This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 287 Even the dragon is targeting me?

Chapter 287 Even the dragon is targeting me?
After winning Fenglong, the initiative on the field is still firmly in the hands of KT.

KT didn't take the initiative to make troubles, so he let Sige clear the jungle. Occasionally, when the opponent had no time, he could go to the wild monsters on the opposite side.

The core of KT's lineup is dead song, as long as dead song is fat, the opponent can't play.

The current situation is very clear, as long as KT's key big move is in their hands, it will always be their offensive round.

Originally, DRX could take advantage of the opportunity to fight back without a big move after a wave of the opponent's hand, but KT suddenly became as stable as Mount Tai, and DRX did not dare to move.

Nightmare on the side ran after clearing the line, and Giggs in the middle got another wretched horse, and only KT's bot lane could move DRX.

But now that Nightmare has big players and TPs, and Tianfat Death Song has big players, DRX will dare to move the bot lane with Seti in it, and it will probably blow up directly.

Jun Il: "KT is really smart! Seeing that Syndra has a stopwatch on his body and can't catch anyone in the wild, Nightmare doesn't take the initiative to look for opportunities. As long as I don't do it, you will never dare to move."

Corgi: "That's right! Although Aphelios is also developing, Deft has no output environment at all in this lineup. On the contrary, Bono's death song is too exaggerated. The last attack is similar to that of Bomber who is always hanging on the line. There are three heads in hand."

The dragon refreshed in 20 minutes, and KT had prepared the vision around the dragon in advance to prevent the opponent from jumping over the wall in a hurry.

Since the blue side is all crispy and has no ability to rush the baron, DRX has a chance to steal the baron when the Aphelios knife is suitable. Naturally, KT will not give the opponent a chance.

At 22 and a half minutes, KT's drawing dragon is about to refresh.

At this time, the blue side, who had pushed the line in the middle, stopped first to stop the view of the river, and he was bound to win this wind dragon.

However, after DRX cleared the middle line with the second hand, he decisively moved to the Dalong Pit in a group, and eliminated the vision of the blue side arranged around the Dalong.

Jun Il: "DRX is very smart in this wave. The vision in the lower half is very poor. They chose to come to Dalongkeng to put pressure on them."

Corgi: "Besides, Aphelios swiped the red and white swords when he was fighting crabs. DRX now has the ability to RUSH the dragon, so he started fighting directly! It's too late for KT to take the dragon first."

Joon Il: "KT didn't dare to bet on the opponent's choice. They gave up Xiaolong and moved up. This wave looks like it will fight."

In fact, before the remaining field of vision was eliminated, Aphelios had already seen the white sword, and KT immediately gave up the newly activated dragon, and all members leaned towards the upper half.

Due to the consumption of too many control guards in Xiaolongkeng just now, the blue side became cautious after entering the middle route, step by step to explore the field of vision.

Sett, who was scanning, was in front, and the others were behind.

After all, KT's lineup is too fragile, and it would be very dangerous to be opened first, while DRX's team-starting methods are too rich.

It is found that there is no ambush in the grass in the river, and the chances of the RUSH dragon on the opposite side are greatly increased.

"It's not good to explore the past like this. The Golden Holy Land will give you the vision, and I will sell the resurrection armor."

In this lineup, Lin Cheng is the one who will go to work first, and the second big item is the Resurrection Armor.

Hearing this, Aiming stood in the grass of the river and started his big move, a perfect curtain call.

Jhin set up his weapon, and an ultra-long-distance fan-shaped area was lit up.

Sure enough, the DRX people have already started to use the big dragon, and the blood volume of the big dragon drops rapidly under the output of Aphelios, which is full of flywheels.

Lin Cheng resolutely activated his ultimate move, Ghost Shadows.

Darkness enveloped the canyon again.

Lin Cheng waited for Jhin to fire a bullet before activating the second ult, and the nightmare went straight to Aphelios in the dragon pit.

The big dragon still has nearly one-third of its blood volume. At this time, the people in the red side who turned off the lights in Nightmare knew that the opponent would never come here for punishment.

Five faint beams of light rose into the sky, and Bono's death song had already been sung loudly when Nightmare took off.

Thresh set up the Nether Prison in the Dragon Pit ahead of time, breaking the shield provided by Nightmare's Blade of Night immediately.

Lin Cheng handed over his Q skill in the air, and activated his W dark shelter while landing passively, which just blocked Thresh's E skill.

Keria's reaction was also quick, and she was weakened before Lin Cheng landed. Letting Nightmare land this time did not destroy Aphelios' much HP.

Chovy's Syndra stunned the nightmare in the dark with an EQ shot when the field of vision was extremely compressed.

However, Nightmare's big move will compress the opponent's field of vision to about one position, and Syndra can't use the big move immediately.

Aphelios, who was covered in flywheels, quickly wiped out Nightmare's HP with two backhands.

Aoun connected the control with a header, but the DRX double C did not connect the output.

Because Death Song's Requiem was about to fall, and at the same time, Jhin's bullet passed through the position that Aoun gave up and accurately shot Aphelios.

With three crisp sounds, Aphelios, Syndra, and Thresh lighted up their stopwatches at the same time.

Only Aoun and Pig Girl are left to output Nightmare crazily.

The Requiem exploded, and Ornn and Piggy lost a lot of blood.

But it's not over yet.

The Bomberman has already launched the scientific Hell Cannon, and the circular bombing area covers the entire vicinity of the Great Dragon Pit.

Kuro's big move suppressed the position, and the exaggerated bomb fell right in the middle of Syndra and Aphelios, whose golden body ends.

Syndra flashed out of the dragon pit, avoiding the high damage from the center of the artillery.

Mr. Dai was more unlucky. Because he was a little away from the wall of Longkengkou, the flash hit the wall.

Aphelios' blood volume was blown to a low level by the artillery.

Jhin's third bullet blasted over.

Aphelios healed and continued his life, but was hacked to death by Lin Cheng's nightmare.

However, before Aphelios died, a flywheel also cooperated with Ornn and Pig Girl to play the Nightmare Resurrection Armor.

Aphelios fell, seeing Seti approaching aggressively, and DRX gave up his plan to continue the fight when the blood volume of the rest of the staff was very low.

Even though Lin Cheng didn't target Thresh, Keria, who was hit by Bomberman's ult, was shot to death by Jhin's shot, and the blood volume of Aoun and Zhumei also dropped to less than half.

Jhin's fourth bullet wanted to keep Syndra, but Chovy turned coquettishly to avoid it.

Aoun, who exited the Dragon Pit, called sheep in the river, preparing to cover the retreat of his teammates.

Seeing that he was trapped in the dragon pit by Seti, Pyosik crossed the wall without hesitation.

At the same time, Miss Zhu didn't forget to throw a big backhand move to suppress Nightmare's rise.

It just so happened that Lin Cheng's nightmare was revived and he was accused of staying where he was.

Seeing this scene, Aoun directly slammed the second stage of his ult into the dragon pit, and took over the control of the pig girl.

Nightmare's health has become very low due to Baron's output.

But the opponent didn't dare to come over to supplement the output, Lin Cheng didn't panic at all.

Dalong's damage was still very high for a crispy skin, Lin Cheng was sprayed on the ground and then pressed Flash to avoid the embarrassment of being beaten to death by Dalong.

As a result, when Lin Cheng pressed the flash button, he found that he couldn't move.

Dalong's shameless tail whipped Nightmare into the air.

Did I hit you!
Even Dalong is targeting me?
(End of this chapter)

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