This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 280 Played by teammates

Chapter 280 Played by teammates

Although the Dragon BUFF has just ended, KT decisively turned all members of the team when there was only one Morgana left on the red side, preparing to end the game with a wave.

Chovy still wanted to struggle, but the people from the blue side rushed up and killed him under the front tooth tower.

The group wiped out the opponent, and KT took advantage of the trend to remove the red square front teeth.

Seeing that Mr. Dai was about to be resurrected, Lin Cheng had an idea, and ran to the entrance of the red square spring and placed two buckets inside, which could cover the resurrection point.

"Come on, brothers! Last time the opponent didn't give me five kills, this time I will abuse the spring."

Lin Cheng still remembers the last time he played against DRX, the opponent refused to even give him a pentakill, and it was his teammates who rushed to the spring to help him win.

Later, when I communicated with Keria, I realized that Mr. Dai was doing something in it, and he frantically encouraged Pyosik not to give him a pentakill.

Of course, what Lin Cheng didn't know was that Keria also contributed to it, and kept talking about getting Mr. Dai's hand and ignoring Keria.

The base is about to be demolished, except for Kuro who is at the base, all the blue team members gather at the gate of the opponent's spring.

Tusin: "Lin Cheng, let's flush the spring water for you, and you follow in to collect the heads."

Bono: "The EZ on the opposite side may go away. Lin Cheng remember to follow up and fill up the gun. You need to avenge this revenge yourself."

Lin Cheng was moved: "Good brothers! I remember you."

Kuro: "I'll be in charge of the base, even if you all die in the spring, you don't have to worry about accidents."

Lin Cheng accurately calculated the resurrection time of EZ, and at the moment Mr. Dai was about to be resurrected, Lin Cheng A dropped the bucket under his feet,

EZ had just been reborn from the spring, when the bucket under his feet directly blasted most of his blood.

Deft quickly adjusted his position in the spring with his E skill.

"Lin Cheng follow me!"

Tariq took the lead in rushing in, and Lin Cheng followed behind his teammates, with Teemo's thumbs up expression on his head.

Mr. Dai, you're the only one who won't give me five kills.

This is what happens when you fight against Brother Cheng.

Pig Girl has already used her Q skill to launch a charge.

But Bono's charging direction was wrong, Lin Cheng was puzzled.

Brother, your Q is reversed.

At this time, Tariq, who was already bleeding from the anti-spring, was recruited back by Calista.

The moment Tarek was taken back, the spring water shifted its target, and it happened to be aimed at the captain who was at the back.

Lin Cheng was shocked.

wrong!What about my teammates?
You agreed to help me resist the spring water?

"Oh Mo! Oh Mo! I'm dying! Help!"

Lin Cheng's captain was drained of health before he could get out of the spring.

Mr. Dai just made up for the damage with a Q skill.

The captain twitched a few times and fell to the ground.

At this time, it was less than two seconds before Lin Cheng's expression lit up, and even Mr. Dai who was opposite was dumbfounded.

I thought you guys were going to kill me, but I didn't expect it was purely to give away my head.

So, Deft also gave a backhand thumbs up.

Just right, the card leveled A and dropped the red side's residual blood base.

Lin Cheng won the game with a black screen.

"What are you doing? Why sell me? What about the trust between people who promised to help me resist the spring water?"

Taking off the earphones, Lin Cheng pushed away the chair and waved his hand, aggressively questioning his teammates,

Bono took off his earphones slowly, "Do you think we won't watch the post-match interview?"


Aiming sneered and squeezed his throat: "The ones who died were all teammates. I just got an assist outside. I definitely won't let KDA fall."

Lin Cheng coughed twice. If I remember correctly, this is what he said in the previous post-match interview.

"Hi! Didn't I say hi during the interview? Don't take it seriously."

Careless!Accidentally exposed his carefulness in brushing KDA, and was turned by his teammates.

If you do bad things in the future, you must not say it during the interview.

Since it was the first online game with a camera, Lin Cheng didn't know that when the crystal was about to be pushed down, the director would cut the camera to the players and the microphone.

As a result, all the audience saw Lin Cheng calling his teammates to drink water in a frightened manner.

Then he was sold by his teammates and was shocked.

Then at the end of the game, Lin Cheng took off his earphones and aggressively questioned his teammates.

Then it turned into a wrong explanation.

The worst thing was that there happened to be a commentary who was proficient in Korean sitting on the Chinese commentary seat.

Corgi: "Hey! KT seems to want to flush the spring water at the end, and Mr. Dai, who is about to be resurrected, is trembling... Huh? What's going on with KT? The teammate sold Brother Orange, and the captain died in the spring water alone, but I still want to congratulate KT for taking the lead and taking a step towards the finals of the LCK Spring Split."

Just in time, the last wave of voice was played, and Jun Ri laughed outright in the commentary booth.

Jun Ri: "Haha! This wave of listening to the voice is KT teammates intentionally messing with Brother Cheng. In the previous interview, Brother Cheng revealed that he likes to encourage his teammates to go to the spring, and he took the opportunity to help and brush KDA behind.

As a result, this interview was seen by other KT teammates, and the brothers summed it up, no way!Have to arrange for him once. "

Corgi joked: "It seems that the teammates are also dissatisfied with being a tool for Brother Cheng to brush KDA."

"I'm dying of laughter! Brother Cheng Zi also got stabbed in the back one day."

"This wave, this wave is public execution."

"You are not benevolent and I am not righteous! Brother Chengzi and his teammates are also honest people."

"Human-headed dog's war! Tool man's counterattack!"

"Brother Cheng: Careless! Now the whole world knows the secret of my high KDA."

"Brother Cheng's expression change made me laugh to death, but handsome is still handsome."

"Mr. Dai, who eats melons, likes it, 23333."

"Shocked! Invincible Battleship KT revealed that his teammates were at odds, and T1 might become the biggest winner?"

"Upstairs, the UC Shock Department needs talents like you."

Although the process was tortuous, the first game was won smoothly anyway.

After Lin Cheng knew he was wrong, he could only knock out his teeth and swallow them in his stomach, silently eating a few chocolate biscuits to replenish his energy.

Before Kang Dongxun knew what happened, he walked into the training room and was the first to pat Lin Cheng on the shoulder.

"It's a good performance, and if it goes on like this, we can definitely reach the final."

It's really hard for Lin Cheng to withstand this round. If it wasn't for the captain of the first wave of Dragon Soul Corps who exploded to five barrels in a row, it would be very difficult for DRX to win Dragon Soul KT.

After being praised, Lin Cheng chuckled, "Coach, can I make a request if I am so C today?"

Kang Dongxun was puzzled, "What request?"

"I think we need a little encouragement at the moment. How about running ten laps around the base before the end of this month?"

All the teammates turned their heads and launched their death stares together.

Boy, what are you doing?

You know, in the entire KT now, only Lin Cheng's Hanbok rank score exceeds 1300, which is undoubtedly taking the opportunity to retaliate.

However, Kang Dongxun thought about it seriously.

He didn't ask until he saw the expressions of other people, "What do you think?"

"I object!"

"I object!"

"I object!"

"I object!"

(End of this chapter)

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