Chapter 273
"Relax, the first BO5 is a good fight."

After finishing the BP, Kang Dongxun patted Lin Cheng on the shoulder, then turned around and exited the training room.

Lin Cheng turned his head to look at the coach's back.

I'm not nervous at all, what's the matter with you?

From teammates to coaches, everyone has to make me nervous to be happy, right?
When the operation becomes deformed, the pot will be thrown on your heads.

The game started to load, and the KT players chatted with each other to discuss how to play.

Aiming: "The lineup on the opposite side is so strange. It feels like as long as we delay, the damage in the later stage will be crushed casually."

Kuro: "Don't be careless. You can't give them an advantage in the early stage. If there is an advantage in the middle stage of the Poke lineup, it will be difficult for us to fight."

Aiming was as relaxed as Lin Cheng, "Don't worry, as long as we maintain a good blood volume in the lane, the blind monk on the other side can't catch anyone, and they won't get an advantage."

Lin Cheng began to get angry: "Is this the understanding of coach Jin Taihu's lineup ten versions ahead? It's really funny."

Kuro: "Lin Cheng, pay attention to what you say, the microphone voice is officially backed up."

Lin Cheng immediately changed his words: "CvMax, BP drop god!"


Do you think this kind of yin and yang strangeness can't be heard by others?
Bono: "Lin Cheng, you can play on it by yourself, I won't go if it's hard to catch before I hit the road."

Kuro: "After level [-], I will still help if I find an opportunity. You and Karma face each other to develop. The captain's development is more effective than Karma."

Lin Cheng: "It's okay, I'm mentally prepared, my captain has no teammates in RANK."

For Lin Cheng's words, his teammates all praised him.

To play the captain is to have this orphan spirit.

The hero captain can be said to be a frequent visitor to the game, no matter which version he can take out and use.

Because the captain is not easy to cooperate with the shortcomings of gank on the jungle line, not to mention his strong ability to withstand pressure, he can also adapt to almost any lineup.

As long as the development does not collapse, the captain can be useful in the middle and late team battles.

This makes the skipper a good fit to be stocked.

Moreover, the captain is different from heroes like Riven Daomei who need to enter the field. The captain does not need to put himself in a very dangerous output position in a team battle to limit the opponent's back row.

In this way, Lin Cheng doesn't have to worry about the embarrassing situation of being pulled away from the opponent's position and kiting wildly after entering the field.

After all, the choice of KT's second-hand hero is still influenced by Mai Ge's show routine.

If it weren't for the fact that the opponent was really not afraid of forcing the opening, Lin Cheng directly chose a hero to enter the field and rushed forward following Tarik's ultimate move.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng chose the main line Resolute: Grasp of Immortality, Explosion, Wind of Recovery, Overgrowth, and the secondary line Enlightenment: Magical Shoes, Biscuit Delivery.

Entering the game, Lin Cheng felt that the laning pressure was not too great, so he bought blue crystals and reusable potions and went on the road.

All members of KT stand parallel to the river, each standing in line of sight.

After all, it was the first game of the semi-finals, and KT was not a team that won by odds, and did not arrange a first-level routine.

Lin Cheng stood obediently on the lower edge of the river grass on the top road. Even if the opponent got stuck in his vision, he could immediately retreat from this position.

The scene where he danced in the river to give his first blood last time is still frantically whipped to death in the official LCK weekly highlights, Lin Cheng also has a long memory.

Lin Cheng was safe, but what was caught off guard was that Aiming, who was in the bottom lane, suffered disaster.

DRX obviously made a special deployment for getting this lineup, and the red team did not intend to start peacefully.

Aiming's Kalista occupies the triangle grass in her bottom lane, and Tusin goes to the side of F6 to put down the defensive eye position to protect the pig girl's wild route.

As a result, when Calista was isolated and helpless below, a dark energy ball rushed out from the dark wall, precisely confining Calista in the grass.

Morgana's Q got stuck on the wall and got out without seeing. Even Lin Cheng couldn't react to this kind of sneak attack.

"What the hell? Axi~~~Ambush me across the street."

Calista was imprisoned in place, and Aiming was so frightened that her hands shook.

Before the confinement ended, a trinket eye appeared at Kalista's feet, and Braum's Q skill slowed down through the corner to give it.

The DRX four appeared against the wall on the right side of the triangle grass.

Knowing that he couldn't run away, Aiming didn't mess around with his skills. Calista slid two steps and was quickly beaten to the ground. Mr. Dai's EZ successfully took a blood.

Jun Ri: "Wow! It's so fast! EZ got first blood when everything entered the screen, and the four of DRX came around from the field of view of the online card. It happened that Morgana Q in Xiaolong Pit hit the skateboard shoe in the grass, and Aiming came up It will be heavy."

Corgi: "Brother Mai is well prepared. This must be because he has studied KT's player habits. He knows that Aiming is used to occupying the grass directly on the blue side, so he just came here to try his luck.

Aiming is also unlucky. Chovy is a Q skill with blind vision. He didn't even insert his eyes. "

Jun Ri teased: "Maybe Mai has also studied Brother Chengzi, and found that Brother Chengzi can't understand it. Last time Brother Chengzi even made a move to dance in the river when facing GEN·G, Brother Mai is not sure this time. What Brother Chengzi will do is better guessed by the Aiming habits of the bot lane."

Corgi: "Well~~~ The first blood was given to EZ. There is no real reason for this lineup, right? If DRX has a fat EZ in the mid-term, there is a chance to end the game, and KT is not good at limiting the output of EZ."

"Brother Mai! The trick is amazing, this arrest is like having a clairvoyance."

"Oh! Mr. Dai has taken off."

"It's too much to study Brother Cheng Zi, what is the major implying?"

"Still whipping the dead brother Cheng's free operation, 23333."

"Brother Chengzi: No one can study me, because I don't even know what I'm going to do."

Aiming was a little frustrated after sending the first blood, "So many people popped up suddenly, it scared me to death."

Lin Cheng gloated: "Last time you still laughed at me, didn't you give warmth at the beginning?"

Aiming refused to accept it, "Last time you were sick and went out to dance, did I make a mistake, the other side was really too insidious."

Lin Cheng chuckled, "Aren't the results the same? Everyone eats brain-dead tablets, and it doesn't make any difference whether they are brain-dead or not."

Aiming: "..."

While waiting for the line of troops to arrive, the two started joking with yin and yang in their voices.

The old comrade Kuro's mouth twitched.

This is a very serious occasion, what are you doing?

The coach asked me to take care of the emotions of these two little comrades on the field, so that they would not panic or get angry when they were at a disadvantage.

But do they seem a little nervous?
It's like having a tea party in their own living room.

(End of this chapter)

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