This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 296 The Great War Begins

Chapter 296 The Great War Begins
Before the opening ceremony, the director screen released the opening title of this year's final promotional film.

The beginning of the promotional video is very depressing. Under the dim tone, there are tall buildings shrouded in darkness. Only a glimmer of light can make out the outline of the tall buildings.

The picture shakes as if it is being torn apart, and the streets of the city are empty.

The lens turns.

Scenes of news anchors broadcasting the epidemic appeared one by one.

Affected by the epidemic, traditional sports such as volleyball, basketball, and football have been empty.

Then the camera cuts to the LOL PARK, the venue for the LCK.

LOL PARK, which was originally full of voices, also turned off the lights and came to a standstill.

The big screen lights up the logos of the LCK stars and eagles, but there is no light source other than that.

The dark scene was empty, and the backs of the neatly arranged seats were also printed with the star and eagle logos, and the backs of the chairs reflected white light slightly.

The camera turned again, dark clouds enveloped the sky, and thunder flashed.

A depressing vision of doomsday.

Then the camera went black, and two words appeared.

A twilight emerged, and a tall figure appeared in the city shrouded in dark clouds.

The camera zoomed in, and the man was completely covered by the mecha, slowly spreading his palms.

A futuristic pitch-black Rubik's Cube slowly emerged in his hands, and white light paths walked on the Rubik's Cube.

The Rubik's Cube zoomed in, and the man stretched out his fingers covered in the metal luster of the mecha and touched it lightly.

The Rubik's Cube is like a kindling injected with energy, and it lands in the center of the city.

The high-rise buildings are lit with dots of light, the darkness is gradually dispelled, and the streets are intertwined with light and shadow.

After another paragraph of text, the originally low-pitched background music suddenly became louder.

T1's team logo appeared, Faker crossed his arms and looked directly at the camera.

Then switch sides, Canna, Cuzz, Teddy, Effort appear in turn.

Then there are KT players.

Also on the screen first was mid laner Kuro, and then Lin Cheng who was looking sideways at the camera.

After Bono, Aiming, Tusin, and KT players all appeared on the stage, the screen cut back to the city with lights on.

On both sides of the figure in the mech, two buildings faced each other.

One with the T1 team logo on, and one with the KT team logo on.

The title ended, and what followed was a verbal confrontation between the two contestants.

"Everyone has worked hard this year, but we will not disappoint the expectations of KT fans, and we will definitely win the final championship."

Kuro, who was the first to appear, stood in front of the camera with a very serious expression.

After Kuro finished speaking, the director immediately gave a wonderful shot of him in the game. It was the Syndra who had retreated from the weak three times.

As soon as the screen turned, Cuzz appeared in the camera.

"I'm sorry, KT fans may really be disappointed this time, we have already figured out a way to beat KT."

Bono immediately came out to laning: "Oh? Many opponents said before that they found a way to beat us, but it's a pity that we haven't been defeated until now."

The screen cuts to Teddy, "As long as the opponent's ace is surprised, we will win the final. Although Cheng is very strong, I think Canna can fully beat him."

At this time, Lin Cheng appeared in the camera and sneered.

"What kind of nonsense is this? Why can't I understand?"

Canna: "Wow~~~ If contestant Cheng doesn't understand, then I'll show him how good I am."

The players on both sides just came and went to express their confidence, until finally, Faker ended with a cruel sentence:
"I have beaten Kuro many times before, and this time I will still win."

Because of this promotional video, Huya's barrage has exploded.

"This promotional video is not bad, please bring it into production."

"The front looks like a sci-fi movie. Brother Chengzi is really handsome."

"It's too real to let the opponent's trump card have an accident."

"Brother Cheng is still arrogant, what kind of nonsense is this? I don't understand, 2333."

"Brother Li is too much, you can't tell me when you curse, I beat Kuro many times, Kuro doesn't want to lose face?"

"Brother Chengzi rushed to the duck! There is no joke in the world."

"Guapi: I took away countless talented mid laners, you mere... oh! This is a top laner? That's okay."

The promotional video ended and the opening ceremony officially began.

Rap singer Mushvenom appeared in the backstage of the LCK broadcast. As the music played, he pressed the hand sanitizer on the table next to him and rubbed his hands.

Whether it is a promotional video or the opening ceremony, LCK officials have obviously added elements of publicity and prevention.

Then, Mushvenom took the microphone from the young lady who was working in front of the relay station next to her.

Why is it so noisy?

Why are you so noisy?

Can't see John Cena ahead?
So are you going to watch the LCK together?

LOL and LCK debut
Dulululu KT Dudong debut
The adapted song "Dud Dong Debut" instantly ignited the Korean stream and the English stream live room.

''The bullet screen frantically swipes the screen.

This song, which sounds like potato stew sauce, is an advertisement song for the mobile game version of Genting Zhiyi in South Korea. Because it is too brainwashing, the name of this song has become a super popular meme in the LCK.

The Chinese stream viewers didn’t understand this stalk, so it’s not enough to get it, but Bono in the background didn’t know if it was to relieve the tension, but he looked at the screen and shouted potato stew sauce there.

Lin Cheng was not very interested in these brainwashing songs, "It's so-so, next time I'll play "The Most Dazzling National Style" for you, it's also very brainwashing."

Kuro: "I like Tian Xiaojuan's Akali more, it would be great if she was invited."

"Haha! I also like Tian Xiaojuan, her Chinese name is very down-to-earth."

Lin Cheng was about to tease Kuro, when he suddenly found that Brother Li on the other side of the passage seemed to be listening carefully, and his body was still shaking slightly.

Is Brother Li also good at this?

Then if I play "The Most Dazzling Famous Family Style" to him, won't it make him feel good?

Singer Mushvenom walked and sang, from the backstage of the LCK broadcast all the way to the game stage.

The lights at the scene flickered wildly, and countless images of little penguins appeared on the big screen and on the ground. Those who didn't know it thought it was a disco scene.

Finally, the singing is over.

The KT logo appeared on the central screen of the scene, and the KT player channel picture appeared on the side screen.

Everyone in KT who got the reminder put away their foolish looks, and waited for their appearance in a serious manner.

As the top laner, Lin Cheng naturally stood at the forefront of the team.

"Maybe at the beginning, when Chengzi officially announced that he would join KT, everyone didn't realize what he would bring to KT."

Zeyuan couldn't help feeling emotional at this time: "It's the Chinese top laner, and KT's seemingly incomprehensible signing operation, which made them reborn this spring. Now they are already one of the best teams in the LCK."

I remember and feel emotional: "This is a story of a newcomer, and it is also a story of a group of old people. You must know that the average age of the five starting KT players is over 23 years old, and it is the team with the oldest average age in the entire LCK. On to the final stage.

After Kuro left ROX, he met Faker again in the final. He said in an interview that this year is his last year to compete in the arena. Lian is old, can he still have a meal? "

(End of this chapter)

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