This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 288 Unlimited Monthly Reading

Chapter 288 Unlimited Monthly Reading
Swapped away by the dragon, the bloody Nightmare fell to the ground and died immediately.

Aiming's Jhin had no chance to give Lin Cheng any treatment because he had a gun behind him just now.

Although the opponent's blood volume is very low, KT does not intend to chase, and all members turn to control Fenglong.

The main reason is that the pursuit ability of the KT lineup itself is poor, and it is easy to be ambushed by the opponent when there is no vision in the upper half. Although the opponent seems to be in a bad state, Syndra and Aoun have TPs that can return to make up for the state.

The fight between the two sides was lively, and it was actually a one-for-one exchange. Lin Cheng's Nightmare was replaced by Mr. Dai's Aphelios.

Joon Il: "DRX Dalong played very resolutely. It seems too late for KT to come over step by step. Don't say you really have a chance to steal it... But KT is very decisive. Wang Yuanjin opened his vision! Nightmare turned off the lights and entered the arena. !"

Corgi: "The combination of KT's ults is terrible! Aphelios was sniped from a long distance even though the stopwatch evaded the death song ult. DRX and other people's blood volume is also very poor, and [-] hits [-] DRX also I don’t dare to continue to join the group...Huh? Brother Chengzi is too unlucky! He was beaten to death by Dalong.”

Jun Il: "It's not a big problem. This wave of Nightmare Resurrection Armor replaced three stopwatches. The next wave of DRX is really hard to pick up. The Aphelios stopwatch and double summons didn't survive. The next wave I It feels like giving him three summoner skills still won’t make him survive.”

Corgi: "That's right! Death Song's big move just now blew up one-third of Pig Girl's blood. I don't know how painful it will be when it falls on Aphelios."

"Turtle! Is this the charm of Global Flow?"

"Except for Nightmare, Long Cha didn't even see a single person, and all his members are almost dying."

"This wave of AD was hit by two bullets, and all the opponents were out of shape."

"Looking far and widening the field of vision, it's ok."

"Seeing Brother Cheng's death makes me want to laugh."

"Dalong: Five of you trash can't beat one of them to death. Let me beat his dog's head with a whip."

Control the listening card Wind Dragon. At this time, KT already has two wind dragons with 20% extra CD reduction.

The red side also grouped together immediately after Aphelios' resurrection.

At this time, the jungler and the duo who had just returned from the Wind Dragon Soul had just come out of the base. Their vision saw Thresh coming around from the side. Without the cover of his teammates, Kuro decisively retreated and dropped a tower in the middle.

In 25 minutes, Zhumei took Thresh to cooperate with Aoun to attack the nightmare who was pressing the line on the side.

Although Lin Cheng was dead, he fought back forcefully to lower Thresh's blood volume. Kuro's bomber rushed to the wild area and threw a bomb and successfully took Thresh's head.

28 minutes, 30 seconds before KT's Wind Dragon Soul refresh.

Dolan's Aoun cleared the line above, ready to take the pawn line out and then TP to the bottom to form a group with his teammates.

But what DRX didn't expect was that half of the people on the blue side were in the upper half at the moment.

Jhin set up a big move in the wild area, and a bullet hit Ornn at the broken tower of the red side.

Lin Cheng directly turned on the big lights and turned off the lights, and flew towards Aoun with the second ult.

Landing QA, Nightmare frantically swung the arm blade.

Aoun had just handed over his skill to clear the line, facing a nightmare with a protruding face, he quickly ran back with his E skill.

But Jhin was slowed down by another bullet, and Aoun had no choice but to use his big move.

The first-stage sheep just broke the spell shield of the blade of night, and the second-stage sheep were simply blocked by W's dark shelter.

Nightmare hangs E silent fear, chasing A is a meal.

Since Aoun is mainly building up magic resistance in front of him, his armor is not particularly high. After being chased and slashed by the nightmare in the hand of the black cut, the blood volume is obviously dropped.

The fear effect is triggered, and Bomberman's big move strikes.

Ornn finally fell under the butcher's knife of Nightmare.

When the dragon soul was about to be refreshed, KT caught the opponent's surprise in a wave. After losing Aoun, DRX could only let go of the wind dragon soul.

So far, the dragon soul of KT Sanfenglong is in hand.

After taking down the Wind Dragon Soul, all KT members leaned directly towards the Dalong Pit to put pressure on the opponent's vision.

Syndra immediately cleared the middle lane, while the rest of DRX approached the Dragon Pit from the F6 wild area.

Lin Cheng directly turned off the lights and flew towards Syndra who was alone.

Chovy obviously also realized that Nightmare was going to fly alone, and opened the golden body in advance to avoid the damage of Nightmare's big move.

After landing, Lin Cheng was on the spot preparing to press Syndra to get up.

A circular bombing area appeared at Syndra's feet, and the Bomberman made a big move.

A dimly glowing lantern was thrown from the Pit of Three Wolves to Syndra's feet.

Chovy's level of picking up lanterns is very high. Even though Lin Cheng stood on the lanterns, he was picked up by Syndra, who was finished with a golden body.

Lin Cheng only took one QA damage, Syndra was rescued by the lantern, and Giggs' bomb also fell through.

After the lights were turned off, the DRX teammates also breathed a sigh of relief seeing that Syndra spent the night safely.

Losing the threat of Nightmare and Ziggs' ultimate moves, DRX stubbornly began to set up vision next to the Dragon Pit.

Joon-il: "Just now, the lantern of Keria is really critical. It is very dangerous to be alone at this time. Fortunately, Chovy picked up this lantern."

Corgi: "Brother Chengzi has consciously blocked the lantern, and Chovy picked up something in an instant."

Jun Il: "But look at Nightmare's big move, it's turned by a quarter from the start of turning off the lights to the end of turning off the lights. This cooldown is too fast. I feel that things are not that simple."

Just as the opponent grouped up to demolish the blue side of the river, Nightmare turned off the lights again.

You know, Lin Cheng's second-level shoes in this round were the Bright Boots.

CD shoes provide 15 CD reduction, black cuts provide 20 CD reduction, and the equipment itself has a 35 CD reduction attribute.

The ultimate hunter and the three wind dragons also provided a 55% CD reduction for the ultimate move.

Although the reduction CD of Ultimate Hunter and Wind Dragon is not directly superimposed with the equipment CD, but Lin Cheng's big move is only 26 seconds now.

The CD of Bomberman's ultimate move is even shorter.

This time, it was Aphelios that Lin Cheng was recruiting.

Although Thresh and Zhumei provided protection nearby, Lin Cheng's Nightmare was controlled and weakened as soon as he entered the field, but the E skill immediately after landing forced out Aphelios' flash.

Mr. Dai is also afraid!
He knew that once he was frightened, Bomberman and Death Song's big moves would come down, so he quickly flashed and handed in, and then healed and accelerated to break the chain.

Lin Cheng dodged and retreated, and the Bomber man's big move came down to cover, and Aphelios and Syndra didn't dare to chase forward.

Despite this, Thresh opened the bird shield.

The two sides pulled apart again.

Just after the red team huddled together to cover Aphelios and took down the red BUFF he had just refreshed, a blue ornament shone on the grass next to F6.

Spotting the figure of Aphelios, Lin Cheng's nightmare turned off the lights for the third time in a row.

Jun Il: "Here we come! It's coming again! Nightmare's Infinity Lights Off, the first wave hits you with the Golden Body of Syndra, the second wave hits Aphelios Double Call and Thresh Bird Shield, this wave wants you life."

Corgi: "KT's tactics are so clever! This wave has not stopped. I just lost the flash of nightmare, and the key skills of DRX are gone. KT will be all in this wave."

(End of this chapter)

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