This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 286 The joy of selling teammates

Chapter 286 The joy of selling teammates
Corgi: "Wow! It's a one-for-two game. KT, the three global champions, is too incomprehensible to cooperate with each other. One person rushes to the tower and trades for two."

Jun Ri: "Brother Orange's ult move is very good, but the operation response is really too subtle! The operation of predicting and flashing to hide Syndra's EQ is really good. If you are directly pushed unconscious, this wave of nightmares will be sending."

Corgi: "That's right! And the one who turned back just avoided Thresh's hook. If it wasn't for this move, it would be a one-for-one at most, but just avoiding this crucial hook made him get two more A's for Thresh." After all, it was a level 10 Nightmare fighting a level [-] Thresh, and these two hits suppressed Thresh's blood volume, allowing the teammate's two big moves to complete the harvest."

Junil: "The current situation is really bad for DRX. What they are most afraid of is that Sige is too fat, because the biggest threat to DRX in KT's lineup is Sige, and Sige's development beyond the timeline is very difficult. horrifying."

"This global trend makes me numb, and it's too incomprehensible."

"Someone gets killed as soon as it gets dark, is DRX playing a killing game?"

"The main reason is that Brother Cheng operates well. Most people will give Thresh away when they come in."

"Chovy was thinking about fishing, but a shark came up, 2333."

"Everything starts with Chaoweiliang's expression."

"Brother Chengzi is an old double-standard dog. During the live broadcast, he said that he hates other people's facial expressions, but he likes to show signs at every turn."

"Brother Cheng: I can show my face, but if you dare to show your face, I'm sorry! I'll kill you in two seconds."

The replacement of Syndra and Thresh by Bo Lincheng's rush to the tower brought far more than two heads.

Bomber himself is a tower demolition maniac, so Bono ran over and directly released the vanguard in the middle to hit his head, reducing the blood volume of the middle tower.

Ziggs blasted a W fixed-point to complete the beheading of the defense tower.

Although the hero Bomberman has a big move that hits far, but his ability to support his teammates in the early stage is very poor, and his damage is very unstable.

However, although Bomberman is not good at supporting his teammates, he can also hold the opponent in the middle.

If the opposite side dares to leave two waves, Bomberman can dismantle the opposite middle tower in minutes.

In this round, Kuro's Bomber was frantically pushing the line in the middle, making Chovy's Syndra dare not leave the line even for a moment, not to mention supporting the side.

Drag your opponent to the field you are familiar with, and then defeat him with rich experience.

If Syndra does not go to support the wild area to support the wing, it will lose the meaning of taking it out, and it will hurt even more if the tower is dropped.

However, due to lineup reasons, when there is no key big move, KT can't invade the wild area unscrupulously to roll its own snowball like before.

At 14 minutes, taking advantage of KT's ult, DRX suddenly launched an attack on the bottom lane.

Pyosik's pig sister card hits the explosion cone and falls into the stone man pit, just blocking Jhin and Sett under the tower.

After the pig girl inserted the ward into the tower, Aoun directly handed over the TP in the top lane.

Lin Cheng couldn't find Aoun's position to interrupt the TP, and he rationally didn't hand over the TP to protect his teammates, instead he led the line to demolish the tower.

If it is a hero like Riven Daomei who can still play it, in this case, the Nightmare TP that he has no ultimate move will just send one more head.

The team voice communication is also very realistic.

Lin Cheng: "I don't have a T anymore, I can't fight without a big move."

Bono: "I can't make it through the top, go to fight against two groups of wild monsters to stop losses."

Kuro: "I won't come here, I'm too lazy to run."

Aiming: " guys decide."

Tusin: "This bot lane has collapsed, I beg the upper middle field to lead me to fly."

Lin Cheng experienced the joy of selling teammates, so you had this kind of mentality when you sold me before, huh?

Although Tusin said that he was already lying down, out of an auxiliary instinct, after seeing Aoun TP landed and opened up, Seti flashed out and adjusted the angle to hug Aoun.

This time Tusin amazed and smashed Ornn between Thresh and Aphelios wonderfully, and the E skill stunned the three of them.

Deliberately punching out three white numbers.

It's a pity that it was controlled by Zhumei's big move before Jhin could make up for the damage.

Ornn got up and slammed into the tower, and Jhin was killed by the folding mirror wielded by Aphelios when he landed.

The remaining Seti of Tusin failed to replace one, and Aphelios took a double kill.

Jun Il: "This wave of Tusin's operation is very beautiful. One person almost disabled Aphelios and Thresh. It's a pity that Death Song doesn't have a big move at this time."

Corgi: "The DRX players have a very clear mind. They know that if the opponent does not have a key big move, it is their offensive round. This time the tower jump is not messy at all."

Jun Il: "Give two heads to Aphelios, it depends on whether Mr. Dai's Aphelios can play a role in the team battle, but it is really difficult to be honest, the middle and wild are too fat on the opposite side, this hammer I don't think even Aphelios can survive if Shi is replaced by Tahm."

The duo was killed below, and Lin Cheng's Nightmare took advantage of Aoun TP to go down and happily demolished the tower.

I have to say that growing up alone is really fun.

Of course, teammates are used to selling you and selling you, and you will be happy if you suddenly sell teammates.

After successfully dismantling the first tower on the road, Nightmare officially became a canyon boy.

The big move is better, as long as Lin Cheng confirms the position of the opponent's hero online, he will run to find opportunities to search the opponent's wild area.

Nightmare jungle heads-up is invincible in this lineup. Even if you encounter two opponents in the jungle at the same time, Lin Cheng will not panic at all with the support of Death Song and Bomberman's ultimate moves.

In 17 minutes, the third dragon refreshed.

KT set up the vision in advance and started to move the dragon, and DRX explored from the river step by step.

Death song's speed of fighting the dragon was so fast, Lin Cheng simply turned on the lights and turned them off.

"I have a stopwatch, and I can show you the golden body to start the group."

Kuro: "Don't fly! Don't fly! Just take the dragon."

Bono: "Don't wave, the opposite side is too tight, you just go in and send it off."

Lin Cheng is good at what he does, without having to activate the second-stage ultimate move of cerebral hemorrhage,
The main reason is that Tusin's Sett didn't find a chance to go to the back. At this time, it is a very unwise choice for the 5V5 nightmare to fly up first.

There is too much control in such a tight group of five opponents. Unlike the previous wave of tower rushing, which Lin Cheng can use to make up for it, it is a question of whether he can start a stopwatch if he dares to fly.

Seeing that Fenglong was successfully punished by Death Song, DRX did not dare to forcibly start the group after Nightmare turned off the lights.

Since they didn't dare to drive, the five people from the red side who occupied the upper river simply turned around and wanted to unplug the first tower in the middle of the blue side.

If they really succeeded under normal circumstances, the side that was stuck would not dare to go back directly from the river to guard the center line.

But there is a bomber on KT's side.

Just when the red team was stuck in the river and was about to enter the tower with a line of troops, the bomber threw a big move over a long distance, which happened to clear the line of troops without guns directly.

KT spared no effort to save their first wind dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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