This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 298 If I lose, I eat the keyboard

Chapter 298 If I lose, I eat the keyboard
Generally speaking, the camera will move away immediately after the player's ban is completed, and show it to the next player who performs the ban.

But this time the director seemed to be shocked by Lin Cheng's empty-handed BAN. He didn't move the camera away for a long time, but instead zoomed in, so that everyone could see Lin Cheng's calm expression.

Another 28 seconds passed, and the second BAN position of the blue team still had a bye according to the penalty.

Similarly, Bono has no BAN people like Lin Cheng.

KT's second BAN bit still selects an empty BAN.

Zeyuan: "KT really brought back two BAN positions. This wave highlights a high EQ. We want to compete fairly."

Remember to tease: "What about low EQ? Low EQ means you look down on your T1?"

Zeyuan chuckled and refused to answer this dangerous topic.

"To be honest, it seems that everyone has two empty BANs, but KT is actually the one that suffers more from the red side. The strong heroes of the version must be released."

Remember to nod your head, "Look at how the only BAN slot on both sides was designed in the first round, how can we have to BAN a hero that the opponent is good at?"

Zeyuan: "Hey! Do you think T1 will not be banned in the third hand, and let another BAN go back to show generosity?"

I remember laughing: "That's impossible! It's really too messy! This way the BP link will lose its meaning, isn't it punching in the face? It must be a normal BP later on."

The third-hand BAN player starts, T1 chooses BAN on the blue side and loses Seti.

Remember: "Sett! T1 really likes the hero BAN on the blue side. It's really good to get Sett for the opponent if you don't grab it yourself. If your opponent has a Counter position, you can get this kind of hero. A three-way swing hero will make it hard for the blue side."

Zeyuan: "T1 also thinks very clearly. The two empty bans in front of KT means that the hero of the version will be released. If you don't say anything else, will you ban Aphelios? I will ban Seti first, and then I don't care about you There are many heroes in BAN that I can grab."

KT dropped Olaf with a backhand BAN, releasing almost all heroes.

T1 locks Aphelios in the blue square.

The red side begins to choose people.

Teammates and coaches had a heated discussion about whether to lock the prince to match the lineup first, or take the czar first to replace BAN.

Lin Cheng suddenly said, "Give me Irelia!"

Kang Dongxun ignored him, and Lin Cheng also played very well with Daomei in the training competition, but that was when he was given the counter position.

Even in the training match, KT never blindly played the sword girl on the first floor.

"Coach! I want to use Irelia."

Lin Cheng repeated.

Kang Dongxun thought about it, but he still felt that it would be better to wait until the next few moves before playing the sword girl.

After all, Kuro really doesn't play sword girls. This hand of sword girls shows up first, and there is no possibility of swaying at all. The opponent is too easy to target.

The middle road is actually okay, but Daomei goes out first on the first floor of the road, which is really a bit contemptuous.

This hero itself cannot lose the line. In case the whole crocodile and other heroes come out on the opposite side, and cooperate with the jungler to play twice, basically the whole game will not see Daomei.

Seeing that the coach ignored him, Lin Cheng set a flag, "Trust me, coach! If I lose, I will eat the keyboard."

"...That's not the case."

Generally speaking, the coach will not pour cold water on the players if they persist, but Kang Dongxun did not expect Lin Cheng to be so ruthless.

"Then you should lock it. If you are countered, you must do a good job of resisting the pressure, and you are not allowed to press the line without thinking."

Kang Dongxun knew the style of Lin Cheng's swordsman, which was why he didn't really want Lin Cheng to choose the swordsman.

His sword sister really beat too hard!

Don't treat your opponent as a human being at all.

Therefore, Lin Cheng directly locked Daomei on the first floor of the red square.

Zeyuan: "Here we come! We finally got to wait for you. We knew that Brother Chengzi's Daomei was very good before he came on stage, but we were always on the sidelines. We didn't expect to show up until the finals.

And she also went straight to the red square on the first floor of the blind sword girl, she is really confident.

I don’t care if the counter is not a counter. The last counter slot is reserved for teammates. Brother Chengzi tells you that Daomei is not afraid of counters. "

Remember to joke: "Don't expect us to wait for a long time, but it turns out that this is Kuro's single-handed girl."

Zeyuan also laughed, "That can't be it, Kuro hasn't punished the sword girl for a long time, it should be Brother Cheng's sword girl is fine."

"Damn it! Daomei is finally here!"

"Brother Chengzi rushes to the duck! My grandma always said that your Daomei is very strong."

"Wait for a violent blow! The time has come to overthrow T1's dominance."

"Finally waiting for you! Do you know how I spent this time?"

"Wait any longer, I'm afraid that Teacher Sun will take out Syndra and put Cheng Zi on the order, and Brother Cheng hasn't released Daomei yet."

After Daomei was locked, Senna appeared on the second floor of KT.

Entering the 10.7 version, everyone's priority for Senna is not so high, but it is still a strong AD choice, especially for KT.

Don't think that Senna can only be bullied below, this thing is not only very functional, but also has an extremely good line-playing ability in AD, that is, Poke flow Verus can stabilize one end.

T1 sacrificed the male gun Gaon on the blue side.

Zeyuan: "Oh? Men's gun? This year's LCK's first appearance of the men's gun should be taken out by Xiao Sprite ten days ago. In that game, the male gun was taken out and beaten violently. Let's see if Cuzz has any comments on the male gun today?
But if you think about it carefully, T1's male gun is really very thoughtful. Seeing Aoun, do you trolls take it?It's very hard for trolls to face male guns in the wild, and you'll be countered by me before your hero even comes out. "

Remember: "Yes! Looking at the entire playoffs, the troll should be regarded as the jungler with the highest overall BP rate in the LCK, and the male gun is indeed the counter choice of the troll. It seems that today T1 came prepared. "

Zeyuan: "Actually, in this year's version, the male gun is really suitable for the rhythm of the game. As a wild core big C, he is too fast to clear the jungle.

However, it is true that the male gun is weaker than the traditional rhythm jungler GANK. I don't know if this hero will appear more in the summer game. "

T1's male gun really caught KT by surprise. Everyone practiced behind closed doors and didn't know what the opponent was hiding.

Kuro: "Can the troll take it? If you take Kim Kibum down, you'll have to walk around the male gun in the wild."

Bono: "Let's take Troll, it's still very useful to fight Ornn and Aphelios in the later stage."

The character of the troll hero has not changed in any way, but he can always get a chance to play when the tank hero is strong, and Aphelios, a non-displacement AD, is also inherently restricted by the troll.

Lin Cheng encouraged: "What kind of troll do you want? You just choose a pig girl to drink soup behind me. If you defeat the opponent in the early stage, what are you thinking about in the later stage? You just squat behind and watch Brother Cheng kill the opponent alone and it's over." .”

"I'll lie down, Lin Cheng, you C."

Therefore, the red party locked up Miss Zhu in the third hand.

(End of this chapter)

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