Chapter 250 Daily Free Gifts (Thanks to the 1.5 rewards from Two-dimensional bookworms)

Entering the game, Lin Cheng put the Dolan sword on his back and went straight to the road to occupy the triangle grass.

The whole KT team is standing parallel to the river, and the field of vision has found Shi Shi in the middle and Aphelios in the lower half.

After confirming that the opponent should have a peaceful start in a parallel position, Lin Cheng ran out from the triangle grass and looked and looked outside the river grass on the road.

I know you're in, come out!

The grass was silent.

Seeing that Rascal didn't interact with him, Cheng Lin's Riven started dancing in the river.

Lin Cheng is using Riven's original skin, although it doesn't look that gorgeous, but dancing is still very handsome.

He is valiant and valiant, with white hair fluttering.

Just as Riven was swaying her handsome dance, a slender hook suddenly flew over against the wall of the dragon pit on the side.

It's Thresh's hook!

The hook was so sudden, when Lin Cheng saw the hook, Riven had already been hooked, and there was no time to react.

Aoun rushed out from the grass in the river, throwing out the Q skill volcanic ditch.

The figure of the blind monk circled up from the card's vision under the wall of the dragon pit, and the Q skill was hung up.

Thresh hooked over, and when the ignition sleeve was put on, it was a basic attack.

After measuring his own bloodline, Lin Cheng didn't dodge, and was beheaded on the spot by the blind monk's second-stage Q.

"Jump! Let you jump! Can't think of it? I have brothers."

Ze Yuan tried his best to keep down his high-spirited tone: "Brother Chengzi, Riven's heart is too big, and he even came to dance and interact with Rascal. Life and Clid just came up and wanted to mess with him, but the blind monk's head will affect the online. Not big."

Cat: "KT's vision saw the time and Aphelios below. Brother Orange obviously didn't expect Thresh to be in this position at all, but it's still a bit flirty for him to dance in the river."

Ze Yuan said cheerfully: "You're happy now! Brother Cheng is indeed the man who was chosen by the counter on the fifth floor."

"Laughing to death! Brother Cheng is too messed up, are you showing off your original skin?"

"Some people, just skip and skip."

"Brother Cheng's daily routine has started. I've seen this scene in his live broadcast."

"Isn't this my routine? Dancing in front of my opponents will kill my own people."

"The dance is very handsome, but the death is ugly."

"Seeing Brother Chengzi Baigui, the Colonel's mouth almost crooked."

"Damn it! It's so scary, the three yinbis on the opposite side attacked me."

Lin Cheng couldn't help mumbling after sending out blood.

He really didn't expect someone to ambush him. Seeing GEN G's middle and lower exposure, Lin Cheng subconsciously thought that Ao En was the only one in the upper half.

In fact, this is the normal state of the game. In the professional arena, it is rare for a first-level Ueno to leave behind the other two.

For two full years, this scene only appeared once in the LCK.

The last victim was Niu Bao.

Bono: "What kind of dance do you think you went out to dance? There's nothing wrong with staying in the triangle."

Kuro: "Don't send me off on the way, wait for me."

Aiming: "Lin Cheng, if you give it away, you can only play Aoun in the next round."

Just after the delivery, Lin Cheng could only pretend not to hear his teammate chirping and yelling, and hurried to the line after being resurrected.

The position of GEN·G's Ueno assistant was found above, and the teammates in the lower half of KT responded immediately, and entered the blue square wild area as an invasion vision.

Lin Cheng's death couldn't be said to be worthless, at least it clarified the blind monk's opening route.

Of course, Bono's opening route will definitely be noticed by the opponent.

As soon as he went online, Lin Cheng's Riwen stuck Q in front of the opponent and then went up to fill up.

Seeing that his soldiers were dying, Lin Cheng carefully took a step sideways, just avoiding Ornn's Q skill volcanic ditch.

After handing in the Q skill, Aoun retreated two steps. Lin Cheng directly used the three-stage Q attack to knock Aoun away from the edge of the slash with the Dance of Broken Wings, and completed a wave of small consumption while reducing the blood volume of the soldiers.

Seeing Aoun holding the Grip of Indestructibility, Lin Cheng didn't take advantage of the blow to go up to become passive.

At this time, if you have a passive and your Q is stuck, even if Lin Cheng goes up to exchange blood with the minions, he will definitely make a lot of money, but it's really unnecessary.

Playing in the professional arena is not about ranking, there are too many factors to consider.

The junglers on both sides are the routes to open the field in the lower half of the clear card. It is irrational for Riven to go crazy for blood changes without the ability to recover.

Moreover, Lin Cheng himself was grabbing the line, and when the pawn line was pushed forward, it was the time when the junglers from both sides came up.

If the exchange of blood in the front is too strong, the position of the pawn line at that time will make Lin Cheng very embarrassed.

Of course, Lin Cheng can also ask Miss Zhu to squat back.

But once the pig girl comes over and doesn't do anything, it will be very hurt.

In this way, the two sides were generally peaceful on the road.

Riwen grabbed the second level first, and Lin Chengka went to the grass in the river two and a half minutes later to insert an ornament eye to prevent the blind monk's gank.

Just when Lin Cheng was returning to the line, Ao En finished his pawn with a Q skill and threw it over.

Riven sideways for a section of Dance of Broken Wings to avoid the spreading lava ravine.

At this time, the third wave of soldiers from both sides was stuck in the middle position, and Lin Cheng was stuck in the position on the flank, and the second stage Q was empty.

Rascal was right, and even turned back to fill up a pawn, as if he didn't see Riven's movements.

Lin Cheng stepped forward, and when the second-stage Q was stuck to the limit, he shot the third-stage Q Dance of Broken Wings.

Rascal happened to make a W bellows fire breath, and Ornn spewed fire in front of his face to block Riven's blow.

Generally speaking, because Riven's three-stage Q has a relatively large starting animation, it is easy to turn in three-stage Q and get Ornn's full W instead.

However, Lin Cheng's three-stage Q was very particular, and he didn't go to Aoun's frontal Q.

The area Riven slashed was on the side of Ornn, and this position was on the edge of Ornn's flame cone.

Lin Cheng kept the skill points all the time, learned the E skill in seconds after starting with the third-stage Q, and handed it over the moment he landed.

Riven rushed sideways to Aoun's side, just avoided being shattered by the tail flame of the bellows flame, and slashed at Aoun.

Ornn got up and A was indestructible, and the damage was blocked by the shield of Riven's E skill.

Lin Cheng chased A twice, then turned his head suddenly.

Almost at the moment when Lin Cheng turned his head, Aoun threw out the Q volcanic ditch with his backhand.

As a result, Rascal's Q skill, which predicted Riven's position, was emptied at a very close range.

You are predicting, and I am also predicting.

Lin Cheng's CD calculation ability is very good. Just now Aoun threw his skills in front of his face, but now Rascal, who was about to retreat, directly threw his skills after the CD was completed, which happened to be predicted by Lin Cheng.

Ornn's Q skill didn't slow down to Riven, and it was very uncomfortable. Lin Cheng chased after a few steps and waited until his Q skill CD improved.

Directly a section of Q narrows the position, and the second section of Q is full of conquerors.

Right-click to cancel the Q skill and shake back, and at the same time AQ starts, smashing Ornn outside the blue defense tower, and Riven goes down with a knife.

Aoun's blood volume dropped to an extremely dangerous level.

Even when the opponent entered the tower, Lin Cheng did not pursue him.

(End of this chapter)

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