This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 295 It's all finals, still messing up?

Chapter 295 It's all finals, still messing up?

Saturday, April 4, the weather was fine.

"Well, you obviously went to bed so early last night, why do you still feel a little sleepy?"

Rubbing his eyes, Lin Cheng turned over with difficulty and got up.

After shaking his dizzy head, Lin Cheng sat on the edge of the bed for a long time before recovering, and groped to the bathroom with a yawn.

Looking at the handsome face in the mirror, Lin Cheng patted his cheek with cold water.

"Come on! Today is the final."

At [-]:[-] in the afternoon, the whole team boarded the bus and rushed to LOL PARK, the venue for today's competition.

Seoul, Jongno District.

Looking up at the sharp-edged Grand Seoul Building, the glass walls reflected sunlight, making Lin Cheng narrow his eyes slightly.

"I really miss the feeling of playing here."

Kuro complained: "You only played two games here, how can you have so many emotions?"

Lin Cheng retorted: "It's three games. I played three games here before turning it into an online game."

"Okay, don't worry about these things, hurry up."

Lin Cheng then followed his teammates to the third floor from the entrance.

Passing by the legendary hall full of player posters again, I couldn't help but take another look at the blank wall behind.

Lin Cheng told Kuro when he first came here that he wanted to engrave his name here.

So, let’s start my legendary road with this champion first.

As the LCK that has held the title of the "First Division" for a long time, today's final naturally does not lack attention.

Before the game, the commentary seats of each language stream gave their respective predictions of the results.

Voting for the Hangeul Stream has been overwhelmingly one-sided.

8: 2.

Even if KT has double-killed their rivals in the regular season this season, KT is still the underdog.

Only Pawn, who once played for KT, and Yoon Subin, the new host of the analysis desk, believed that KT could beat T1. Other guests and commentators were unanimously optimistic that T1 would win the ninth league championship trophy in team history.

No way, BO5's T1 will always be looked down upon.

Although T1 was double-killed by KT in the regular season, BO5 can be said to be another game to a large extent.

Last spring, SKT was double-killed by GRF in the regular season, but this did not prevent them from easily sweeping their opponents 3:0 in the final.

The voting for the English stream was completely opposite to that of the Korean stream.

Except for SKT celebrity Bang Xiansen who is a temporary guest who is optimistic about T1, all other guests including Core JJ and the English stream commentator are optimistic that KT will finally win the championship.

Even former SKT captain and C9's meritorious coach Reapered is more optimistic about KT.

This season, KT and Lin Cheng have gained a large number of fans in English streaming.

Although North American and some European teams played stinky and procrastinated, it did not prevent their audience from preferring KT's entertaining style of play.

Voting on the Chinese side will be much more humane.

After Zeyuan predicted that Brother Li would win the Nine Crowns, other LPL commentators turned to support their compatriot Lin Cheng, optimistic about KT's smooth coronation.

At [-]:[-] in the afternoon, half an hour before the game was about to start, Lin Cheng got some oolong news in the lounge.

The opponent of KT in this game, the T1 team did not arrive at the competition venue within the specified time. Although it did not have any impact on the preparation process of the game, Riot officials still decided to punish T1.

The penalty is that in the first round of BP in the first game of BO5, T1 will be fined two BAN positions.

"Late? Such a low-level mistake?"

Kang Dongxun confirmed Lin Cheng's doubts.

"Yo ho! Is there such a good thing?"

Aiming is very happy. Lin Cheng alone can get a lot of fixed BAN slots, and the impact of losing two BANs on the other side is really too big.

Lin Cheng waved his hand, "No, no, we can't take advantage of this."

Teammates all looked over.

It's fist punishment, you guys talk like we're playing tricks.

Lin Cheng was well-founded, "Think about it, originally we didn't need the opponent to give up the ban position at all, but nothing is absolute. What if the opponent lost two ban positions and we still lost in the first round? Would it be very difficult? Awkward?"

Aiming nodded: "It's really embarrassing, what should I do?"

"Let me tell you..."

As the opening approached, players from the two teams waited at the entrance of the channel under the prompt of the staff.

"Yo hoo! Pu Chengchen, today's makeup is pretty good."

"Really? We're late today. The makeup artist moves very quickly, and I'm still worried that I won't be on camera."

"You only have one BAN position in the first round, what are you going to BAN?"

"I don't know, you have to ask the coach."

Except for the top laner, the two sides are both old players, and they knew each other even if they were not familiar with each other, and chatted without saying a word.

Through the conversations of the players, it is easy to see the character of the T1 players.

Teddy has a more active personality and is very familiar with everyone. He even told Lin Cheng that his sword girl played very well and that he would make a solo appointment when he had time.

Faker is obviously the player who has played T1 for the longest time, but he is obviously not as relaxed as Teddy. He only simply greeted KT players, and only Kuro could talk to him without nutrition for a while.

And Canna was also very interesting, and asked Lin Cheng if he could choose a tank hero today, so that everyone can hang out together so that they don't fight so fiercely.

Lin Cheng just laughed.

No bro!Are you still in the finals?
In the live broadcast room of Huya, today's commentary is Zeyuan and remember this ace partner.

Remember: "Here we come! Who can sit on the throne of the LCK in the spring of 2020? We are about to bring you the final of the LCK Spring Split. The two sides are T1 and KT. This is also the third news agency battle this year. "

Zeyuan: "Today's game can be said to be full of highlights. It is the ninth time for the big devil Faker to attack the LCK league championship. If he wins today, it will be the second time for him to achieve the LCK league three consecutive championships. It is really very special. A horrible thing."

Remember: "It is worth mentioning that this is also the first season for Brother Cheng to debut in KT, I believe this will never be the last time for Brother Cheng to stand on the stage of the finals.

But in the first year, he will challenge the most legendary player in the League of Legends in the finals. Today, I am afraid that Brother Chengzi will also be under pressure. "

Zeyuan: "It's okay! After all, it's not a matchup player. Many new players who were known as genius mid laners faced SKT. When they saw the ID of the opponent's mid laner, they would not play the game. Brother Chengzi doesn't have to worry about the opponent's ID. pressure."

I remember laughing and teasing: "Kuro said that little brother, you can give me peace of mind to operate in the top lane, and leave it to me in the middle lane, and promise to bring Faker to play together."

"You're too messed up, what are you doing together? Kuro has really performed really well this season."

Zeyuan has reasons: "After all, this KT team is not all rookies like last year's Griffin. The big brothers in the team are very experienced, and there should be no one-sided situation like last year's finals."

Remember: "Here we come! The opening ceremony is about to begin, and we will hand over the screen to the director."

(End of this chapter)

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