This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 294 I Have Someone I Like

Chapter 294 I Have Someone I Like
Leisurely watching the fans of the two sides face off, and suddenly found that he was also picked up by the fans of T1 to fight, Lin Cheng's mood improved inexplicably.

It's not that Lin Cheng likes to be scolded.

But once someone attacks him, many KT fans immediately come out to charge for him with high intensity.

Not a bad feeling.

As a professional player, the most fearful thing is that when others criticize you, even your own fans can't refute it.

That means that you are really blind to see.

On the second day, the entire KT team filmed the promotional video for the final together at the base.

Because of the epidemic, the contestants did not need to shoot outdoors for the promotional video of the finals. They simply completed their own part of the filming at both bases, and the official will complete the post-production.

It took a whole day to shoot the promotional video. On the next day, the entire KT team kept their positions and waited for the decisive battle.

It's not that Kang Dongxun didn't want to make an appointment for a training match at the last moment.

At present, except for the two teams that have been confirmed to advance to the finals in the LCK, most of the other teams are on vacation, and it is difficult to make an appointment for a training match.

The reason why most teams are said is because there are indeed two teams in the LCK that did not have a holiday.

That is GRF and HLE who are determined to participate in the relegation competition.

However, the competitiveness of these two teams this year is really too bad, and it is not very meaningful to play training games with them as a reference.

A team that wants to compete for the championship, but also wants to improve its tactical ability while playing training matches against the relegation zone teams?

If you don't integrate into the segment smoothly, you will be successful.

Playing RANK all day from morning to night, Lin Cheng hardly had a break except for meal time, and he didn't finish ranking until nine o'clock in the evening.

Today his record is not very good, his RANK points dropped from 1600 to 1450 after playing for a day, and he gave up his original top position in Hanbok.

In fact, Lin Cheng has never cared about the level of RANK points, otherwise he would have switched to another trumpet to play, because now he often adds a dozen or twenty points for a win, and sometimes even loses forty points for a loss. point.

This is also the reason why some players will immediately change numbers to play after scoring their scores. This unique compensation mechanism makes it very difficult for the top players to widen the gap with the lower echelons.

Cuzz is now at the top of the list with 1521 points, and among the top ten is Cuzz who ranks sixth with 1384 points.

I have to say that Cuzz in RANK is really fierce, and it is completely different from the submissive player on the field who is dubbed ICU by fans.

Although one day's points were lost, Lin Cheng didn't care too much.

He knew that his condition was fine, it was purely because the teammates he met today were not good people, either he would send him off as soon as he was at a disadvantage, or he would start trilingual interaction while typing.

Most of the time, the high-end game of Hanbok was harmonious, but there were also times when they quarreled and took out the garbage frantically, which made Lin Cheng very upset.

"Hey! Lin Cheng lost a lot today, I didn't gain as much as you did."

Lin Cheng complained: "The main reason is that I always encounter teammates playing snakes. After the lineup is selected, I feel that I can't play. Another time I encountered Faker's bull head."

Expressed sympathy for Lin Cheng's encounter with Kuro, "I also met Faker. At that time, he insisted on making room for me, and then he went to play bull head support and sent him into a ghost."

Lin Cheng deeply felt the same way, "Don't tell me, the people in T1 are always playing snakes with rank, Faker with support, and Teddy with top lane.

Kuro chuckled, "The next time you want to score higher, you can play duo, at least the duo lineup is guaranteed."

"Okay, next time we'll score in double row. If the lineup is not good, you can do it in seconds."

Kuro: "..."

Am I your second game tool man?
Talking and laughing, Lin Cheng quit the game and ran to catch up with an episode.

Seeing that it was already ten o'clock in the evening, Lin Cheng bid farewell to his teammates and returned to the dormitory.

While washing, Lin Cheng heard the phone ringing outside.

While brushing his teeth, Lin Cheng stepped out to look at the phone beside the bed.

It's my mother's phone.

"Hey, mom."

Lin Cheng held the toothbrush in his right hand, picked up the phone with his left hand, and answered vaguely.

"Son, are you sick? What's the matter with the voice?"

Lin Cheng quickly spit out the foam in his mouth, "No, I'm brushing my teeth."

Only then did Mother Lin feel relieved, her tone was a little unclear, "Your eldest cousin is getting married soon, will you come back by then?"

"It depends, I can't come back here."

Lin Cheng replied casually, and then asked, "That's right! When will the big cousin decide to get married?"

"The year after next."


Lin Cheng was speechless, "Mom, it's not appropriate for you to use the word 'immediately' to describe what will happen next year?"

"Is this the point?"

Mother Lin was very dissatisfied, "Your eldest cousin is getting married, and you don't even have a girlfriend, can you be a little bit promising?"

Lin Cheng sighed, and finally understood what the hell he meant.

Cooperating with her side-talking, she was still urging herself to find a partner.

"Mom, don't worry about my business, I will take care of it."

"I don't care about what? I'm your mother, can I not worry about it? Can I not worry about you being alone and no one to take care of you? You have been out of shape since you were a child..."

Lin Cheng took the phone away, and waited until his mother calmed down before he said slowly, "Actually, I have someone I like."


Lin Cheng took a sip of water in his mouth, and while gurgling, he replied affirmatively, "Yeah."

In order to guard against his mother, last time he took a photo with Xiao Tong and Han Shuyan, it should be easy to fool his mother.

The question now is, which photo to send over?

After receiving Lin Cheng's confirmation, Lin's mother was so excited that she turned her head and shouted upstairs, "Old man Lin, I have a daughter-in-law!"


Lin Cheng sprayed water all over the floor, "You, what are you talking about?"

He never expected that he just threw out a sign, and his mother understood it in one step.

Mother Lin was about to speak when another call came in.

He didn't see who was calling, so Lin Cheng hurriedly got out of his shell.

"Mom, I have a call. Wait... no! Tomorrow... no! Let's talk in a few days."

Mother Lin was dissatisfied, "Is there anything better than..."

"It's your daughter-in-law's call." Lin Cheng interrupted.

"Okay, you are busy first, and Mom will hang up first." Lin's mother immediately became very talkative.

Lin Cheng let out a long sigh of relief.

really!The greatest pressure often still comes from my parents.

Only then did Lin Cheng take a careful look at the screen, it was Han Shuyan's call.


Hearing Han Shuyan's soft voice, Lin Cheng couldn't help laughing when he thought of the battle of wits and courage with his mother just now.

"what happened?"

Han Shuyan was puzzled, not knowing why he suddenly laughed.

"Sister Shuyan."


"My mother will definitely like you very much."


(End of this chapter)

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