN position. The combination of KT's spider and crocodile left a deep impression on people.

Started the selection, and the red square locked up the pig girl on the fourth floor.

Cat: "Pig girl, I also said that KT's own BAN troll is a bit unreasonable. There is Ornn on the opposite side and there is no BAN troll. You gave BAN yourself. It turned out to be paving the way for this pig girl."

Zeyuan: "KT's lineup can indeed take the pig girl, but the rhythm driving ability in the early stage is a bit weak. You don't really want to delay the later stage with GEN·G, do you?"

Cat joked: "Isn't that what you want? GEN·G's top three players, Aoun, are solid in the front row, and their abilities in the late stage of time are also very comprehensive. Coupled with a big-core AD, it highlights a player who can play in the late stage."

Ze Yuan coughed dryly: "Don't be embarrassed, this lineup has not been selected yet, so it's hard to say."

Cat raised the volume: "It's hard to say? Just now when the GEN·G time came out, who was yelling that this GEN·G game is gone? Did I hear it wrong."

"Who is it?"

Zeyuan pretended to be stupid: "I also heard someone talking in my ear just now? Could it be that the director is outputting crazy output in our headsets? Could the director be a KT fan? Crazy look down on GEN·G's time."

"Well, that makes sense."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the live broadcast room was full of joy.

"Fuck! These two people are talking about cross talk?"

"As soon as the two came, the entire commentary stand was full of yin and yang."

"Outrageous! Colonel, this is too true. You just said that GEN·G is gone, so you're excited?"

"Director: ??? Why did it hit me?"

The blue team finally locked Thresh and the blind monk with both hands.

This version of the blind monk has almost become a sewer jungler, but it is really good to use it to fight the pig girl, and it is also a classic matchup for the jungler.

KT's last choice, the hero has not been revealed for a long time.

When there were only ten seconds left, the sword demon was finally revealed, but it was not locked.

At this time, KT's team voice is very lively.

Tusin: "Lin Cheng hurry up and say what you want, I'm afraid I won't find a hero when I run out of time later."

Kang Dongxun: "How about Sword Demon? It's okay to choose Sword Demon for this lineup."

Lin Cheng: "I don't feel good about Sword Demon recently, yesterday RANK Sword Demon became super ghost."

Kang Dongxun: "Then what do you want to play?"

As long as the choice is not too outrageous, Kang Dongxun is still easy to discuss.

"I want to play Riven."

Lin Cheng remembered telling Xian Enjing that her white hair looks very similar to this hero when she was playing a game last time, and Xian Enjing even went to search for Riven's original painting.

Kang Dongxun said decisively: "For another one, how can you beat Ornn online with Riven?"

Lin Cheng: "Then give me Arielia."

Kang Dongxun: "This is not as good as Riven. How do you enter the field with this lineup?"

"Then give me Riven."

Lin Cheng jumped left and right, trying to test his coach's bottom line.

Kang Dongxun: "..."

By this time time was running out.

Tusin: "Quickly make sure! If you're not sure, you'll lock up the Sword Demon."

Kuro chimed in: "Let's just reward Lin Cheng with Riven, and I'll come to C."

"Then give him Riven, and if Lin Cheng loses, let me play Aoun honestly."

Kang Dongxun is not bothered anymore. Although Riven is not easy to fight Ornn in the lane, the burst AOE in team battles is more direct than Daomei. If Lin Cheng can find a chance to enter the field, it is not that there is no room for him to play.

Tusin replaced Aatrox with Riven.

Lin Cheng probed: "If it's a reward, can I change to Irelia? Actually, I want to play that hero more."

Kang Dongxun turned his head and glanced at Lin Cheng, you bastard is quite demanding.

Tusin: "Oh! It's locked when the time is up, and it can't be changed."

Thus, when the live broadcast switched sides, at the last second, the sword demon's head suddenly changed to Riven's lock.

"Rui Wen!!!"

Zeyuan's voice was more than an octave higher, "Brother Chengzi started to do acrobatics, the top laner Riven took out to fight Ornn, the counter on the fifth floor of the red square chose a hero who is not easy to fight Ornn in lane, KT this It's just a sick pick."

Cat: "Hmm~~~ It can be seen that the player is very confident, but Riven is indeed not very good at playing Ornn online, and team battles have very high requirements for players to enter the field.

"Fuck! Choose Riven against Aoun, Brother Cheng, is this a drift?"

"Let Di Ruiwen be single-killed by Ao En from Baiyinshuiyou, it's hard to beat the blood mother in this line."

"Seeing Brother Cheng choose Riven, the Colonel's voice became cheerful, 23333."

"Teacher Sun also chooses the long-handed and the short-handed, so Brother Chengzi was directly brought out by the Counter hero?"

"Focus on it, Quotations from the Colonel: Sick Pick, wait for Brother Chengzi to go crazy."

Both teams are selected.

Blue Square GEN·G:

Top lane: Rascal (Blaze of the Mountain, Ornn)

Jungle: Clid (Blind Monk, Li Qing)

Mid lane: BDD (Guardian of Time, Zilean)

Bottom lane: Ruler (Sun of the Crescent Moon, Aphelios)
Support: Life (Soul Lock Warden, Thresh)
Red square KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Blade of Exile, Riven)

Jungler: Bonno (Fury of the North, Sejuani)
Mid lane: Kuro (Desert Emperor, Azir)
Bot lane: Aiming (Soul Cleansing Holy Spear, Senna)
Support: Tusin (River King, Tahm)

Cat: "To be honest, it would be really good if KT didn't change Axetro in the last move. With this lineup, Aatrox is very good at rushing in, but in the end, Riven made KT's fault tolerance rate much lower.

It's not easy to play online, and team battles are not as good as Sword Demon.

Of course, it’s not that you don’t have to fight at all, it’s just that you are too dependent on the player’s personal operation. If you operate well, you may enter the arena with a wave of explosive talent. "

Zeyuan: "It depends on the player's performance. I actually like KT's last move of Riven. It is a good thing for the player to be confident and dare to play."

Cat chuckled: "I can tell, you really like Brother Cheng's Riven, have you prepared the studio slide after the first game?"

"Hey! You man! What studio slides? Our professional commentators must remain neutral."

Zeyuan couldn't hold back his laughter: "It's really not a big problem with Riven. After all, Aoun just made Riven feel uncomfortable online, and it's impossible to say that Riven was defeated online. I'll see Brother Orange later. What is Riven thinking?"

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng chose the main series Precision: Conqueror, Triumph, Resilience, Fatal Strike, and the secondary series Enlightenment: Magical Shoes, Astral Insight.

From Lin Cheng's point of view, Riven's fight against Aoun is not a good one, but it's not the kind of counter.

After all, Ornn is essentially a short-legged and simple-minded hero, and Riven, a multi-stage flexible hero, still has a lot of room for maneuver.

Riven can be said to be one of the beliefs of the top laner, and it is a little difficult to master.

The operation is okay, but the most difficult thing for Riven is to grasp the timing of entering the market.

Many players Riven's various operations can be said to be smooth and smooth, but they get sick when they are in a group, and all kinds of strange postures are given for nothing. This is a typical example of not grasping the timing of entering the game.

A powerful Riven, finding the right timing to cut into a team battle, only needs two seconds to dominate the battlefield.

 I owe everyone a chapter and thank you more, remember first, I have been a little unwell recently, I will make up for it in a few days
(End of this chapter)

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