This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 272 Mike starts again

Chapter 272 Mike starts again
The opponent bans Daomei, and KT backhand bans Zoe on the blue side.

Zoe, who is highly proficient, has unlimited line power in the early stage, and the pressure on the opponent's wild area and sideways is very exaggerated.

Chovy is really a special player. He is a mid laner but is better at warrior heroes. The traditional mages are not particularly amazing except for Zoe.

This is also why many people are keen to discuss the feasibility of Chovy turning into a top laner. He has solid basic skills in making up attacks and has strong laning suppression. Many people compare Lin Cheng or Chovy in the void to see who has the better laning ability.

The last BAN position of the red side is given to Jess.

When the hero Jess is taken out first on the blue side, he has almost no natural enemies on the line. His enemies are only the jungler on the opposite side.

This kind of characteristic that it is difficult to be countered by playing first makes Jess favored by many top laners, and he can also be said to be a quality inspector for top laners.

Top laners who can't play well with Jess can all be called bastards.

Of course, as soon as Jess came out, it would be easy for the two sides to play mahjong on the top road.

Usually, if Jayce wins the early collision, Jayce will be able to overwhelm the opponent.

But if a hero like Jess is destroyed by the opponent's jungler, he will basically not be seen by the audience.

KT banned the Tsar in the last move, and the opponent's current lineup needs a hero with high output.

Starting to select people, the red square locks Bron in seconds on the fourth floor.

Jun Ri: "Bron comes out, then this Karma will definitely not go down."

Corgi: "I feel that Karma has a high probability of going in the middle, with double poke in the middle and lower. McGee has done this kind of BP before. This lineup has a very strong pulling ability."

Joon Il: "Yes! Guard the best Dolan in the world, and give him the counter seat."

As soon as Bron took out DRX's hand, Maggie's intentions were very obvious.

Give up starting a group and use the flexibility of Karma and EZ to pull.

Kang Dongxun felt that he had seen through everything.

Therefore, KT locked Lin Cheng directly on the fourth floor.

This move is considered to be a substitute for BAN.

DRX has selected the double C of Zoe and EZ before, and the captain will be matched on the road.

The best choice for playing Poke lineup is to force open, but force open must have several people rushing forward together. At this time, the captain's big move and the barrel are given a chance to show off their power.

Throw out your key ult and force it. At this time, the captain barrel and ult move forward. Are you going to charge or not?

Coupled with the fact that there is a Bron backhand on the opposite side, once KT really chooses a strong lineup to rush undead, it will be very embarrassing, and it will be very uncomfortable to be pulled by Karma and EZ.

After snatching away the captain on the opposite side, KT took out the card in the last hand and completed his lineup.

Jun Il: "Well~~~ KT obviously saw that the opponent's tactical intention was to use the single-lane Karma and EZ's pull ability to fight, and also took out the cards in a targeted manner. Since DRX wants to fight head-on to pull , then it will be difficult for them to deal with the late card division, and the card hand can better help the two sides.

But it's still weird for me to say!
Although this hand of cards and the captain do increase the line-leading ability, since you have all the pagoda combinations, why not just choose a lineup with all the faces?When people choose gemstones and Kalista, they need all members to charge, and KT has a double repair in this hand. "

Corgi: "The main reason is that the lineup of Maggie is too confusing. KT may also be afraid of choosing a lineup with all the faces that will be troublesome if they can't kill people, so I made a compromise choice and didn't put eggs in the In the same basket, the captain and the card can not only lead the line but also have a certain pulling ability.”

Before the words fell, DRX's last hero also showed up.


Jun Ri: "Good guy! My brother is still My brother! This lineup only highlights a gaudy thing, and three support heroes are placed on the field. Isn't this output too low?"

Corgi: "In this way, Karma can only go up, and Morgana goes in the middle. It is true that Morgana restrained the opponent's team start in the last move, so that her lineup can be better spent, but the output of DRX is really It's not enough and it's too unstable."

Jun Il: "Sure enough! The BP is always the biggest highlight in a match with Mike. The lineups of both sides are very strange. KT's first three-handed Pagoda combination and Zhumei have a posture of forcing all members to drive forward. I I thought they would make up heroes like warriors and tsars, but they added a captain plus card later.

The lineup of DRX, Mai Ge, has a lot of ideas in his daily life, but he feels that the output ability is comparable to the previous five-guaranteed-zero lineup. "

"Fuck! Three auxiliary lineup, Brother Mai deserves to be you."

"Are the two lineups playing tricks on each other? I'm stupid."

"KT's heroes are at least normal. What kind of monsters are DRX?"

"I thought Brother Mai would at least give his own son Dolan a C, but I never expected that both his own son and godson would get bastards."

"What is the difference between this lineup and RNG's four guarantees and one EZ?"

The lineup of the two sides is selected:

Blue square KT:

Top laner: Cheng (Ocean's Plague, Planck)
Jungler: Bono (Fury of the North, Sejuani)
Mid laner: Kuro (The Card Master, Drizzt)
Bot Lane: Aiming (Spear of Vengeance, Kalista)

Support: Tusin (Shield of Valoran, Taric)

Red party DRX:

Top order: Doran (Apocalypse, Karma)
Jungle: Pyosik (Lee Sin, Li Qing)

Mid laner: Chovy (Fallen Angel, Morgana)
Bot Lane: Deft (Explorer, Ezreal)
Support: Keria (Heart of the Freljord, Braum)
To be honest, not only the commentators and the audience were dumbfounded, but Lin Cheng was also a little amazed at Brother Mai's understanding.

Even in the training match, Lin Cheng had never seen such a flamboyant three-support lineup.

In his mind, even if you really want to choose three assistants, at least the whole big core AD? What the hell is EZ?

But Mike is indeed a coach with his own ideas.

Other people's Poke flow lineup is afraid of forcing it, but their own Poke flow lineup is not afraid of forcing it.

How do you drive Morgana, Karma, EZ, and Bron?Unless Mr. Dai jumped his face and gave it away, this EZ is really not easy to die.

Jun Il: "Come on! Anyway, the lineup has been selected, and I'm also a little curious about what effect this lineup can produce."

Corgi: "It's also the first time Brother Cheng used the captain. This is what I'm more concerned about. Although he debuted not long ago, Brother Cheng's hero pool is really quite deep. Side fighters like Qinggangying can play. Lucian Single-lane AD such as Xiaopao can also be played, and now the captain is another style of hero."

Jun Il: "The biggest problem for many rookies lies in the hero pool. Your hero pool is not enough, and the coach is not even good at BP. But it's hard to imagine that Brother Cheng, who played five fewer regular season rounds than other players, is actually this year. Among the top laners in the LCK, he has played the most different heroes."

(End of this chapter)

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