This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 274 You are giving away

Chapter 274 You are giving away

Aiming was caught below, and the KT teammates in the upper half of the area decisively arranged their vision into the red square field area in order to grasp the opening movement of the blind monk.

Dolan followed the soldiers and went online. Seeing that Lin Cheng was already cutting soldiers, Karma came up and pointed A at the captain.

Lin Cheng's backhand is a Q gun fire negotiation, which is indestructible.

But Karma didn't lose blood this time.

The moment the captain took out his pistol, a white shield appeared on Karma's head, which just blocked the flying bullets.

Then Dolan relied on the acceleration of the E skill, stepped forward and gave the captain another A.

After Lin Cheng finished Q, he took two steps back immediately, and then turned his body forward again.

Dolan hurriedly manipulated Karma to retreat to ensure that he was not within the scope of the captain's gunfire negotiation.

There is a CD difference between the skills of the two sides. The cooling time of Karma's shield at the first level is twice that of the captain's Q. Dolan waits for the next E skill to cool down, and then steps forward to press the position again.

Go straight up to Captain A, and when you see the captain drawing out his gun, Karma speeds up the shield and pulls A away.

In this way, Dolan used his hand length and the speed advantage of E skill to pull, and tied A several times for nothing.

The joy of playing with long hands and short hands is known to those who use it.

Lin Cheng didn't care, he just kept looking for opportunities for Bing A to ensure that he would be promoted to the second class quickly.

The captain himself is very good at pulling short-handed warrior heroes, but it is normal to encounter this kind of scene when facing Karma, who is an expert in top lane pulling.

In fact, Lin Cheng originally wanted to develop peacefully with Dolan, after all, an old bastard, Karma, was just like that.

And seeing the blind monk in the upper half, Lin Cheng didn't want to make his blood look ugly.

It turned out that Dolan did not accept the peace treaty, and would disgust him if he had the opportunity.

He doesn't think I can't beat him, does he?
Lin Cheng was thinking about whether he should fight more aggressively.

As long as the captain is not frequently hit by barrels, anyone can beat the hero. Jess, a line fighter, can break his wrist, and it is not too difficult to beat Karma.

After the arrival of the second wave of soldiers, Karma was promoted to the second level first.

Dolan crossed the line directly to the captain behind.

But Lin Cheng's continuous A-pawn just now also lowered the blood volume of the little soldier. Just when Karma was about to pass the long-range soldier from the blue side, the red side soldier next to him died in battle.

The captain was also promoted to the second class.

Lin Cheng was not in a hurry to place the bucket, and directly negotiated with the Q skill gunfire.

Karma used the E skill and the shield to block the damage of the musket, and pulled out the chain after tying A with a backhand.

Lin Cheng took two steps back, pretending that he didn't want to fight.

Dolan's first reaction was to keep up with the two steps to ensure that the second stage W was triggered.

At this moment, the captain put out the gunpowder barrel directly in front of him and at the same time drew his knife A up.

The acceleration effect has disappeared, and Karma quickly retreated.

The captain was imprisoned in place after one step.

However, the powder barrel's life was about to decay, Lin Cheng put out the second barrel from a distance, and slashed at the barrel next to him with his backhand.

It happened that the life of the first gunpowder barrel was reduced to one block, and it was directly blown up by the captain, detonating the second barrel and blowing to Karma behind.

The powder keg ignores armor and has high bonus damage. Now Karma directly loses a significant amount of health.

The confinement effect disappeared, Lin Cheng took advantage of the deceleration caused by the gunpowder barrel to catch up, and the cooled Q gun fired to negotiate.

Don't look at Dolan's fancy operations and various moves. In fact, Karma's damage is very low with just one chain and leveling A.

The captain plus the amount of HP consumed before is still above half HP, and Karma was directly knocked out by a bucket, plus the damage from the gunfire negotiation and the minions.

Although it's a pity that he didn't have the opportunity to deal passive real damage, but this wave is already the limit of what Lin Cheng can do.

After all, it’s not a temporary battle where the gunpowder barrels are set up first. Karma has learned two skills of WE at the second level. Unless Dolan has a problem with his thinking, it is impossible to be touched by the captain’s fire knife.

Lin Cheng's second barrel not only bombarded Karma, but also killed a lot of minions' HP, causing the second wave of soldiers to push forward a bit.

When the third wave of minions arrived, Pyosik had already touched the triangle grass.

Knowing that the blind monk opened the field in the first half, Lin Cheng put down the jewelry eye on the triangle grass in advance, just in time to see the blind monk approaching.

Lin Cheng didn't retreat either, pretending to be ignorant and continuing to wander behind the pawn line, and by the way used Q to make up a pawn.

Although the blood volume is less than half now, Lin Cheng does not believe that the opponent can catch him to death.

Even Lin Cheng deliberately didn't take drugs, so as to give the blind monk a feeling that he could catch him.

Pyosik squatted in the triangle for a few seconds to see if Lin Cheng would go to a relatively forward position to fill up.

Finding that the captain didn't rush forward, the blind monk began to read the return journey in the triangle grass, preparing to brush his second half of the wild.

Jun Ri: "The vision of the blue side has already found that the blind monk is coming, but Brother Orange is so bad! He neither steps forward nor backs up, and delays the blind monk's time in acting, and the second-level Karma and the blind monk don't feel hurt. Enough."

Corgi: "Brother Chengzi's eyes are very spiritual! Just now he went into the grass in the river in front of Dolan, making the opponent think that he was eyeing in the grass in the river, but he actually took a few steps and put his eyes in. Red square triangle grass.

Pyosik is a blind monk and can't carry a scan. It is likely that he communicated with Dolan with wrong information, causing him to not know that his location has actually been discovered, and he was delayed here for a while. "

Pyosik waited for a while, seeing another little soldier with blood left, Lin Cheng's captain took a step forward.

As a result, the moment Pyosik canceled the return trip, he turned around and retreated behind his long-range soldiers, jumped up, and at the same time lit up a mischievous Poro expression.

Pyosik finally understood now, and showed a crying face.

The early jungler time is extremely precious. The difference of a few seconds between killing a group of wild monsters may have an impact on the situation. Lin Cheng was a little proud of delaying Pyosik's time.

"Jin Jifan, the blind monk on the opposite side has been single-guarded by me."

However, Lin Cheng forgot that the top laner on the opposite side was a famous top laner.

Dolan suddenly started to accelerate in a wave, and flashed over to his face and directly pulled the chain.

Lin Cheng was taken aback, and his first reaction was to wonder if he should pull back with a flash.

But he reacted immediately.

Why do you half-blood Karma hand over all your skills and come here to keep me?
Are you sending it?

I am passive.

So, the captain slashed passively at Karma who was close to his face with a backhand knife, and at the same time placed the bucket at Karma's feet.

In the middle grass next to him, Conglincheng had already buried the barrel in advance, and he shot the fire knife and directly backhanded Q to the gunpowder barrel at the limit distance in the grass.

After the Q skill was shot, the captain turned around again and raised the scimitar in his hand.

Before the attack was completed, the bullet that just flew out detonated the powder keg in the grass.

The fire trial is instantly refreshed.

The general attack takes effect, just bringing the passive real damage.

Immediately afterwards, the powder keg under Karma's feet was detonated, and Dolan's blood volume became dangerous.

The confinement effect has been triggered, and Dolan moved away to allow the captain not enough distance to make a third general attack.

But Lin Cheng's captain still flashed, and the fire trial was refreshed again.

The scimitar was wrapped in flames, and a smug expression lit up on the captain's head.

Are you afraid of the legendary fire knife technique?
 Dizzy, and finally rushed out.

  Tomorrow's update should still be at night, so I apologize to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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