Chapter 297 Is this KT?
At the prompt of the host, Lin Cheng took the lead on the stage and stood to the side of the stage.

It was still the familiar yet unfamiliar circular stage, but there were no cheers and support signs from the audience.

Instead, there are paper figures with photos and names printed on them in the auditorium.

When the final was determined to be an offline match without spectators, fans from both sides signed up to make paper figurines with their images and names printed on them, and the officials arranged these paper figurines at the competition site as a witness of the final.

This can be regarded as making up for the regret that some fans could not go to the scene.

Hmm~~~ Although the scene full of paper figures does look a bit hellish.

Lin Cheng couldn't help turning his head to look behind him.

In the center of the ring-shaped competition seats, the silver championship trophy full of lines shines brightly under the lights.

"TOP: Cheng."

The on-site host began to introduce the players' positions and IDs, and Lin Cheng's tall and straight figure appeared on the big screen.

He raised his chin slightly towards the camera.

Even without the cheers and cheers from the audience, he was still full of confidence.

"Damn it! I want to fencing with Brother Chengzi!"

"Brother Cheng is really handsome, and his figure doesn't look like a teenager with an internet addiction."

"Why do you seem to have dark circles under your eyes? Did you not rest?"

"The T1 opportunity came. Brother Chengzi stayed up late and was in poor condition, and was severely beaten by Kang Najiang."

"Are you thinking of farting? Brother Cheng can beat Canna on the ground even if he masturbates for three days and three nights."

"With so many paper figurines, can the LCK order some things from Yangjian?"

"Jungle: Bono."

Bono, who was on the final stage for the first time, seemed a little nervous, and waved his hand stiffly at the face-to-face camera.

"Mid: Kuro."

Kuro nodded very casually. Although he didn't win many championships, he still has a lot of experience in the finals.

Aiming and Tusin also looked very calm, after all, they are both players who have participated in the World Championship.

After introducing the KT players, the five starters from T1 also appeared on the other side of the stage.

When the on-site host introduced the T1 players, Lin Cheng suddenly lost his mind for no reason.

Hmm~~~ Not having a live audience is not entirely a bad thing.

You see, Faker has so many fans, doesn't he still not cheer?
After all the contestants were introduced, the two sides walked to the center of the stage and stood facing each other with their backs leaning on their respective competition seats.

Ten people surrounded the championship trophy in the center of the stage, their eyes seemed to collide fiercely.

The camera moved around the field, recording the facial expressions of the contestants one by one, and frozen this meaningful moment.

After the appearance procedures are completed, the contestants each sit on the competition seats.

Zeyuan: "Here we come! The game is about to start. The last time the two sides met in the finals was back in the spring of 2017. At that time, KT was unfortunately defeated by SKT and let the second chase the third. Today, three years later, they Can revenge be accomplished?

Although all members of the KT team from three years ago have left the team, KT fans have waited for three years for this moment of revenge, and the club's grievances will not dissipate because of the replacement of players. "

Remember to answer: "Except for last year's sinking, before that, KT was almost always in the first echelon of the LCK, and it was a favorable contender for the league championship.

But very helpless, most of the time, KT eventually became a runner. Among them, SKT is definitely the biggest sufferer of KT. It is no wonder that KT fans are so hostile to SKT. "

Zeyuan: "The news agency war has never lacked stories. At the beginning of this year's spring split, everyone thought that KT would completely fall behind, but the addition of Brother Chengzi made KT full of vitality, and the suspense of the news agency war was also left behind. At the end, it's time for the final suspense to be revealed."

Remember: "At that time, no one expected that the Chinese top laner would rule the LCK's top lane ecology. I still look forward to the surprise that Brother Chengzi can bring us. Let's see if he can lead KT to overthrow the big devil. rule."

Zeyuan: "But at least there is good news for KT, as I told you before, T1 will be fined two ban positions in the first game due to the problem of being late, and the good start of BO5 is still very important. "

Before the words fell, the director cut to the selection screen.

At the beginning of BP, the first game of T1, which has the priority to choose the side, is the first to BAN and choose first on the blue side.

Remember: "T1 is on the blue side, so the impact of being penalized by two bans is relatively small. If the red side is fined two bans, it will be fatal."

"The impact is also great."

Zeyuan disagreed with his partner’s statement, “Although the blue team doesn’t have to bear the pressure of version heroes, it’s hard to limit Brother Cheng’s hero pool with only one BAN slot T1, and it’s unreasonable to only have one BAN slot for a hero like Qinggangying. But if you don’t get banned, you’ll feel bad again.”

28 seconds passed, the T1 player did not perform any operations, and the BAN position had a bye.

It is KT's turn to disable the hero on the red side.

The camera showed Lin Cheng, who was talking to his teammates and coaches.

Coach Kang Dongxun patted him on the shoulder, and Lin Cheng nodded slightly.

Still haven't given the BAN person for a long time.

Zeyuan: "KT's players are very cautious. Brother Cheng has been communicating with coaches and teammates about ban people. It seems that KT really attaches great importance to this final."

Remember: "Perhaps the fact that T1 was fined to be banned also caught KT by surprise. We delayed the ban until the last two seconds, and bought a little more time to think about the future BP."

However, until the last second, Lin Cheng still had no one to ban.

KT has an empty BAN.

Zeyuan: "This... Empty BAN! KT also chose Empty BAN when T1 was penalized for two ban slots! Wow! Really confident, it is impossible to say that Chengzi didn't find a hero, right? He must have done it on purpose."

Remember: "Yes! This style is Cheng Zige! Why should I take advantage of you when I can beat you with my strength? At worst, I will be empty BAN."

"Damn it! I'm a fan, and KT's hand is too handsome."

"Real men never take advantage of their opponents, let's have a real showdown!"

"My brother Chengzi won't be eaten by you!"

"The empty BAN, which is rare in a century, is actually enjoyable to watch once."

Because of Lin Cheng's empty BAN, there was an uproar in the Korean language commentary booth.

"Wow~~~~ Is this KT? Is this KT? Is this KT?"

Roaring emperor caster three consecutive "Is this KT?" couldn't hide his surprise.

CT let out a sigh of relief: "Too confident! As expected of KT, as expected of Cheng, the most aggressive player and the most aggressive team in the LCK this season! They believe that they don't need to get any extra from the BAN position help."

The English stream went crazy because of this empty BAN.

The two commentators of the LCK English stream are Lin Cheng's fans, and they are called Lin Cheng's dog legs by T1 fans, and now they are shamelessly blowing wildly.

Talking about chivalry, a duel between men, an upright man, etc., Lin Cheng would probably blush when he heard it.

(End of this chapter)

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