This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 289 The Night of the Dark Moon Killing

Chapter 289 The Night of the Dark Moon Killing
Turning off the lights for the third time, Nightmare flew straight to Aphelios.

Five beams of light shot up into the sky in the darkness, and the song of death sang a requiem from behind.

As soon as Death Song's ultimate move was released, everyone knew that this was a decisive battle.

Aphelios lost his double call just now, and Thresh didn't protect himself, but dragged beside him to give out the lantern.

But when Thresh threw the lantern, Kuro's Ziggs made a big move, and the bombing center fell at Thresh's feet.

There is no way to pick up this lantern.

Lin Cheng landed QA to deal damage, without the limitation of weakness, and Nightmare knocked out a large part of Aphelios' health when he met him face to face.

Ornn's E skill was blocked by W Dark Asylum, and the pig girl couldn't restrain Lin Cheng's nightmare in the first place under the situation of black light and blind fire.

Although Ao En called the sheep with a backhand after E was blocked, for Lin Cheng, two Aphelios hits were enough.

Other injured teammates will make up.

Syndra pushed the ball in the dark in the distance in time to stun Nightmare, but still because of the vision-limiting effect of Nightmare's ultimate move, Syndra couldn't cooperate with his teammates to directly destroy Nightmare's resurrection armor.

At this time, the requiem fell.

Just look at the DRX on the field and everyone lost a lot of blood.

If it wasn't for the green fork to save his life, Aphelios would have died.

Coincidentally, Bomberman's missile also fell, and Thresh died suddenly on the spot.

Without waiting for the opponent to react, Jin, who was sniping in the distance, took Mr. Dai's head with one shot.

Ornn's second-stage sheep hit the nightmare into the air, and knocked out the fragile.

Sett of Tusin has already touched it.

Flash adjusted his position, Sett picked up Ornn and threw it at Syndra.

Chovy crossed and wanted to run.

The amazing deceleration has been given, and Seti didn't even need to fight the phase rush, relying on the acceleration of the wind dragon soul to catch up and drag Syndra back with E's strong hand and split head.

Just in time, Jhin's fourth shot blasted from a distance, just bypassing Aoun and taking Syndra away with a critical strike.

The three crispy skins of DRX fell down, and the remaining two lumps of meat became living targets.

The five of KT gathered around for a fat beating, and Aoun and Zhumei were killed in the first half of the field one after another.

Even Lin Cheng's resurrection armor was not destroyed in this wave.

Corgi: "Wow! The lineup of KT is really interesting. No matter how fleshy your front row is, it's just hard damage that kills your C position. Once Aphelios dies, the red side has no output. Sinde It's useless even if you replace one of them, the damage difference between the two sides in the follow-up is too much, not to mention that this wave didn't even destroy Nightmare's Resurrection Armor."

Jun Il: "Deft really can't survive. We saw Death Song blowing up most of his health with a big move just now. If NOC made up a little bit of damage to Aphelios, he would not survive, let alone Bomberman and Jhin's big move is waiting."

Corgi: "Nightmare's two consecutive ults are well laid out. If Aphelios has double summons and Thresh has bird shields, there is still a little room for maneuver in this wave of Deft."

Jun Il: "DRX is really uncomfortable. I have been waiting for Aphelios' green fork and Thresh's bird shield. I finally got out, but I was fooled by Brother Cheng's big move. Then KT will come and mess with you when you have no skills."

"These big moves are too rogue, and Mr. Dai feels that something will happen when it gets dark."

"Brother Mai, take a look at how they live their lives? Go back and reflect on your BP."

"I'm dying of laughter! The commentator keeps saying how important it is for Thresh's bird shield to come out, but it shatters as soon as he touches it."

"After laying the bird shield for more than ten minutes, this is the result?"

"You can't blame Thresh, can you? This nightmare is too cheap, and has been using the big deception skill."

"Although the Wind Dragon Soul is spicy, the effect of the Wind Dragon is really great."

After the team wiped out the opponent, all members of KT turned around and started to fight Baron.

Successfully won the Dragon BUFF. After making up a wave on the return trip, KT chose [-]-[-] point push. Lin Cheng's Nightmare led the line on the top lane, and the other four teammates covered the pawns in the middle lane.

Soon, the troops of the upper and middle routes were sent to the high ground.

Lin Cheng wasn't aggressive enough to challenge Aoun to demolish the high ground, but just acted as the commander of the artillery vehicle behind.

At the same time, Lin Cheng has been paying attention to the situation in the middle, so that he can cover with his big move as soon as his teammates are activated.

KT's lineup doesn't look too crispy, in fact, it has mastered the active rhythm throughout the game, even if DRX has a lot of team-starting methods, it is not easy to open.

Because DRX's team opening can only be opened by Ornn and Zhumei in addition to drawing prizes, and Nightmare and Sett happen to be very restrained in this kind of frontal team opening method.

Most of the time, DRX's lineup with clear front and rear rows has a high fault tolerance rate, but the situation in this game is different.

Nightmare's big move as a backhand can easily put the opponent in this embarrassment:

It means that the people in the front start the team battle, but the C position in the back can't keep up with the output at all. On the contrary, as long as Seti keeps his own C position and fights, the people who started the team in front of DRX will be easily sent away, and the back row of DRX will also be easy. It was directly cut by the nightmare.

From the selection of the lineup, it is doomed that unless DRX has a big advantage online, their team battles are destined to be difficult to fight.

The minions in the upper and middle lanes continued to wear down the HP of the Highland Tower. Kuro's bomber was putting too much pressure on the middle lane, and he also took time to clear the minions in the bottom lane with a big move. Soon the red square third line The highlands are under pressure.

"It's time to fight! It's time to fight! This wave will definitely win."

At the moment when Syndra appeared to guard the line on the lower road, Lin Cheng finally turned off the lights again.

The dark moon kills the night, and now the nightmare will kill people if they turn off the lights.

The nightmare under the highland tower on the top road flies directly to Aphelios under the middle tower.

Jhin took off the sniper at the Highland Tower.

Bomberman throws the cannon.

Death songs started to sing big.

Since Thresh was pulled over by the hook cannon troopers just now, his lower body is next to Aphelios, and the given lantern only added a little shield.

Nightmare landed on AQ, E made a speechless and fearful shot.

Before the fear erupted, Jhin shot Aphelios directly with Bomberman's ultimate move.

The Requiem song fell, and Thresh also died suddenly behind the Highland Tower.

The pig girl next to her was left behind by Jin's bullet, Lin Cheng chased after him and slashed, and another bullet took away the head of the pig girl.

After killing three people, KT took advantage of the opportunity to push down the high ground tower and crystal in the middle.

At the moment when the crystal in the middle was about to be removed, Nightmare's ult changed for the better.

A blue ornament shines on the front tooth tower, and Lin Cheng turns off the light again when he finds Syndra's location.

Now Lin Cheng's big move is like a death call signal, and the DRX people get nervous when the screen goes dark.

Nightmare went straight to Syndra behind the front tooth tower, landed QA, W blocked Syndra's push ball.

Despite Ornn's cover, Chovy was forced out of the golden body when he saw that he couldn't shake the fear.

Bomber's ultimate move was perfect, and the half-blood Syndra's golden body was immediately caught in seconds.

Although Lin Cheng was controlled by Aoun and handed over the resurrection armor under the two incisor towers, the only remaining Aoun could no longer stop the advance of the blue side.

KT ended the game in one wave.

(End of this chapter)

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