This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 282 Super Global Stream Lineup

Chapter 282 Super Global Stream Lineup

The second round of selection begins.

KT locked Giggs in seconds on the fourth floor.

Corgi: "Bomberman! Hey! KT has some ideas about Bomberman. After Nightmare turns off the lights, Bomberman and Jhin throw big moves behind to supplement the damage."

Joon Il: "But to be honest, Giggs can be regarded as a substitute for Galio who was helpless by BAN. Galio and Nightmare can not only cut C, but also divide the opponent's formation. After Nightmare enters the field, with Galio's cover, there is a chance to withdraw. come out.

But Ziggs can't provide any protection for Nightmare. The danger factor of Nightmare's entry is very high, and it is easy to send Aphelios before killing Aphelios. "

Corgi thought for a while: "That's true! Nightmare can only be powerful if his teammates cooperate with him to rush in. Currently, KT's lineup only has one sett who can rush in, but it is difficult for him to keep up with the speed of Nightmare's big entry. It is very likely that Sett was killed by Nightmare before he entered."

Not only the commentator saw the problem that KT's lineup is easy to get out of touch, but McGee also saw it.

Therefore, the fourth floor of DRX decisively locked Aoun.

Although Ornn is not very easy to fight against Sett on the road, but in team battles, Ornn can counter Nightmare's forced drive.

In the absence of Galio's cover, Nightmare's entry is too easy to be restricted.

Aoun only needs to block Seti and other KT personnel as soon as Nightmare opens up. Once Aphelios is saved, Nightmare is equivalent to giving it for nothing.

The last hero of the blue side DRX chose Syndra.

Corgi: "Maggie's last two-handed hero is very clear. The difficulty of playing Nightmare has increased. Syndra also has the means to counter Nightmare. In the later stage, Syndra only needs to team up with Aphelios and Thresh. Nightmare has no teammates. The screens come in and it's hard to play."

Joon-il: "Currently KT's lineup can only allow Seti to start the team first, and Nightmare to enter the field later, but the problem is that it is too difficult for Seti to rush directly to start the team. Aoun, Zhumei, Thresh, Xin Della, these heroes will make it very difficult for Sett to get close."

Corgi: "It feels like Jhin on the first floor of the red side came out too early, which caused Galio to be banned in the second round. Only Nightmare entered the arena alone, and it was too easy to be countered."

Jun Ri: "Indeed! There is really no need to choose Jin as a hero. No one will go to ban in the second round anyway. The current situation is that no matter what happens, KT can't come up with a counter in the last hand to match Nightmare. My hero, KT froze a bit now."

Corgi: "Hey! I thought about it, how about Brother Orange being the captain again? Shake Seti to assist, Nightmare turns off the lights and rushes in, the captain, Jhin, and Ziggs will be big at the same time, and everyone else doesn't have to follow Nightmare Chong felt that it would be difficult for Aphelios to survive."

Jun Il: "There is indeed some truth in thinking this way, but unless Aphelios is not flashing, otherwise..."

Before the voice of the commentator fell, the red square locked the song dead in seconds on the last floor.

Jun-il: "Huh? This~~~ This is a one-lane nightmare? KT is playing well! We all thought the nightmare on the third floor was the jungler, but we didn't expect the jungler to be the last one."

Corgi: "Then Nightmare can only go on the road now, brother Cheng can't take a bomber on the road, right?"

Jun Il: "No! KT is too swayable in the red side! Nightmare and Sett can't determine their positions until the last move, and McGee probably didn't expect that the other party would actually take it again after lighting up the death song on the third floor. Out.

Covering the team name, I thought DRX was on the right. This kind of super-swinging BP is what Mai Ge likes to do most. I didn't expect KT to get it together. "

Corgi: "KT is a super global lineup. As soon as the nightmare light is turned off, countless skills will be thrown at Aphelios' head, and the defense of Deft will begin."

Jun Il smiled: "There is a sense of picture."

"Fuck! KT is shaking so much."

"Brother Mai actually lost in the whole job! I don't believe it."

"Nightmare, Bomberman, Jhin, why are all sewer heroes on the right?"

"The weirder the lineup, the faster you lose! Don't ask me how I know."

"The top laner Nightmare is not good against Ornn. I tried it once and my head was smashed."

"Mr. Dai is going to start playing horror games again?"

Both teams are selected.

Blue party DRX:

Top order: Doran (The Flame of the Mountain Hidden, Aoun)

Jungle: Pyosik (Fury of the North, Sejuani)
Mid laner: Chovy (Darkhead, Syndra)
Bot Lane: Deft (The Suffering of the Crescent Moon, Aphelios)

Support: Keria (Soul Lock Warden, Thresh)
Red square KT:

Top: Cheng (Nightmare Eternal, Nocturne)

Jungler: Bono (Deathsinger, Karthus)

Mid laner: Kuro (Blaster, Ryan Giggs)
Bot lane: Aiming (Jin)

Support: Tusin (Wu Hao, Seti)

Jun Il: "Although KT's lineup is dazzling, but the last song of death really revived this lineup. Now I feel that Aphelios is not alive."

Corgi: "The reason why we are not optimistic about KT is that Jhin's ultimate move will be blocked. It is very difficult for only one Bomberman to cooperate with Nightmare Chephelios. Aphelios still has room to operate under the protection of Thresh. But it’s different now that there are death songs, the output of death songs is too stable.”

Joon Il: "Don't say it! Although we were complaining about KT's BP all the way, but in retrospect it really makes sense. The second round of Ban Jess is obviously because KT is ready to release a dead song at the end. In the early stage Jace really makes Nightmare suffer when Death Song can't help in lane."

Corgi: "In the last round, McGee came up with a strange lineup, although he still lost, but DRX also took control of the situation in the early and mid-term. In this round, KT came up with a more targeted lineup. Let's see what happens. Go play.

The front row of DRX's lineup is very solid, but KT can directly bypass the front row to deal with Aphelios. Once Aphelios is down, DRX's output is not enough. "

Jun Il joked: "This BO5 comes up with one person doing all the tricks, and everyone will not suffer. If KT also loses, I guess both sides will be honest later."

While waiting for the game to load, the KT teammates were also having a final exchange.

Bono: "Lin Cheng, are you okay? I can't help you in the early stage, so don't fight too hard."

Lin Cheng: "Understood."

Kuro: "Don't fight at the beginning, wait until after the sixth level to look for opportunities, but I am not Galio in this round, Lin Cheng, please don't fly around like a training match."

In fact, this set of global lineup KT was used in the training match, and the effect of facing the lineup with clear front and rear rows is actually very good.

However, Kuro used Galio in the middle lane at that time. It is hard to say that Galio was temporarily replaced by a substitute this time when Galio was banned.

After all, with Galio's Asylum Nightmare, he can almost start a team without thinking, and now the middle lane is a Ziggs who can only make up damage, and the fault tolerance rate is much lower.

Lin Cheng understood Kuro's concern.

"Don't worry, I'm a steady person, and I usually don't get on top."

After finishing speaking, Lin Cheng silently added another sentence.

Unless you can't help it.

(End of this chapter)

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