This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 271 The Blind Monk Can't Beat the Blind Man

Chapter 271 The Blind Monk Can't Beat the Blind Man

After being confirmed by the on-site referee, the game will soon officially enter the BP link.

Due to the points advantage in the regular season, KT won the priority right to choose the first game, the third game and the possible fifth game.

In the first round, KT chose the blue side, and the BAN was the first to choose.

DRX is on the red side.

As soon as it came up, KT first banned Verus on the blue side.

Recently, the Poke flow Varus has been paid more and more attention by various teams. A Verus who can penetrate Yang with a hundred steps puts too much pressure on the opponent in the mid-term.

You must know that Deft also used the bot lane Poke flow Varus last year when all Verus was using the attack speed special effect flow, which was the only one in the LCK at the time.

DRX, who is on the red side, directly removed Aphelios first-hand. This hero is still a version BAN that the red side must bear.

The blue side backhanded BAN and dropped the Sword Demon.

Corgi: "Sword Demon? It seems that KT still attaches great importance to Brother Cheng's laning. It is rare to directly ban Sword Demon in the first round."

Jun Ri: "Are you sure this is aiming at Dolan? Why do I feel that the Ban is Chovy's sword demon? Chovy's sword demon really has a hand, and the mid laner sword demon who played GEN·G all the way is like a god of war .”

Corgi recalled: "Indeed! Sword Demon's move to the middle lane will make it difficult for certain mid lane heroes to line up, like Galio."

The second BAN position of the red side was given to Qing Gangying.

Now in the entire LCK, only Lin Cheng's Qing Gangying can take the first round of ban positions. Others basically don't play this hero very much even in the current version.

KT sent Senna to the BAN position with a backhand.

DRX did not hesitate and chose to disable Seti.

Although the hero Sett has been weakened for several rounds, he is still very strong.

The most important thing is that Sett can play in every position except AD, and the blue side getting this hero will make it difficult for the opponent's BP behind.

Start selecting people, and the blue square locks Calista on the first floor in seconds.

Jun Il: "It's okay to grab Kalista. If Senna, Aphelios, and Verus are all banned, the AD with the highest priority for KT must be Kalista."

Corgi: "Then DRX must get AD early. There are only a few AD heroes that can be produced in this version. Now there are basically heroes like Female Gun and EZ that can be taken. If you don't take it in the first round, you can take it in the first round. The second round had to be taken out of the sewer."

Sure enough, DRX locked EZ in seconds on the first floor. Due to the unique long-range skill output mechanism and flexibility in AD, this hero has the opportunity to play in almost all versions.

The team selects a strong top and middle field. If they are afraid of being targeted in the bottom lane, they can use EZ to mix it up. It is difficult for opponents to target this stuff.

Of course, EZ can not only be used for mixing.

When the team came up with a Poke lineup, EZ paired with heroes like Zoe and Jess were also very powerful in the mid-term.

It is precisely because of the characteristics of EZ that the tactical status of this hero in the LCK team is very important.

You may not be proficient, but you absolutely cannot.

Ruler, Teddy, Deft, and Aiming are all EZ players. Others, including Viper and Ghost, can take out EZ when the team needs it.

It can be said that among the current AD players of the ten teams in the LCK, none of the EZs are the kind that give people a hot eye when they are taken out.

Even the famous hero coin player Nuclear has a pretty good EZ.

After winning EZ, Karma was locked on the second floor of DRX.

Corgi: "EZ plus Kalma, Maggie seems to have prepared something new, this hand Kalma can swing in three ways, show it first to put pressure on you."

Jun Ri: "I think it's better not to shake the Karma three-way, Maggie, at least you don't shake it in the middle, and let Chovy use Karma to mix in the middle, isn't it self-defeating?"

"Karma is here again, I'm going to throw up when I see the hero DRX."

"It won't really be given to Chaowei Karma, right? It feels like Brother Mai might do that."

"Hot knowledge: Get a bastard for Chovy and a C for your son Dolan. This is what McGregor likes to do most."

"Kuro is ecstatic, the other party actually wants to hang out with me?"

"Kuro: Nobody knows bastards better than me."

The blue square KT locked Taric first on the second floor, and Kalista took it all. If you don’t take Taric in this hand, you will definitely be banned.

KT's third-hand hero showed the pig girl.

In this version, very few teams will choose a hero like Zhumei. The wild area is really too weak. With so many strong junglers, it is difficult for Zhumei to have room to play.

That is to say, KT has performed so well this season after Lin Cheng came on stage, and it is often when both sidelines have line rights that they dare to let Bono choose Zhumei.

If KT at the beginning of the season selected Zhumei, Bono would probably start singing the Bible of King Ning.

Am I weaker than the opposing jungler?How about choosing a pig girl for me to play in the wild?

Seeing the appearance of the pig girl, the red Fang DRX took out the blind monk without thinking on the third floor.

Jun Ri: "Blind monk beats a pig girl, a classic matchup! Besides Qian Jue, blind monk is indeed a hero that Pyosik is also very good at."

Corgi: "However, the hero of the blind monk has a stalk in the LCK. Recently, whoever wins and who loses, it smells a bit moldy."

Jun Ri teased: "I thought the stalk you were going to say meant that a blind monk couldn't beat a blind man."

"The blind monk can't beat the blind? A certain former professional player's living room slider."

"Stop whipping corpses to love loli, it's just a slip of the tongue."

"The blind monk beats the pig girl, dreaming back to the days of the factory director."

"Waiting for Bono's pig girl to drop the pig and run away."

The second round of BP begins.

The red side directly bans Daomei without saying anything.

Lin Cheng sighed. During the live broadcast the night before yesterday, he even told fans that he wanted to use Daomei today, but he was actually banned by the other party.

Didn't Brother Mai secretly watch his live broadcast?

Corgi: "Brother Chengzi is gone again! He really won't be given a chance to use it. Legend has it that Brother Cheng's unique sword girl is very powerful. I also checked his RANK record and used 58 sword girls. , won 57 games, almost MVP."

Jun Ri: "The current version of Dao Mei is really not a strong hero, nor is it like a hero like Qing Gangying who has extremely strong functionality. KT also has no reason to release Dao Mei first. Sword Girl was not selected.
But this pig girl is selected and the opponent also understands, and directly bans the sword girl for you. The combination of the sword girl and the pig girl is still very strong. "

Corgi: "Personally, I'm still very much looking forward to this legendary skill of Brother Cheng Zi. I don't know when I will have the chance to see it."

"Damn it! Sister Dao is gone again, brother Chengzi is miserable."

"The day before yesterday, brother Cheng said in a live broadcast that he wanted to use Daomei, but he didn't expect that his own coach and the coach on the opposite side kept playing him, so he had no chance to choose."

"Cold knowledge: The last legendary brother with a unique skill was Cuzz's excavator. As soon as it was released, this is it?"

"Sit and wait for the next Chengzi brother to not listen to coach BB, the blind sword girl on the first floor."

(End of this chapter)

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