Chapter 281
Under the strong opposition of all other teammates, Lin Cheng's vicious proposal was naturally rejected, and after a short break, he entered the second round of BP.

In the second game, DRX came to the blue side to BAN first, and KT was on the red side.

As soon as you come up to DRX, you will first ban the first prince.

Compared with the red side, it takes more BAN positions in the version, and the blue side has more BAN people directly, and it's over for the players.

The red square KT disabled Verus with a backhand.

Although the BP rate of Verus in the LCK is far lower than that of Aphelios and Senna, the hero's ability to compete for the right to the next lane far exceeds any other AD.

In the current tactical system of this KT team, the line rights of the two sides are extremely important, which is related to whether KT can establish an advantage in the early stage and roll the snowball.

The second BAN bit of the blue side DRX was given to the troll.

Jun Il: "Oh? DRX banned the troll in the second move, which almost tells KT that there will definitely be a big front row in my lineup."

Corgi: "Yes, Troll is not a popular jungler in the LCK, but he is very profitable when he is used to fight against the tank lineup. In the past, when KT took the pig girl as a jungler, they would usually ban this hero by themselves. See Brother Ma also has an idea."

Seeing that the troll was banned, the red side chose to ban Senna.

Tactical genius McGee's hand bans trolls, and it is clear that he will take meat, but there are too many tank heroes available on the field, and it is not meaningful to block a hero alone.

On the contrary, Senna, the hero, has a very high income when he has a big front row. Before that, Maggie also produced four pieces of meat to match Senna's lineup.

That's right!The ghost coach Mai Ge can not only play five guarantees, zero coaches, four guarantees and one EZ, but also let Mr. Dai play Senna, one guarantee and four.

Although this extreme tank lineup is very simple in the later stage, it is really powerful in the early and mid-term.

Many tank heroes have one thing in common, that is, their base values ​​are very high.

Like Aoun, not only is he born with a strong body, but also has a very high basic skill damage. When he is in a two-piece suit, he is very fleshy and can fight well at the same time.

At this time, except for Wei En, there is basically no AD that can cut the flesh. A few strong guys directly use their rich team-starting methods and strong muscles to run over them. Generally, the mid-term of the team is really not good.

The third player on the blue side chose to continue banning Qing Gang Ying, and Lin Cheng's signature hero still enjoyed special care.

KT thought for a while on the red side, and sent Calista to the BAN position.

Joon Il: "Skateboard shoes? Then you just let Aphelios go to the opponent, KT is a bit of a BAN, it's a little hard to understand. I banned three ADs and then let Aphelios go, isn't it a little bit Too much?"

Corgi: "I think so too. Even if you really want to release Aphelios, you shouldn't ban Calista again. Let's all go one by one. There are only a few ADs that can be used in the current version."

Jun Il: "Look at KT's lineup. If you go to BAN like this, you must know that the opponent will definitely take Aphelios. They should have already figured out how to deal with Deft's Aphelios."

The blue side didn't hesitate, and decisively locked Aphelios on the first floor.

Regardless of whether the opponent put it on purpose or not, it would be too much if the hand was not locked.

The red side backhanded and locked Jhin on the first floor.

Jun Il: "Oh? Jhin? Is this the answer given by KT? Jhin is not considered a popular hero in this version, can he really fight against Aphelios?"

Ke Ji: "Maybe what KT wants is the lane right. Jhin's long early push is really good. At least the lane right will not be lost, which can give Bono more room to play."

Jun Il: "No! There is nothing wrong with Jhin online, but the output is much worse than that of Aphelios, especially Jhin is weak in the middle stage, but Aphelios is very strong in the two-piece endless split bow.

Moreover, DRX's second-hand BAN troll has almost made it clear that he wants to take a big front row. The hero Jhin really has no way to deal with the front row. "

Corgi: "Let's see the effect of Jhin later. Many teams are actually trying to release Aphelios and find a way to deal with Aphelios. KT is obviously also trying."

Immediately afterwards, KT locked Seti on the second floor to make a swing position.

Although Sett has been cut round after round now, the characteristics of the three-line swing are destined to be a popular hero.

The blue square locked Thresh on the second floor and walked down with Aphelios, and the pig girl appeared on the third floor.

Jun Il: "Pig girl! Pyosik stole the hero used by Bono in the last game. Sure enough, DRX has a front row tank."

Corgi: "Well~~~ It's very smart to replace BAN with a rush. In fact, most of KT's team-starting burden in recent games has been placed on Bono's head. There's a lot of pressure on him."

Seeing that the pig girl was robbed, the red Fang Kuro first showed the death song on the third floor, as if he wanted to choose a classic brush to fight against the pig girl, but he never locked it.

Until the last second, Death Song was suddenly replaced by Nightmare and locked.

Jun Il: "Nightmare jungler! This is the first time that Nightmare will appear in the LCK Spring Split this season. I didn't expect it to be in the semi-finals. It is true that there is nothing a pig girl can do if she encounters Nightmare in the jungle. Nightmare's single-handed ability is very strong."

Corgi: "The main purpose of choosing Nightmare should be to limit Aphelios, but it is impossible for Nightmare to think about cutting Aphelios alone, and McGee is not stupid! The second round of DRX will definitely ban Galio .”

Jun Ri: "Looking at it this way, Jhin might also have the same considerations. The Nightmare rushed into Chephelios, and Jhin was also sniping behind him, but Jhin's bullets would be blocked!
Take a look at the hero selection behind KT. Since Nightmare is selected, there must be a hero that matches Nightmare. "

The second round of BANs begins.

On the fourth floor of the red square KT, the Enchantress was banned first. This is Chovy's second-ranked mage hero. Although it is not as eye-catching as his Zoe, it is a real threat to crispy skin.

DRX backhanded BAN and dropped Galio.

Nightmare turning off the lights and bringing Galio to the back row is considered a classic combination, and McGee didn't have a head shot and let Galio out in the second round.

KT sent Jess to the BAN position with the last move.

Jun Ri: "Huh? What's the matter with KT's Ban Jess? You're already playing wild with Nightmare, why are you banning Jays? Dolan dared to choose Jays, didn't he want to be arranged clearly? Nightmare's big coordination wrist It's too easy for Howe to catch a hero like Jace."

Corgi: "Then maybe this Seti is not used by Brother Chengzi? Now that the wrist value has been shaved for several rounds, there are indeed a lot fewer single-line players. It may be used by Tusin."

DRX finally chose to disable the sword girl to prevent the routine of turning off the lights to cover the sword girl in the nightmare.

It is difficult for the hero Daomei to do anything when she rushes in under the eyes of others, but once she cuts in under the circumstances of the dark lights, it is very scary.

(End of this chapter)

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